Nickname: Mitch (refered by everyone)
Age: 32
D.O.B: July 23, 1975
Nationality: French
Religion: Catholic
Species: Human
Occupation: None, resides in the original De Sable Villa in Marseilles, France, however, he rarely goes in the villa itself and prefers to travel alone but will bring his wife sometimes. Lives as a "Rich Guy" with his wife, he's educated in horses, fighting, warfare, and swordsmanship, nothing else
Association(s): Grand Master of Sword Dancers
Magic Style: Western Swordsmanship
Magic Type: White Magic
Element: Water
Weapons: Two long-swords, dozens of throwing knives, and a noose (though he never uses it)
Codename: "Wolf Hunter"
Family: Jacques Morgan (father), Lauren Morgan (mother), Luna de Sable Morgan (younger sister), Mitchel Morgan (older brother), Leonardo de Sable (distantly related)
Relationships: Ana "Mason" Morgan (third cousin/childhood sweetheart/wife)
Fun Facts:
~despite his codename being "Wolf Hunter", his sister's association with wolves is ironic, however, the name has an entirely different meaning; it simply hints to the fact that he searches for Luna
~marriages between cousins is common within the Sword Dancers since it is a way to uphold the Morgan name
~hates Englishmen and tends to be racist to them, reason is unknown
~his relationship with Ana can be both emotional and physical
~lives a highly aristocratic lifestyle, though prefers to not boast about his wealth and dresses ruggedly
~has a thick French accent

Name: Ana "Mason" Morgan
Nickname: Anne (refered by Mitch)
Age: 29
D.O.B: April 19, 1978
Nationality: French
Religion: Catholic
Species: Human
Occupation: None, resides in the original De Sable Villa in Marseilles, France, loves going outside to explore the town and often travels with her husband Mitch. She's college educated and attended the University of Lyon in France though she has vast knowledge of horses and swords, along with fighting
Association(s): Second in Command of Sword Dancers
Magic Style: Western Swordsmanship
Magic Type: White Magic
Element: Fire
Weapons: Long-sword
Codename: "Andalusian"
Family: Was adopted into the Mason/Morgan/De Sable Family, Luna Morgan (third cousin), Stacey Morgan (third cousin)
Relationships: Mitchel Morgan (third cousin)
Fun Facts:
~loves to explore the town and harbor
~both she and Mitch keep their family ties quiet
~has a thick French accent
~studied in medicine as original plan was to be a doctor
~studied Russian, German, English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese and can speak each language well