I don't mind Disney...I mind NEW Disney....Hopefully with it by Viz and it being at the midnight hours they won't butcher-censor it..I watch it online, but to have it crapped up on TV or the OFFICIAL version then it's BS.
And it's not just the skirt edits..if they have a fit over the length of a skirt over shorts then you can only imagine what they'll do to the *deep breath*: blood, violence(ninja show, gasp) near nudity, cultural themes (though Disney USED to be great about putting those in), blatant cursing, innuendo, mass death, and other things I can't even think of right now that is are on Naruto.
It may not look like it right of they bat, but if you actually get into the plot and pay attention the the show/manga this isn't an American's idea of a kid show, and if they try to turn it into one, it will crap it up.
And it's not just the skirt edits..if they have a fit over the length of a skirt over shorts then you can only imagine what they'll do to the *deep breath*: blood, violence(ninja show, gasp) near nudity, cultural themes (though Disney USED to be great about putting those in), blatant cursing, innuendo, mass death, and other things I can't even think of right now that is are on Naruto.
It may not look like it right of they bat, but if you actually get into the plot and pay attention the the show/manga this isn't an American's idea of a kid show, and if they try to turn it into one, it will crap it up.