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Why Zero, Instead of Kaname?

varu-chan from mangafox

I like them both...kaname is hotter than zero but zero would make them a cuter couple.

Beyond Infinity
I like Kaname, but he's so manipulative... At least Zero is honest. So, Zero.

zero because he doesnt pop up at the most inconvenient times =P and also kaname had his time with yuki and he protected her and his purpose has been fulfilled so its zero turn and besides zero is closer to yukis age and hes not some ancient ansestor of a pure blood clan brought back from the grave in the body of a young boy destined to marry his sister....its a bit of a turn off........did that make any sense????

Zeki Fanlisting
1.) So far, I believe that Zero needs Yuuki more than Kaname does and also, I think Yuuki needs Zero more than she even knows herself.
2.) Yuuki would never let another vampire suck her blood unless it was only for Zero's sake, and denies Zero's comment about how she would let Kaname drink her blood.
3.) At one point, when Zero is drinking Yuuki's blood, she is thinking that it's a scary thing but somewhere in the corner of her mind she is also thinking that since it is Zero it isn't quiet as scary.
4.) Yuuki is the only one Zero would actually sort of talk to. He is a very quiet person who keeps to himself but around Yuuki he will, every now and then, show sides of himself and tell her things that he would never do in front of anyone else.
5.) It seems like Zero can not get mad at Yuuki no matter what sort of stupid things she does. He teases her but would never hurt her.
6.) Zero doesn't like the idea of Yuuki and Kaname together but in the end he still helps her out with things that deal with her and Kaname; like one time she was going to give Kaname some chocolate but was going to chicken out when Zero takes it from her and tosses it at Kaname before she completely misses her chance.
7.) They are so adorable together! heh
8.) Sometimes it seems as though Zero is jealous of the feelings Yuuki has for Kaname but he won't do anything about it because he feels is isn't worthy of her.
9.) Yuuki gave the only good piece of choclate she made to Zero, saying it was just for him. (KAWAII SCENE!)
10.) Even though Zero bites Yuuki and she is scared, when she sees that Kaname is most likely going to kill Zero she steps between them to keep him from doing so and then passes out in Zero's arms.
11.) Zero hates himself for having to lean on Yuuki for blood and to keep him tame. He cares a lot about Yuuki and would probably do anything she told him to do.
12.) Yuuki gets scared that Zero will leave her one day and she doesn't want that at all.
13.) Even though Zero tells Yuuki to kill him plenty of times she just couldn't do it because she knew just how much pain he was actually in. She is not afraid of Zero and wants to protect him.
14.) Yuuki is more herself with Zero than she is around Kaname.
15.) Zero would rather die by Yuuki's hands than anyone elses.
16.) Yuuki gets mad at Zero everytime he says he is indebted to her because she doesn't want him to feel that way.

random Zeki shipper
im such a zero fan so im definitely going to say yuuki and zero...i really don't like kaname because:

1) He acts really suspicious
2) He's overly obsessive when it comes to Yuuiki
3) I really thing he's evil...in his own way...

So all in all i choose zero because he's so damn sexy and that should be enough, but also because:

1) He doesn't pressure yuuki at all to love him
2) He allows yuuki to make her own choices, but still protects her when he can
3) He looks great with his Bloody Rose

Zero and yuuki are just perfect for each other because they act normal when they are together. yuuki isn't herself with kaname so it shows that she admires him too much to love him as an equal. zero, on the other hand, is the person she grew up with and would sacrifice her life to save him...now that's love! ZERO X YUUKI FOR LIFE!

Well I prefer Zero too! Kaname might be good-looking,but he's so annoying.......I think Zero and Yuuki are destined for each other.
It's just frustrating how Yuuki is such a child when it comes to her feelings and just won't make up her mind!Or wake up and realise what a wonderful person she has by her side,protecting her,loving her...........

♥♥ Sebastian's Maid ♥♥
It's so sad how he hates himself so much because he can't stop himself form lusting after blood and that kills him! He's hated vampires since that incident with his family and now he has become the very thing he hates! IT'S SO SAD!! It makes you want to hug him! hehe And he loves yuki but for some odd reason she loves kaname! (eeeww!) I know it's because he saved her, he's gentle and damn hot! BUT he's freakin creepy! You would never want to make him mad! He seems like he has an ulterior motive for everything! It's so scary! SERIOUSLY!! haha Kaname may be really sexy but Zero beats him hands down on everything else including looks! haha I am so excited for the plot twist in the anime!!! *fan-girl scream*

yukiXzero FOREVER!! <3[/quote]
I personally think that she deserves NEITHER of them since *spoiler!!!* according to the latest manga she's selfish enough to want to be with BOTH even though she already promised Kaname to stay at his side!!!
I hate Kaname's guts but he DOES seem to go all out for Yuuki so the LEAST that the b***h could do is be FAITHFUL to him!!!!!! stare stare stare scream
And as for Zero, he deserves way way way way WAY better than Yuuki. His life has been messed up enough as it is so I think that after what Yuuki put him through, she should just leave him the HELL alone!! scream scream :sc
I personally think that she deserves NEITHER of them since *spoiler!!!* according to the latest manga she's selfish enough to want to be with BOTH even though she already promised Kaname to stay at his side!!!
I hate Kaname's guts but he DOES seem to go all out for Yuuki so the LEAST that the b***h could do is be FAITHFUL to him!!!!!! stare stare stare scream
And as for Zero, he deserves way way way way WAY better than Yuuki. His life has been messed up enough as it is so I think that after what Yuuki put him through, she should just leave him the HELL alone!! scream scream scream

Zero! but only if Yuki goes back to the way she used to be before she became a vampire because I don't like her anymore, and I think that maybe Zero should end up with someone else. I don't like Kaname, never have never will, I don't know why there's just something sort of sinister about him

i lovelovelove zero.
i don't know what it is, but there is something about kaname that i just don't like.
Additional Details
zeroXyuki: i totally agree. it's like you can't say anything bad around him and not having him slap you.

Amatropa Lucine
Amatropa Lucine
Frankly, I don't really like Kaname or Yuki much at all. Therefore, let the jerks be together for eternity. <3

Zero should be with that one girl with glasses from...volume...1? I can't remember. xD

how is yuuki a jerk? and he doesnt like that girl... who he likes is yuuki...

As many people have already said, she's very selfish. Everything is all about Yuki after the first volume, and that is more than just Hino switching the focus from Zero to Yuki. Personally, I didn't like her character. If I offended you, I apologize, but I didn't find her to be the nicest female in the series. :/ Just my opinion.

I know he doesn't like that girl, but in my opinion, she's better than Yuki. It's just a couple that is impossible but still one that I support.

but she isent selfish she is just doing what she think is best.. she's just not very bright sweatdrop

Just because she may not realize it doesn't excuse her actions. I'm only up to date with the U.S. releases, but even I can tell she's being very cruel to Zero. (And Kaname, to a lesser extent, but he can take it. wink )

Not to say I hate Yuki; quite the opposite, I love her character. She's just incredibly selfish. Unconsciously so, maybe, but stringing both Kaname and Zero on like she does isn't helping any of them. People can do "what the think is best" and still be wrong.

Back to the original topic: I don't think anyone "deserves" anyone else. Yuki isn't a prize. mad That said, I want Kaname and Yuki to be together. I just don't see any way her and Zero could be happy together, but there's a slim chance of that with Kaname.

Justillius from mangafox
Am I the only one rooting for Zero to murder everyone in the series razz (except the chairman). I really want to see Zero transend and put a hot bullet in yukie's empty head. She is the worst love intrest I have seen, she is s**t at everything.

The only thing she has for her is her bloodline. Whats worse the story started with "I love Kaname" and never really fully explained... Her reasoning was she was saved a few times by kaname (something zero did a lot more of), she saw him as an "older brother" (even though she rarely saw him) and brought her gifts... talk about materialistic. I think that they tried to make her "purity" a redemable feature... but she doesn't have that anymore now does she.

I even feel a little bit sorry for kaname to be honest he is burdened with that thing that is only useful to breed with (even though I find him so cliche that I am still rooting for Zero to disembowel him). If she was, I dunno, had an IQ over 90 and was not just leeching off kaname maybe she would be more likeable XP.

On a side note we all know vampires are cliched blood-sucking pompous arrogant pricks that love insest... So death to them all via Blood Rose!!!



P.D. If half her heart belongs to Zero and Half to kaname they may want to consider removing it and dividing it they may even get a tax cut because that would be a charitable cause.

DemolitionVamp from mangafox
Because she told him to his face that she loves Kaname.
She did that when they were on the roof together, and they were going to confront Kaname about Yuuki's past,
and she would ever talk about is how great Kaname was, how much she loved him, bleh bleh bleh,
she was so stupid not to realize that Zero did everything Kaname did and better,
and Zero is even the better man because he let Yuuki go to the man he thought she'd be happier with,
I can't say the same for Kaname.
Zero is extremely self-less,
I sympathize with him immensely.

The only thing that makes me think there's even the slightest chance that Yuuki will not end up with Kaname is that they're relationship is totally dumb as hell. They're incredibly annoying together, like a pair of mentally deficient puppies that were born barckwards or something, gamboling together across a field-- but less cute and more annoying. And blood relations or not, it's really twisted to be all up on someone you're calling onii-san, I don't care how ancient and aristocratic the line is. Really, GAG me with a silver spoon.
Just say no to the Hapsbergs.

But seriously, Yuuki and Kaname as a couple have as much going for them as a couple of ROCKS. Retarded rocks, even. At least if Yuuki ends up with Zero, the relationship would have Zero going for it.

Edit: On second though, I second the motion that Zero lays all those f*ck-ups to waste, whoever it was that suggested that..

Okay…so this started turning more into an ‘Alternatives to KanaYuuki’ thread, but you get the idea. xD

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