sorry for loving hetalia so much LOL

"Kol, Kol, Kol"
Name: Ivan Krol
Age: Wouldn't you like to know. Aha..haha..kol.
Sex: Male.
Height: 6'5''
Powers: His стальная труба (steel pipe) can change into various weapons, along with his incredible haphazard and nonhuman strength and tyrannical way of of playing cat and mouse with his victim. Ivan also has the ability to control a person using the blood they splatter, which comes in handy if a student is extra rowdy. It may just be a personality flaw or an actual power, but he can scare just about anyone. Species Unknown.
About Myself:
Ah, hello there, dear friend. My name is Ivan, you see, hmm. I was born in Russia, it was very cold there, barren and most of the people near me seemed do...drop like daisies, aha...hah..KOL. Actually, I'm more of a sunflower person. I wish to live in a world where I live with the people I love, in a warm sunny place, filled with sunflowers and happiness.
Although...anyone who defies me will be.. harmed, to put it lightly. While I wait for that day, I am an official at the Dream Academy. It is a charming place, although I have had to put down various kids. It is usually not hard, and most of the time they come back alive, although...aha...ha...kol, kol, kol...
I hope this year is very pleasing to everyone. You will all enjoy, da?

You twit!
Name: Arthur Kirkland
Age:Huh, that's proper rude, git. Let's just say I'm 23.
Sex: Male.
Height: 5'9''
Powers: He seems to use black magic to his bidding, although he also can control one's mind, causing severe damage to the psyche, as well as the person in general. What makes him an Official is that he can bring down a person so much, that if a student can't control their powers, Arthur can.
About Myself: Get out of my face!

I'm the Hero!
Name: Alfred F. Jones
Age: I'm 19! Ha ha!
Sex: Male.
Height: 5'9'' and a half.
Powers: Alfred can annoy a person to death. Just kidding, well, maybe. Even though he is young, he can do just as well as Alfred or Ivan. He can take barriers down, and withstand mostly anything, making him compatible with mostly any official to bring a student down.
About Myself: Heya! My name is Alfred, and I really like hamburgers! Yes! They are the best! I always suggest the best plans for the Officials, and I'm a graduate here so I know the school a lot. I'm young, but don't judge me because I'm always the her-- Hey! Where are you going with the camera! Heeey!!--

Ah, excuse me.
Name: Arien Love
Age: Much too old, gah.
Sex: Male
Height: 5'4''
Powers: Arien has the most power in all of the officials, and is probably why he does not usually come out. He is for taking down seniors, when he himself graduated many years ago. Besides his strength which could probably surpass Ivan easily, he has mastered telekinesis, uses his trusty katana, and the strength of nature to do his bidding. His current specialty is wind and electricity.
About Myself: My name is Arien. I am considered the top Official, albeit, I do not seem to fight very often. I train though. I aspire to be a teacher in the academy. Ah... I have to say personal things?
I enjoy walking around the school and decorating. I was born in Greece and my blood type is AB.-- Ah, too personal, you say? My apologies.
I would like to visit the students more. Usually I stay at home and read. Please feel free visit if you run out of tea, as my quantity seems to increase every time i find a new type.