The Blood Eye tavern was a strange place to have a meeting, especially for two high ranking officials in there respective governments. But the inn had always been considered neutral ground, it's owner made that point very clear to the individuals that came to her place a week earlier to set up the details of the meeting. "You start a fight in my place and Gods be dammed I will burn the lot of you in hellfire, understand me?" Rosaline a free born human was known for her bad temper and great fighting skills, it was rumored that she was the only female ever to walk away from the illegal cage fights frequent in the area. Not one of the men that stood around her dared to do anything but nod there heads in agreement.
Rosaline was a fierce woman, standing slightly under five feet with raven black hair streaked with blood red. Her skin was touched by the sun and her eyes were an almost translucent yellow, some would say an inhuman yellow but rumors as to her heritage never lasted very long. Well at least the people that started them never last long under the barrage of her attacking fists.
Rosaline agreed to let them use one of the private quarters upstairs and to conduct the meeting after closing hours to avoid the threat of assassination attempts from either faction, the last thing that they wanted was to spark another war during a treaty negotiation. Over the days leading up to the meeting groups of security forces from both groups came in and out of her place in a hurried buzz of activity neither trusted the other, and so a lot of the work that was being done was merely spying on the other group to make sure that there was no funny business going down.
The night before the meeting was to take place Rosaline sat at one of the empty tables nursing a large pint of dark ale and mumbling angrily to herself. "I should have told the lot to bugger off, this meeting isn't going to give me nothing but a headache and a huge mess to pick up." she said as she rubbed at her temples. She sighed once more as she scurried off to bed, she normally wasn't the type of person that was accustomed to going to bed early but she knew that come tomorrow she was going to need her wits about her, this meeting, she knew would age her more then anything else in her life every could have.
The morning sun rose slowly over the horizion as Rosaline busied herself with the work of serving and taken care of her loyal clients, much to there morning and groaning she had announced that she would be closing the place early, indeed noon was as early as she had ever closed the place. She sighed once more, she was as unhappy as most of her patrons but it was the price that she had to pay to remain neutral, a small price to pay to ensure the safety of her home she thoughts.
The few short hours between the opening and closing of her shop flew by her in a blur of work and apologies to her less then pleased patrons. She smiled lightly as the large burly man that was the last to leave her place when she announced closing time. He was a regular and she hoped very much that he would return the next day. She slouched her shoulder slightly and locked the door behind him, staring out the window as he mounted his horse and blasted angrily down the path. She pinched the bridge of her nose, "The things I do for my world." she shook her head and laughed lightly as she went about the task of tidying the place up.
She did not have to wait long for a knock which announced the arrival of the first of her guests, she had no way of knowing which but didn't care much since she had burned the manuals on cultural protocol that she had been given. She hadn't been a proper lady for most of her life, damn if these morons were going to change that. She snorted at her own joke and went to open the door, she had to admit that the figure that she saw there was an imposing one at that. She tried hard to mask and bury the fear and shock that welled up in her small figure, but before she could the creature standing before her noticed it.
"I assure Miss Rosaline, I mean you no harm" the massive figure bowed, his voice sound forced even artificial like the sound a dog would make if it ever learned to speak, more bark and growl then words. Rosaline was still unsure at what exactly she was staring at,
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Eternal Sunshine of the Quantum Physics
Such some things that rack my mind during the long days and extremely short nights
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[b:6614f34a3c]The waves of probability are slowly collapsing around me...... [/align:6614f34a3c][/b:6614f34a3c][/color:6614f34a3c]