See Subject x) I feel very pissy so watch out for sarcasm and language. I dont need mother crying a single tear for what you're reading on the net. xD
If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say? Who the hell got me drunk ?!
When was the last time you flew in a plane? hella longg tym ago. DX
What did the last text message you sent say? Thats privatee, nosies !
What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? Fix myself xP
Been to Mexico? My foot has been there. But just my foot. XD
What was the last TV show you watched? Degrassi. That big guy threw a peefilled pink balloon @ dave. Shxxt man, It is getting real! xD
What are your plans for the weekend? Hopefully to go to the beach before it gets coldd. Florida gets cold. =/
What were you doing at 8 am this morning? MakingOut w/ my bffl sleep high, yooo! *shes here and says hi. x)P
Have you ever been to a strip club? Because I could soo get in one? =/
What is the best ice cream flavor? Depends on my mood and Where I'm at. If Im pissed & @ coldstone, believe Im shoving Chocolate Nutty Vanilla Banana down my throat. ;] XD
What is the last sporting event you watched? Ickk sports. Why would I watch that? Aha <3 I watched my girls kick a** @ soccer on Fridayy. After my detention =/
Ever go camping? For my case, thats not considered legit. B) Nahh. I never did, but I'd go. x)
Where is your mom right now? Why would I care again?
What color is your watch? Oh, you mean the one I dont have? xD
Last phone call? Losers prankings me. XD Him: *breathes hard* Me: HOLY S#7T, who are you & what do you want?! DX Him: What color panties are you wearing? Me: Orange, covered with baby chicks DX "him": Oh. Soo hot. *laugh* Summer, may I eat your chips? XD ...lets precede... XD
Are you allergic to anything? Bananas. But I eat it anywayss.
Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? These poor silver sandals that are going to break very very soon. DX
Do you own an iPod? Naww DX
Do any of your friends have children? Mhmm, her kid is like 12 though & overly diggs meh. Shes a whore step mom. I love her. xO
Are you ticklish? NO NEVER UHN UHN SHOOT XD
Ever broken a bone? Second grade, arm, monkey bars. T__T tenth grade, leg, .... monkey bars -_- XDD
Do you have any piercings? 2 piercings in each earlobe and sometimes a bar in one ear.
Have you ever changed clothes while driving? Never, I'm a very safe and responsible driver. x)
Have you ever cleaned up someone elses vomit? Yess... ICK. SECOND GRADE. ADAM...threw up on me... 7th grade some baby....threw up on me.. 9th grade..some cat...threw up on me... -___- XD
What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds? I cant even...remember.
Can you do the Crank Dat dance? because I totally have that kind of coordination in me, LMFAO.
What is your favorite color to wear? awesome :] and when in doubt I go with brown.
What is the longest plane ride you have ever been on? 12 hours?
What is the longest road trip you have ever taken? 4 days DX
What are you craving right now? fancy a** delicacies XDD and Shelbi's fat p***y called Pecan. "What the Holy hell is that blob??? Is that supposed to be cat???"
 Dont be mean.
What do you usually drink at meals? I'm a water girl x)
Does your washer make a lot of noise? it's so freaking aggravating it sounded like someone was breaking in last time XD
How many hair straightners/curlers/dryers are in your house? My straightener...my dryer...2 curlers... Dang. x/
Which side of your face do you like better? Rightt
Do you think that was a weird question? I think about it all the time. x)
Did you pull any pranks on April Fool's day, or vice versa? You know I didd XD
Do you wave when you see people from your classes outside of school? depends on my mood. x) Actually.. no. I'd wave like I'm going away on the Titanic. Its horrible when they dont wave back. XD
Would you prefer a black or white cellphone, or a bright colored one? White has class. Black shows Bad a**. Colored shows personality. You know what I am. ;D
When you believe in the Easter Bunny, what did you picture him/her like? I thought it looked like me because I felt like it was my job to steal mom's eggs and place them on my teachers seat. I was beat. Fluck you Education systems. I loathe yardsticks with a burning passion. America is pretty sweet now. x)
Does your mom, dad or silbings play any instruments? NO. DX
Are you allowed to eat meals in the living room? I eat everywhere. Except the bathroom... Thats gross.
How many people could fit comfortably to sleep in the room you're in? well they'd have to be comfortable sleeping on the floor because my bed is occupado. xD
Around how much do you spend on Christmas presents? family: $15 each, more if I actually like you super close we're practically family friends: anywhere from $5 to $35 if the gift makes sense in a joke or something friends: nothing, that is WAY too much work for kids I hardly talk to. *insert ghetto face here. Yes, imagine it. *
Do you always have an ice cube in your drink? IDK, do you?
Does the last person you spoke to have any siblings? I'm his sibling. xO Nahh. Im an only child. Yes he has siblings.
If you skip class, what one do you skip most? Math with MrCook Jeez man, what a spaz teacher. Its a love/hate relationship x)
Do you have any pictures of yourself on your bedroom walls? With friendss.
Does your mom dye her hair? Nopee
If yes, does she deny that she does? ... She denys the wigs, so maybe so. XD
What do you do for fun when the power goes out? Party. Dance on tables. Go to church. Climb trees and dont fall down...
Are 'personal response' essays painful to write for you? lolznahh. I love talkn bout me. Im best at that says my last ex. Hyprocrite I swear! Not you Eris. x)
Do you say 'skip', 'pip off', or something else? Huh? XD
About how many books are in the room you're in? I sleep in a library.
What number do you ignore when it comes up on the display? ???
What is the best restaurant in the mall? What do you typically order there? The mood, the mood.
Do you find history interesting? Why bother on the past, who cares? Im thinking about not getting attacked by animals or getting puked on, thanks.
Think of a friend whose name starts with any letter between A and M. Jalen XD
How would you react if this friend kissed you? Oh god no XD
Do you text this person? yesssss
What's the last thing you searched on google? "What are these strawberries doing on my nipples when I need them for fruit salad?" XDD
Have you read all the books on your bookshelf? nopee DX
Would you ever go on a date with the last person you spoke to through IM? Dont ask me that.
Harry Potter or Twilight? go burn yourself XD
Would you be okay living on your own? Noess Dang how long is this essay?! XD
How far can you run without breaking a sweat? depends how fast Im running?
Where did you get your favorite shirt? I woke with it on me. XD Jkays Idk. =/
How much was it? I think I don't have a favorite shirt
Do you/your parents have any creepy pictures or painting up on the wall? YES LAWLS Grandpa enough with the french circus. They hella scary. Hard to turn a corner without peeing your pants. xD
What's the best kind of video game? The cute ones like Mario. Or.. For those moods I guess something to keep my mind off.
Does your mom swear? Stepford mom? Time out for saying heck. DX
What was your biggest fear as a child? Birds.
Do you know anyone who has road rage? Brenden doesnt have the best day without screaming and flipping someone off. XD
How would you react if your mom got a lip piercing? I would never take her seriously anymore xD
Would you like to follow in one of your parents' footsteps? not really I like having money and and wearing pants. ... well. that pants bit was a joke.
Do you know anyone named Desmond? Do you like that name? Des-Tiny. I know. XD Eh.. I can I say it Jamaican ? Ya Desmond, mon. Ya, DaMon. Only, if Im in Jamaica. xD
Do you prefer your hair in a bun or ponytail? Ponyy
Have you ever kissed someone who had reallllllllllllly dry lips? Sandpaper lips like its going to split your lips up and you'd die from lack of chap stick because you forgot to put it in your pocket that morning? Nope. I dont think so.. XD
What were you last Halloween? I was me, as me.
Was this survey interesting? No, its long and Im tired. But I dont wanna stop. DX
This time last year, what was your relationship status? UGH. Taken. I've learned some lessons. All is well. x)
Does someone like you right now? people tend to stray away from the annoying.
What does the 15th message in your inbox say? I ain't getting my phone xP
Have you ever gone up to a car thinking it was yours, and almost got in? All the tymme. I almost got shanked one time. I peed my pants and dropped my slushie. I dont think Ill ever find it funny. XD
What instrument do you play? Im learning the drums. My arms are kinda short. =/
How many radio stations do you listen to? like 3
When was the last time you were in a car with someone besides family? friday
Have you told anybody you loved them today? yes.....
What are your plans for the weekend? already asked ! *is unpatient* DX
What do you currently hear right now? my dad is watching an African documentary...
Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color? it should be..
Do you know anyone that smokes pot? unfortunetly
Who sits next to you in math class? Mario & emilee & wes
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? MrCook, 1st period. Ick.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? grandpa. He cursed me in french for using the last of the toothpaste and not telling him...
What do you want? something interesting to happen
Have you ever kissed anyone with a name that starts with K or C? *sigh*
Your bestfriend needs you at 3 am, do you go help them? Where are my keys? x)
The person you HAVE the strongest feelings for dies, do you care? I care too much now I sort of hate this but not really at the same time
Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friends? yeah
Think back to February., were you in a relationship? I cant remember...
Have you kissed the last person you texted? don't know who last texted me =/
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? yes DX
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? well the kid reading this survey probably is...
Who was the last male you talked to? daddy
Is the last person of the opposite gender you texted single? I dont rememberr!
What does your last text message say? I dont have my phone. IM NOT GETTING IT DX
How have you felt today? hyperr and tired
Are you nice to the people you dislike? I dont dislike anyone... no, I'm polite as hell or... eh.
Do you honestly miss someone? not at the moment...
What is wrong with you right now? This survey. My back.
How many people have you had strong feelings for in the year of 2009? :/
Does playing the guitar make a guy/girl more attractive? only if he plays well
Have you ever received a call that made you cry? freakn hate that
Do you like to cuddle? Are you kidding? Im a cuddling machinee! xD
Do you like your school? not a chance
What holiday is your birthday close to? Irish day
Have you ever seen your best friend cry? which one? Yes?
What ARE you looking forward to? tuesday
What does your hair look like? its brown... and its wavy... and its about to reach me armpits. ;D
Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? yes
Ever liked someone older than you? it happens so often xD
Do you take compliments well? I tend to deny.
Do you still talk to your friends from elementary school? Where the heck are those losers? They owe me crap. <3
Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and isn't around now? yes yes yess
In December were you in a relationship? i cannot...remember!!
What time did you go to sleep last night? 4am
Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? no
Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years? hell yeah
Is there someone in your life you wish you never met? I find regretting stupid
Has anyone put their arm around you in the past 5 days? ick yes >>
Are you close with your mother? she thinks we are
Are you close with your brother/sister? Oh, you mean the ones I dont have? I sure amm. xP
Have you ever had braces? no.
Are you slowly drifting away from someone? I wish I wasn't
Do you prefer warm or cold weather? warm is good
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Second chances doesnt even matter; people never change. No one deserves shxxt. But I guess Id be friendless if that was the case. I feel a bit negative right now my answer is a bit depressive.
Is there a baby in the room with you right now? no
Lady Bun Buns · Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 07:06am · 0 Comments |