First Lesson: Heads!
First Step
Draw a circle.It doesn't need to be perfect.
First Step
Draw a circle.It doesn't need to be perfect.
Second Step
Throw a line straight down the middle of the circle.Then add two more lines sideways that have the same space between each other. After the sideways lines, stretch the middle line to the same space between each sideways line.
Throw a line straight down the middle of the circle.Then add two more lines sideways that have the same space between each other. After the sideways lines, stretch the middle line to the same space between each sideways line.
Third Step
After the middle line has the same space between the sideways lines after it leaves the circle, draw another sideways line to tell you where the space ends.
Then, you draw sort of like an upside triangle starting from the far-away ends of the circle.
After the middle line has the same space between the sideways lines after it leaves the circle, draw another sideways line to tell you where the space ends.
Then, you draw sort of like an upside triangle starting from the far-away ends of the circle.
Last Step
Now start a line downwards from both ends of the circle. When you have the short downwards line made, let the line kinda like sink until it reaches
the tip of the upside down triangle. Now draw small circles below the second sideways line and above the bottom of the circle; this will represent the pupil of the eyes.. The eyes and hair are different lessons. Now erase the unnecessary lines and guides. Note: I forgot to add ears, ears are the same size as eyes. They are also supposed to be sideways to the eyes. Ta-da! You now have a head.
Now start a line downwards from both ends of the circle. When you have the short downwards line made, let the line kinda like sink until it reaches
the tip of the upside down triangle. Now draw small circles below the second sideways line and above the bottom of the circle; this will represent the pupil of the eyes.. The eyes and hair are different lessons. Now erase the unnecessary lines and guides. Note: I forgot to add ears, ears are the same size as eyes. They are also supposed to be sideways to the eyes. Ta-da! You now have a head.