Ninja Day Art Contest!
(Nov. 17th - Dec. 5th)
In honor of Ninja Day, that illustrious day that only happens once a year on December the 5th, I am holding a Ninja Avatar Art contest! I do hope you will participate. ^^
What I'm Looking For:
~ Monocrome is fine but I do prefer colors. If you are doing black and white I'd liek you to pay special attention to shading.
~ I don't mind if it's CG or traditional, as long as it looks polished.
~ I like all styles (and I do mean all styles)
~ You can be as creative as you like, and remove any items you don't like to draw. I especially love creativity with clothes.
~ If you are doing a full body image I'd like you to pay special attention to the hips and/or a**. (I personally feel they are the single most attractive feature on the female body). And action poses are preferred (these are Ninja, after all).
~ If you are just doing a head-shot or bust (shoulders and up) I would like you to make the face especially expressive please.
~ Contest ends December 5th! Be sure your submissions are in before then!
Post a link to your entry in a comment, or PM me.
~ Our lucky first place winner will get a Gee Boi Turbo RIG (current MP value 70k [x] )
~ The artist of the second best artwork will receive 30k gold.
~ And our third place runner-up will get an insulting 10k.
~ Everyone who participates, however, will of course get tips for their effort. ^^
Renkon's Ninja: