ive been having these really weird and scary dreams lately.
about the world ending, or being destroyed, and their really scary.
ive had 2 dreams, and their very much alike.
In my first dream,
my boyfriend was in town from Georgia, so me, him and my mom were all in the car driving around, just happy as can be, listening to music and having fun. when all of a sudden this big ball of what i think is energy, or gas, or something very powerful, fly over our car from out of the sky. the big ball was a little bit smaller than the sun. it was bright pink, and had some shades of yellow in it. now, all 3 of us see it and it flies behind a mountain and crashes behind it, causing all the land around it to fly up off the ground into the air, and causing shock waves destroying everything in its way. and these shock waves were getting closer to us in our car. so my mom starts driving as fast as she can away from these waves. about 10 minutes later, one lands about a mile in front of our car. we freak the hell out and turn around and start going back the other way, the shock waves, again destroying everything in its path. so we drive and drive as fast as possible to get away from this thing. so finally we get away from it we get home. 5 to 6 hours later, another ball of whatever it was flies out of the sky and hits somewhere about 100 miles away, we felt an after shock at my house. i could tell the world was ending. me and my boyfriend were laying in bed watching tv in my moms bedroom and i went to go to the bathroom. when i came back, he was gone, i looked everywhere and he was gone, completely.
and that was the end of my first dream.
My second dream, i fell asleep on my bed in real life with the light on in my room.
it was my friend Monica's birthday, and it was over by ASU, by the lake there. and there was like a patio boardwalk kind of thing. well we were on there, me, monica, and all of our friends were there. then, for some reason, my whole dads side of the family was there, and my mom was their. so were all having fun talking with each other. then i look up in the sky and i see this big ball [the same size as in my last dream] flying down from space. and this time it was blue and it was on fire, so it was a fire ball. anyways. it lands on the other side of the college, and from all the pressure of the fire ball hitting the ground, all these rocks and debris flew into the air. and im freaking out looking at people saying "omg did you see that?" and they say "what are you talking about" and i point to the college and i say "watch, just watch it" and right as i say that, another fire ball flies in from above and lands in the lake right in front of us. as it crashed into the lake, all the water flew up into the air and started a tsunami like thing.
and thats where my dream ended, because right as that fire ball hit the water, my grandma came into my room and shut off my bedroom light. and in those horror movies when one of the characters has a bad dream they just sit up reallllly freakin fast. well that happened to me, and i was shaking and freaking out, and on the verge of tears.
i dont know if these dreams are meaning anything, but its really scary, and they scare me. i dont know what to think...
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