
The cactus is a sign of protection. Kids are naive and vulnerable and need protection. A monster into a cactus suit would not have made much sense in my vision of things. SANDy and her friends zip themselves into cactus suits because they think the world is a cold scary place, and they need some armor to face it. The cactus is the conserver of water, and water means life. The Cactus Friends for me are the representation of life, of being fragile and strong at the same time... and pure like water.
-Simone Legno

I got my OMG back, so I have a male avatar again. I missed my Pixel p***s! My name is Ryan. I am 19 years young. I always ask questions that are far too complex to answer. I overly stress sometimes. I've done many things in my life that I regret. I've hurt a lot of people that mean a lot to me to this day. Some of them stood by me, some left. I realize I am not the most intelligent person on the planet, nor do I want to be. I don't like where I am in life right now, and I am trying to change that.
I am trying to be a better person. I honestly am.
-Quotes have become a big part of my life.
-Music has always been a big part of my life.
-I don't smoke. Cigarettes, weed, crack rocks, anything.
-I do drink, and honestly, I like it too much.
-My favorite color teeters betwen pink, purple, red, gold, black, and white all the time. Though I most often adore black and white.
-Gaia is nothing more than a social gathering. When the company falls south, then I leave.
-I like making profiles
-I hate coding profiles
-I have a tablet
-I wish I was better with it.
-My birthday was 6/15/90
-My spelling is horrible, my vocabulary exceeds average, which isn't a good combination online it seems.
-I like to write.
-I like to draw.
-I try to maintain individuality
-I am not a little b***h who has to always pretend to be different. There is no such thing as total non-comformity, sorry.
-I rarely sleep
-I use the term "Hate" loosely. I say I hate many things, and people. But I only truly hate a total of 6 people out of the 100's I have met.
-And I only wish death on 3.
Recent picture.
Yes I have a cell phone. If you ask me I may give you the digits.
My previous avatar.
And this would be the avatar I am dying to have right now.

I've always debated over which I liked more. The Sash or the Tail.
Community Member
-feeling a tad bit stalkerish, dramallama