s y r u p covered c h i c k i e s

Welcome to my Quest thread my name is pancakes and I am questing chicky slippers as well as a few other chicky items. I have all of the chicky items but I am always up for doubles and so forth. Please stick around I swear I'm not always this boring XD I understand that not everyone enjoys donating but simple gestures like bumping and chatting is always welcomed here.


Name; Felicia
Nick names; princess, pancakes, pan, pan pan, panny, cakes
Siblings; three plus a brother in law & a sister in law
Relationship Status; Single but not looking
Age; 18 going on 19
My name is Felicia or princess pancakes. I live in NY state with my mother and brother along with his wife and baby. I am a senior in high school and I just want to get out! There are a million things on gaia that I want right now but one of the few items that I have wanted since I fist joined gaia is haunting me. So I decided to quest for it .. the ULTIMATE CHICKY SLIPPERS! They are totally expensive but adorable so I am going to try for them because I really want them. Any and All donations will be accepted. I am slightly psychotic but fun to be around so please help me at least by hanging out and chatting that way you'll make gold too c: I love to read especially vampire stories so if you know any give me a holla xD I really am a nice person I donate when I can but lately I haven't been able to though I do sneak in 20k items now and then it cheers me up to make others happy.

Nick names; princess, pancakes, pan, pan pan, panny, cakes
Siblings; three plus a brother in law & a sister in law
Relationship Status; Single but not looking
Age; 18 going on 19
My name is Felicia or princess pancakes. I live in NY state with my mother and brother along with his wife and baby. I am a senior in high school and I just want to get out! There are a million things on gaia that I want right now but one of the few items that I have wanted since I fist joined gaia is haunting me. So I decided to quest for it .. the ULTIMATE CHICKY SLIPPERS! They are totally expensive but adorable so I am going to try for them because I really want them. Any and All donations will be accepted. I am slightly psychotic but fun to be around so please help me at least by hanging out and chatting that way you'll make gold too c: I love to read especially vampire stories so if you know any give me a holla xD I really am a nice person I donate when I can but lately I haven't been able to though I do sneak in 20k items now and then it cheers me up to make others happy.

Q U E S T I N G!
I am going to try and quest for chicky slippers. I hope I can have enough will power because they are just the cutest


All my lovely donations will be listed a long with the person who sent them to me. Thank you so much in advance <333
1. None Yet!