Name: Merlix Enuda
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 155 lbs
Allignment: good
Race: Full blooded Demon Deity
Family: mother/Terrisa Rekokue
father/Gantokoo Enuda
Primary weapon: Skull Ronin katana with leather wrapped hilt and a string of leather tied onto the scabbard. {No Name}
Secondary weapon: Claymore broadsword with 3 inch wide/ 4 1/2 foot blade. {Excalibur}
Speacial weapon: 5ft, double edge clever-like katana with angel/demon wing guard, has the ability to change into any other weapon {Zarakantai}
Guns: .45 magnum revolver [broken butterfly], a .12 .GA, 10 round. double barrel shotgun[twin serpant], and a U.V. bullet .45[ artemis]
Fighting style:
Drunken Fist: Taught to him by his father back in Ireland.
Monkey Style: Taught to him by his Grandpa from his mothers side, master Gin-Fang Rekokue.
Street fighting: He picked these up from basic self defense crap and beating people in the streets with his insane dance moves.
First Appearence: Normal Outfit

Second Appearence: Bandit Outfit

Details: He usually wears a jacket or vest.
he also has a guantlet on his right hand and shin-guard leather buckled boots.
Last Appearence: Monkey King

Details: Has a red guantlet and red claws on his right arm, and a larger left shoulder pad.
A huge zipper is located on his torso and has two belts around his waist.
Has long leather boots that go up to under his knees with red straps and buckles on them.
He also has monkey ears and a tail.
Cocky, kinda annoying, almost smarter than Neirukue, and is a player[as in he tries to pick up chicks all the time], acts stupid, and is sorta egotistacal
Likes: wemon, alcohol, pizza, heavy metal, weapons, fighting
Dislikes: people who act like total douch bags, evil demons
bio:he has known nei since they were just kids, and when neis mother was murdered when they were 16, he decided to help him on his quest to find the one responsible, and have fun doing it.
4th Rpc
Name: Shinto
Age: 17
height: 5' 9"
weight: 165 lbs
Allignment: good
Race: half vampire, the other half is unknown for now
Family: mother/ [vampire queen] father/ [unknown] siblings/ [changes depending on which rp im in]
Friends/Allies: neirukue [see rpc pro.] canodai [see rpc pro.] dani [see rpc pro.]
merlix [see rpc pro.] damien [see rpc pro.]
Primary weapon: his own custom made devil arm katana [Anokora]
Secondary weapon: a staff that can separate into twin bades [[Devontara]]
Speacial weapon: anceint vampire weapon [[Soul Reaver]]
Guns: No stock short berrel MP5. 5 shot 500 revolver with hollow tip bullets.
Fighting style:
Kenpo: Taught to him by the slave masters of the organization.
Shoutan: Taught to him by the slave masters of the organization.
Brazillian Judo: Take down moves programed into his brain.
First Appearence: Normal Outfit

he doesnt have that knee pad
also has diffetent shoes
Second Appearence: Night Assassins Outfit

Details: No extra details.
Final Appearence: Soul of Raziel, Vampire Form

Details: Has 2 extra wings.
His skin is not blue or pale, and his eyes glow grey with energy seeping out of them.
Personallity: is always cold to his enemies, but is nice and very compassionate to others who have done no wrong
Likes: guitar, heavy metal, beer, wine
Dislikes: demons, the organization who ruined his life
his mother had an affair with a human and thus shinto was born, his birth name was Tanodai, and so far, he was treated with love from his mother, even though he was a half breed
but, his sisters grew jealous, and hated him, so they didnt hesitate when a strange man came to them asking to sell Tanodai to an evil organization
when he was 5, they did just that, and ever since then, his life was filled with nothing but anguish and torment
he was tortured and experimented apon to create the ultimate hybrid weapon, and had many painful surgeries to do so
and, everyone had told and convinced him, that it was his mothers doing
one day, he snapped, and broke free from his tormentors, killing many of the people who worked there, and had changed his name to Shinto
he spent so much time looking for his mother, thinking that it was her who did this to him, but when they finally met, it was clear it was not her doing
Nakoontai had came and admitted to his horrible doings, and ever since then, he had devoted his life to killing him for what he had done, and what he had almost made shinto do
his companion
Name: Blade
Age: unknown
height: [[up to shoulder]] 3' 2"
weight: 137 lbs
Allignment: good
Race: wolf demon
Family: Shinto/ [[theyre like brothers]] Father/ deceased mother/deceased
Friends/Allies: shinto[see rpc pro] neirukue[see rpc pro] canodai[see rpc pro]
Primary weapon: claws and fangs
Secondary weapon: a famberge he holds in his mouth to fight [[no name]]
Speacial weapons: 2 devil arm scimitars he uses his aura to use in battle [[still thinking]]
Guns: shoots out energy into different elements out of his mouth
Fighting style: none in particullar, mostly random attack at his enemies
First Appearence: Wolf Pup

Details: Has the same colors and markings as his other form.
He rarely takes this form less to people he knows [[mostly wemon >>]]
or to use it as a distraction and a false sense of security for his enemies, then he kills them
Second Appearence: Wolf Form

not much different from the pic, only he has a scar on his right ear
Final Appearence: Cerebus Form

Details: same markings as other two forms with demon wings expanding from his back
[[In most rps]]
is mostly calm, and wise too, doesnt get angry easily, but doe get a tad irritated to people being stupid
[[in some rps]]
hes kind, a lil rough housey and playful, he acts cute except when someone is in danger or he is fighting
Likes: raw meat, alchohol [[yes]], nice soft places he can lay down in
Dislikes: jerk a** people, some cat demons, vampires [cept shinto of course]
BIO [[2 different ones]]
Bio 1: Long time ago, when Shinto was still in the clutches of the evil organization, Blade, was also in it, being tortured and tested on like Shinto.
They new each other in the organization, and were actually not to bad of friends, so when Shinto decided to get out, he also stoped t help Blade.
Blade was greatful to him and decided to help him through his journy and aid him in battles.
Bio 2: After Shinto got out of the organization, he was a traveler, trying to find a place where he couldnt be found.
he came to a city and sonn found Blade as a pup, alone and hungry. Shinto took it apon himself to help to take him in and take care of him.
ever since then they had been insepratable, and were together and were like brothers despte being different species of wolf and half vampire.