Someone entered the room and so I pulled it away and acted like normal... this was my first step toward my emotional illness...
Aweek later I remeber acting like notmal, I must have forgotten, and I chased my friends like I had been.
I returned home and while I was eating dinner my nose started to bleed so I had to hurry into the bathroom o stop it.
I wait twenty minutes then went back to eating and continued my night like normal.
Staying up late to watch tv and not waking up for school.
Aweek later I remeber acting like notmal, I must have forgotten, and I chased my friends like I had been.
I returned home and while I was eating dinner my nose started to bleed so I had to hurry into the bathroom o stop it.
I wait twenty minutes then went back to eating and continued my night like normal.
Staying up late to watch tv and not waking up for school.