NAME:[/b ] Harvey Dent
CHARACTER INFO: Harvey was an esteemed attourney and personal friend of both Commisionor Gordan and Batman. During a trial against the mobster Sal "Boss" Maroni for murder. It was a climatic moment as Dent pulled out Sal's good luck charm, a coin, that had been found on the crime scene with Maroni's fingerprints. Enraged, Maroni flung sulfuric acid at Dent's face. Batman quickly tried to stop the mobster by knocking his hand, but he was too late. He had only been able to partially knock off his aim. The acid destroyed the left half of Dent's face, leaving the other side untouched. His hideous appearance drove him into insanity. In a rage, he defaced one side of the coin and uses it to make nearly all decisions.
AGE: 26
STRENGTHS: He has an advantage over Batman and Gordan due to their former friendship and alliance. He also instills fear into opponents due to his hideous face and even more appauling anger.
WEAKNESSES: His insanity is a huge downfall. He obsesses over things (such as the number two and duality and fairness) and often is consumed by his sorrow and self-pity.
SKILLS He has no super powers or fancy belts. But he is able to pull off many crimes due to his gang. It is also known that Batman had trained him exstensively in hand-to-hand combat and detectivery.
WEAPONS[ /b] Many conventional weapons- guns, knives, rocket launchers, poisonous gasses
Sample RP: Two Face stood silently on the damp grass, still stained with signs of snow. It was two days after Christmas, but Xavier's Institute still showed signs of celebration. In one hand was his half-scarred coin. The other held two long strings tied to a small sleigh, like a child would own. The sleigh held two presents. What they contained brought a chuckle to Two Face's breath. His coin made a ding as it flipped. It alighted silently into his open, waiting palm. The scarred side showed.
"Merry Christmas." he laughed to himself, slinking through the night-time shadows to the door. He positioned the sleigh directly infront of the door, rung the doorbell and dove into the bushes. From there, he raced to his car, hearing the door open. He checked his watch. It was 12:12. "10 minute until explosion!" he laughed, driving into the night.
((If you want to see more examples, look at the Gain Astonishing X-Men guild forums. I post there often.))
What sort of growth potential do you see for your character? This is my first time RPing as Two Face, but I will try to make him a formidable opponent for any hero.
How often do you think you will rp? I will try to post as often as I can, as I enjoy Marvel/DC rps. I have been in an X-Men RP and was able to post multiple times a day when I was feeling normal (Not sick, no viruses) so I suspect I can do the same here.
-I hope not having my username matching my character name is not a problem.-