Aura Drakkaren is the daughter of a powerful vampire lord. She is a powerful warrioress with the power of empathy and the power to become invisible. Her coven has been at war with werewolves for centuries, she was the most skilled and deadly of the warriors within their army. Even though her father loved her dearly he had her exiled when her and her lover, the leader of the werewolves were found together by her fathers loyal servant. Her beloved was captured once more and she thought of him as dead.Ever since that day, a mere two centuries ago, she has been wandering the Earth in lonesome, fighting those who dare challenge her, getting used to the ever changing ways of the humans around her.
Feel free to be her long lost lover who was thought dead, perhaps another warrior, a mere human who happens to run across her path and falls in love, or attempts to destroy her, or even another supernatural being, evil or good. (male or female welcome to respond to this and all starters i have.)
is0lat3d_beauty · Sun Sep 20, 2009 @ 03:06am · 0 Comments |