We must all celebrate this wonderful man and buy him cake.
I wish I could visit his grave to give him the cake. :c
I bet he'd like it. c:
Anyways. He inspired me with a lot of things, like my urge to play the piano and the urge to get into music.
He was really good looking.
He started The Bealtes, which was nice of him. XD
And ended it.
And good to Sean.
And he wrote some of the most beautiful songs EVERRRRR~!
Today at lunch I sang him Happy Birthday.
I need to do something for him tonight. Like. Make a sign and take it to homecoming.
I'm chaning my last name to Lennon for the day. c:
And walk around singing "Give Peace a Chance"
John was my favorite Beatle tied with Paulie.
I am the Walrus. Goo Goo Ga Joob.
I like Yoko.
You'll be in our hearts FOREVER heart
Beautimus Pictures!~ What a stud. heart

Now for some videos. c:
Beautiful Boy
Oh Yoko!
Dear Yoko
How do You Sleep?
Jealous Guy
Just Like Starting Over
Whatever Gets You Thru the Night
Merry Xmas (The War is Over)
Instant Karma
Give Peace a Chance!
Beatles Songs By John c: :
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds &3
Julia &3
I am the Walrus &3
Sexy Sadie &3
A Hard Day's Night &3
Across the Universe &3
All You Need is Love &33
Ballad of John and Yoko &33
Because &33
Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite
Come Together
Dear Prudence
Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey
Girl <33
Glass Onion<33
Happiness is a Warm Gun
Hello Little Girl <33
Help! <33
Hey Bulldog
I Should Have Known Better <33
I'm Happy Just to Dance With You <33
I'm So Tired <33
Nowhere Man <33
Please Please Me! <33
Revolution <33
Run For Your Life <33
Strawberry Fields Forever <33
Tomorrow Never Knows <333
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away <33
Phew. Jeez, John. You're a musical genius!
Happy Birthday!