Zaquiel - RPG Character Bio |
Name: Zaquiel
Race: Angel (Fallen Grigori)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'5"
Special Abilities: The ability to heal people, but not himself. The ability to enchant any weapon he forges. Limited empathic abilities.
General Blurb: He is or rather was the 15th highest ranking angel in his choir the Grigori. The Grigori were supposed to serve early humanity as their shepherds and as reservoirs of knowledge and information concerning the finer points of mortal civilisation and such. At this time the selflessness of the Grigori was beyond compare. They were not to be in involved in the affairs of mankind in any direct way what so every, nor where they permitted to interfere with mankind’s free will, just to observe them and help when necessary. Instead the Grigori deviated from the commands given to them and interacted with humanity, they also taught man the forbidden arts, and they taught them about science and magic. At the time the Grigori though little of what consequences these actions might have, had the Grigori not done this mankind would not be where it is now. However would this be a good or a bad thing? Who can know?
Though all angels are filled with Divine Grace of God, they are all eminently corruptible when they walk within the corporal world and in the company of mankind. The Grigori, the choir furthest from God, and closest to mankind proved that they were far more corruptible than others had anticipated or realised. Their zest for life on earth, turned out to be a stumbling block for them in spiritual terms. The relationships between mankind and the Grigori grew stronger over time. The Grigori for the most part neglected their heavenly duties and eventually these relationships they had forged with mankind took on an intimate nature and the monsterous race of giants known as the Nephallim were born from the sexual unions of mankind and Grigori. The Nephallim were destroyed and the Grigori were cast from heaven for the sin of Lust and for neglecting their heavenly duties. They were doomed never to return to heaven, and wander the earth until they are slain or the world ends.
It is impossible to even speculate the true number of Grigori that remain on earth as those that remain have become adept at hiding their presence, though guesses range from the zero to around about the 50 mark, a small number for what was once a 200 or more strong choir.
Zaquiel was slightly worse off that other member of his choir, not only had he taken a human lover and broken that unwritten rule he had taken a male lover and thus commited the ‘sinful’ act of sodomy. Zaquiel was glad he fell from grace in the long run, it gave him the freedom to love who he wanted without the worries of being watched over by others. Falling from grace set the angel free.
Zaquiel’s fall was long and painful, he like the other leaders of the choir where made examples of and matters were made worse for him by his close friend and confident the Seraphim Astaroth (who also later fell) betraying him. The story is not a pretty one but it will be told so you can better understand.
The first stirrings of the lust within Zaquiel happened within heaven. Over time the relationship between Zaquiel and Astaroth he become close the Grigori and the Seraphim had become all but inseparable, best friends, more like brothers. At this time Astaroth still had no humanoid form he still appeared as a flame wreathed winged serpent with six pairs of eyes. Zaquiel however did have his humanoid form at this point. While Zaquiel did his best to carry out his duties on earth he too felt the stirrings within him, feelings he should not be feeling towards one of the men that regularly sought council and guidance from him. Zaquiel returned to heaven for a short time to try and quell the feelings he had. This did not work, he then sought out his friend Astaroth and spoke with him at length about his plight, and admitted too that he had hoped that their might be more between them than just friendship. Astaroth, now at this point had a humanoid form and Zaquiel found that form fair and desirable. The lustful feelings within the angel grew and it became harder and harder for Zaquiel to control them. The Grigori that sought counsel and advice from Astaroth was not the Zaquiel that he remembered, not the pure being that he called brother. Astaroth pushed Zaquiel away and shunned him, Astaroth sensed that Zaquiel had started to fall and he wanted nothing to do with him any more.
Zaquiel was deeply hurt by Astaroth outright shunning of him, he came to Astaroth to seek help from the one angel he was closest too only to be rejected when he needed his help the most. Zaquiel returned to earth bitter and angry and also deeply upset. His emotions and feelings spiralled out of control and like so many others of his choir took a lover from mankind. The lover he took was none other than the mortal man that sought counsel from him on many occasions. They professed their love and desire of each other but this was to be their undoing, they would only spend one night together.
When Zaquiel left his lover’s side the following morning, he was captured by Astaroth and hauled before God to face his judgement. Zaquiel’s lover was slain, not by the angels but by mankind. To this day Zaquiel still believes that Astaroth had a hand in his lover’s murder, whether this is true or not is not known.
Zaquiel, like the other nineteen leaders of the Grigori where made examples of, and the whole choir cast out from heaven. As they fell to earth their wings blackened and the nimbuses that surround their heads, the sign of God’s Divine Grace, faded from sight. The other choirs where forbidden to speak with them, it would be as if the Grigori had never existed, as if there had only ever been seven choirs of angels.
In the early days Zaquiel set out on a path of vengeance, determined to track down and kill those responsible for his lover’s death. He was talked out of it by others of his choir, saying that it would be better to try and blend in with mankind and make the most of their lot. To live their lives as they wanted to, free from the commands from on high. Zaquiel took this advice to heart and became a teacher and counsellor to those who sought him out as well as taking on a blacksmith’s trade.
To this day he still plies his trade as a blacksmith, forging metal items to order be it blade or horseshoe. He resides in a sanctuary known as Carpe Noctum, tucked away between the folds of reality within a nexus realm. A place connected to nowhere but everywhere at the same time. Here he has found solace, a life free from those who would have him dead for some reason or another, a place where he can be true to himself and love who he wants. Zaquiel did not take another lover after his first for fear of mankind turning against them again.
Before falling

After Falling

Obligatory Fanservice Pic