Hey people this is baylee hacking my beautiful perfect wifey. Me and rianne have been married for a year now and damn proud of it! I love her to death! i will always be here for her and always have her back to the end. We met at edendale 7th grade, thats when we became wifey's in 6th and 7th period. Now here we are going to high school! Woo! It's have been an awesome 2 years at the same school with my wifey. i have to say imma miss her a hole lot! She is my one and only wifey and then best. Shes extreamly fun to be around! there isen't one time im around her and im bored. We have rings in real life and on gaia lol. I always call her poots at school or wifey haha. Okay Imma log off your profile now. I LOVE YOU WIFEY!!!!.
i can now mess with rianne's profile
mwhahahahahaha!!! >w<
mmmhkay im bored so ima just talk
random stuff about rianne
she is always positive! she's a great person that she actually made me into a better person. i used to be really..really..ew..but now im more happier for sure, all because of this gurl said "hey ur to quiet"
and it made me become RANDOM!
well 1 thing for sure that she is RANDOM
and FUN
(yes people to death...^-^)
thats why she deserves the best of the best!
P.S. her disease of RANDOM! can spread on to u if u...LOVE HER! ^-^
anyways gonna give her some bunniez now
because well i LOVE bunnies ^w^
( OwO)
o(" wink (" wink hehehehee staring bunny
( ^w^)
o(" wink (" wink happy bunny
( 0 x 0 )
0 (" wink _(" wink CHUBBIE BUNEE!!! (like rianne hehehe)
well im done!
luv ya!
luv: Kate ^_~

iigHt! sO diz is B' amanda! a.k.a. [*coOkii3z*] sPittEn' a fEw wOrdz fOr diz babYqurl smile WEll, ShE HeLLa koO tO kiCk It wIth n SHe kIndHeARTed...u Can AlwAyz TrUst hEr n sHe will Never Tell! ha i've Only knOwn thIz gUrl FOr A Few montHs! Bt it FeelZ lYk i've knOwn hEr 4EveR! haha...i ThynK She SaanqLe, SoO iF any Of yhU LUCky niqqaz WaNt a goOd a$$ gUrlfRiEnd.. U shOuLd hOlla At hEr! haha ...SHe iz all qoOd n a TRue PerSOn! ilOvEyhO! smile ...iF any of ya Fake a$$ bItchez Try TO qEt At heR, Dnt CaRe aT skoO u come fROm, Wut grAdE cHu in, Or hOw old u arE.. Dnt Mess WiTh hEr Or U gOne HaveTo gOt hrU me niqqa n i aInt playin! smile cUz we bACK uP Shyt Out huRe! haahaa... ANywAyyyzzz! Well THiz qurl Is The BEEzt! n sHe Hella PUrty! she qo tO tHa Same f*****t a** skoOl as mE! (edEndLe MiddLe sKoOl) N We BOtH MADe THe VOleYbaLL TeAm (Yaii!)...She is reAlly awsOmE n I love her tO dEath!..soO! ima Cut it ShOoRt! iiGht! ! ! Well! bYe babiEquRl! i lOve yhOo! sooOo mucH! haha Ur beZtiE wuh Here! 3.35.
09 AT, 5:00 pM niqqqqz! Hate On It! haha xOxo