"Noooo I don wanna play!!!" you shouted at me when i shoved the bag in u face. I forced u to pull a piece of paper. "Sas-gay" u said to every one. "HE'S NOT GAY!!!!!!"Ino and sakura shouted at u. "for once the fangirls r right im not gay," Sasuke said walking to the closet. I pushed u into the closet and slamed the door behind u. U turned around to catch a glimpse of sasuke leaning against the wall of the closet. U turned to the door and started shout that u would kill me the instant u got out of the closet. "will u shut up the time wont go any faster when you shout" the two red orbs that u guessed were sasukes eyes were staring at u boredly "shut up Sas-gay. ill shout when i want" "it is a challenge to make listen"he said from right behind u. 'when did he even move he was over there half a second ago. you were jerked from your thoughts when u heard him continue "but i like challenges......... and i like u." before u could do anything he turned u around and kissed u. before u could even kiss back the door was opened by saukes fangirls. They screamed at you and tried to kill u but sasuke stood in front of u to protect u.he pulled u outside after fighting the fangirls off. he turned to u and asked u to be his grirlfriend u of course accepted.
"NOOOOO YOULL NEVER MAKE ME PLAY" you shouted at me. i shoved you in the closet and sent the gut i had drawn for u in. "_____ y do u hate this game so much?" u heard a voice that sounded like Naruto's. "I dont hate it i like acting, naruto" you heard him gasp slightly. you guys sat there for awhile just talking until the last minute or two. Naruto leaned over to you and said" hey ______ can i kiss you" "yes u can Naruto". he pecked you no the lips and you blushed. just before the door opened he asked you to be his girlfriend and you of course accepted.
"11!" you exclaim. Kakashi jumps outta the corner O.o you grab him. "Noooooooooooooo! I'm not a part of this!" Kakashi tries to escape but its too late! You slam him against the wall and start making out with him. After a few moments he gives in and grabs your breasts. O.o He messages your chest as he's making out with you and moves his other his hand down slowly into your pants and starts to rub your c**t. He then pushes his finger inside an starts to slowly finger you. He starts to finger you faster and faster. "Ohhh" you moan. He switches places with you and pushes you up against the wall. You swing one leg around him and push him up against you more and start to unzip his pants.... The door flinges open. Times up," Naruto grins (you forgot to lock the door grrrr) You sock him in the face and drag Kakashi down the hall to a bedroom and make love all nigh long! ^^
You were at Kiba's party and it was getting kinda boring cuz you ran out of games to play. [FYI, no one was allowed to use ninjutsu genjutsu cuz it wouldn't be as fun] Kiba hands you a hat and says "Here you go." "Oh.. oh no... not this... anything but this... please!!" you pleaded to everyone. They only laughed and you only sighed. "Common! How bad could it be?" Naruto asked. "Fine" you said as you gave in. You plundged your hand into the wooly black top hat and picked out a peice of paper. You looked closer to find it had a gray blob right in the middle of it. "Uh.. are we doing colors?" you asked without directing it to anyone specificlly. "Yea." Temari replied. "Ok then, I got gray." Naruto's face went red and said "Yeah, i agree with ______ this is stupid." You smiled, you didn't take it personally because 1. you saw him blush 2. you and him were best friends. "What Naruto, how bad could it be?" you said moking him. He stood up and walked over with you to the closet. As soon as you got in someone from outside locked the door. "Haha! This is how bad it could be, but I guess it isn't that bad!" you told him. "Really? You think so?" he asked in a shy tone. You were surprised he thought that way but even more surprised by his tone. You never knew Naruto to be shy, especially around you! "Why are you acting this way, it's not like you like me or something!!" All he did was look at the floor. "Oh, geez... You do like me... No-not that that's a bad thing but... oh wow..." was all you could say. "yea... I know." he replied. "You know what Naruto?" you walked over to him. "It's fine that you like me." you said as you lifted his chin up and kissed him gently on the cheek. His eyes glowed with hope. And he suddenly pulled you into a really tight hug. A hug a little too tight... ok.. now you couldn't breathe. "Nar... Naruto!! I can't. I can't breathe!!!" you managed to choke out. He instintely let go of you and you dropped to the floor coughing. "I'm soooo sorry!! I shouldn't have hugged you so tight! I'm such an idiot!!" he exclaimed. "No no.. it's okay, I'm okay. And that wasn't your fault. In fact..." You pulled him down and kissed him again. It was such a sweet kiss. You pulled apart and said "and about that you-liking-me-thing. I don't see why I couldn't give it a try. How about I meet you tomarrow at that ramen place you always go to. At 12. kay?" you asked. "Okay!" he looked thrilled. You giggled and that's when the door shot open. "Time's up!!" Ino called. She beamed at you as you walked out and it was kinda scaring you. You and Naruto sat back down and enjoyed the rest of the party.
You call out the number "one".You hear someone go in to the closet.You slowly make your way to the little closet.You had been training just before the party and got into a fight with your rival.You were very tired because you hadn't got to rest before the party."Maybe whoever's in here will let me go to sleep"you thought as you sat down,back aginst(sp?)the wall.The light flickered on.You look on the oppisite wall and there was Kakashi.Inside you were relive you didn't get one of the students.Kakashi pulled out his usually reading book,Make Out Paradise."______-chan,you don't mind if I read do you?"He asked.You shook your head no.Under normal condictions you would have told him to put it away,but you were just so tired that you really didn't care.You wraped your armes around your legs and laid your head down.You were about to go to sleep when you sensed Kakashi beside you.The light went out."I heard about your fight,_____-chan.Broke her arm right?"You turn your head to face him."Yes,I did but she was the one who used a sommening jusu."You sigh hoping he would just let you go to sleep.You close your eyes but open them as you fell something on your lips.Thought it was to dark to see you realized he was kissing you.Kakashi was still kissing you when he grabbed your hands pining you aginst the wall.You let him kiss you.You didn't have the strengh to fight back.He licked the bottom of your lips wanting an entrance.You let him in.Surprisingly you found yourself enjoying it.You made a feble atempt to kiss back.Kakashi gently kissed your forhead."Time's up _____-chan.Go home and get some rest."Kakashi was on the other side of the closet when the door opened."THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"Naruto yelled in disappointment.You left the party wishing Ino a happy birthday.-after you left-You walked the street to your home slowing with every step.You fall down to your knees unable to get up.Suddenly you were picked up by strong arms.It was Kakashi.He caried you bridal style to your house.Making sure you were ok.-a few weeks later-You was walking with Kakashi in the forest.You still didn't know a lot about him but Kakashi somehow manged to get your birthday,past,and realatives."So ____-chan,I've been thinking.you act a lot like a charater in my book."He said nonchalantly.A anime anger mark appered on your head. "Kakashi,you're going to wake up one day and find that those books will be gone"You say.Kakashi smiled behind his mask."We'll see about that"He covered your eyes and pull you in for a passionite(sp?)kiss.
You felt around the box. There was gross crap in there and a sticky piece got stuck to your fingers. You had no choice but to take it out. "Uh i got a sticky bit" You said shaking your hand to get the piece of paper off. You looked over to see Sasuke stand up. You knew he didn't want to play but Ino and Sakura forced him to and if looks could kill you would be dead by now. Sasuke walked into the closet and you went to follow. As you were half way through the door Ino And Sakura slammed it as hard as possible making your heel get caught under the door and you fell forwards. Sasuke caught you just before you hit the floor. "Uh.... thanks" You said starting to get tears in your eyes from the pain of your foot. Sasuke sat you down and you looked at your foot to see blood gushing out of the heel. "*sniffle* Ouch" You said still looking at your bloody foot. Sasuke put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a bandage then put your foot on his knee and started to bandage it up. After he did you looked up at him and thanked him once again. "You don't need to thank me" Sasuke said pulling your legs so you were sitting on him. "But--" you started to say before you felt lips on yours giving you a tingle through your body. Sasuke put his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him so his chest was against yours. His tongue slid across your bottom lip wanting an entrance. You let him and his tongue explored all around the inside of your mouth making you moan slightly. You took his top off showing his slim tonned body. Sasuke leant backwards against the wall making you lean over the top of him putting your hands on his chest before you fell on top of him. Sasuke started to take your top off before a sudden light shone though the door. You skwinted your eyes to see Ino and Sakura standing gob smacked then Ino pulled you off Sasuke then gave you a big slap against the face which left a print on your cheek. Sasuke stood up putting his shirt back on as Sakura came up to you and gave you another big slap across the face leaving a bigger red mark there. Sasuke pushed away the two bitches and put your arm around his neck helping you walk since your foot was injured.Sasuke walked over to his spot and sat you in his lap with his arms around you. ~Later That Night~~ After the game Kakashi sensei had come in and made you go to bed. You couldn't get to sleep that night your heel was throbing in pain and your face felt like an oven of heat from the slaps. You sat up and got out of your bed limping toward Sasukes bottom bunk bed. As you approached his bed you saw he was happly sleeping so you slipped in his bed silently trying not to wake him.It worked Sasuke was still sleeping and you lay the oppisite way as he did. Just as you were about to fall asleep you felt arms slither around your waist. You gasped and turned your head to see Sasuke with his chin on your shoulder and he looked wide awake. "Oh i'm sorry to wake you Sasuke" You said "Don't worry i wan't to be now that your here" Sasuke replied kissing your neck softly. You felt a blush come on your face as he said that to you.
"Blue?"..who's blue.....augh..come on....
From then on you see certain death glares from...Sakura and Ino?:O...o.O....lol..anyways.You know right away that it's Sasuke!XDYou give them death glares back.Then wait until they turn back..and then you get some kunai and aim for them...you shoot and then they get stuck to the wall for the rest of the time..Tee hee=]
Anyways, Sasuke leads you to the closet.The door closes, and it's pitch black!You can't see anything..."..So..what do we do no--", you were smothered by a sweet, passionate kiss.♥
Aww, Sasuke-kun♥...He then said, " _____-kun, I love you. I wanna be yours forever.♥"
You had a crush on Sasuke for the longest time ever...so you agreed.You blush, and realize your hands are pressed against Sasuke. You could feel strong abs against your fingers. He lets go of your lips, and then you guys relax for a moment. You feel up his chest, and passionately kiss him again. Sasuke slowly kisses your neck, then goes down lower to your cleavage, and still kisses it. He then moves lower to your stomach. You moan.You make out again and this time more soft and making you want more, way more.XD...You feel his smooth skin and toned body. How awesome. You take off his shirt, and slowly kiss his stomach, as he did to you.=]You both are really playful. Yep!=]"I'll always be yours, Sasuke", you said.You both see the door open and both wonder, "Jeez, we need more time". You both come out holding hands and receive Sakura and Ino's death glares again. *sigh*Stupid girls...You then use some more kunai and aim for them. You quickly throw it and it ends up in their leg....They scream. You ignore. For the rest of the game, you guys sit with eachother. He holds you tightly and you guys are so cute together!XD..You both feel the need to go home..at the same time?lol..Anywways, on the way home, Sasuke grabs your waist and kisses you.XD..You and Sasuke then go into his home to finish that...Unfinished business..=] Good luck, girl!XD Cute!!♥
"Gold?Anyone with gold here?>.< ..Come on....", you said quietly....
"It's me!Believe it!XD", Naruto said confidently!
Okay, then. So you two hold hands and follow eachother into the closet.
Believe me, you wouldn't want a light on!XD
Anyways, they close the closet. Pitch black, all alone with Naruto. You admire Naruto's confidence and determination! He's always in that happy mood! Back to the story....
"Well..aren't we supposed to do somethin...?Naruto?", you ask.
"Uhm...______-san...I..I don't really know how to play this game..can you teach me?=]XD", he said.
"Okay, come here, I'll teach you=]", you say slyly.
This is the first time you've ever seen Naruto THIS quiet! He's so shy...
You slowly approach the other corner and bump into this wonderful body. Wow, your hands land on his abs..mm..smexcii!XD
lol..You approach his lips, slowly, you two close your eyes and kiss passionately, moaning..for some passionate reason.XD(ha ha..XP)
You slowly zip down his jacket and slowly, startng from his abs, going up and taking off his shirt.
You, kissing his necl, made him moan a bit. XP..smexcii
He does the same to you, leaving you in your bra, and kissing you.
You both lie down in the closet floor, and he runs his fingers through your smooth hair.
"______-san, will you be mine?", he asked.
"Of course, Naruto, I love you and always will. Make me yours, for all eternity, my lover", you replied seductively.XD
You lie down beside him, he leaves his arm on the ground for you to lie down on. You stare at him thoughtfully and circle his bellybutton with your finger.
He looks at you dreamily and makes you so comfortable. You two don't even bother putting your clothes on.XD..
Suddenly, you notice the door creak open a bit...but FOR THE LONGEST TIME EVER?o.O You whisper to Naruto, "Hey..they've been watching us for the long time, see those eyes in the slit through the door?Let's do something....When I say 3, push the door open!That'll teach them to spy on us..You in on it, Naruto?", you say and ask.
"Sure, of course", he said slyly.
"One..two..THREE!!," you shout.
The door gets pushed open and you see Sakura and Ino Pig fall on the floor.
Ha ha ha..that'll teach those two stinkers.
Suddenly, you just forgot to put your clothing on again.o.O...
You hear hoots and hollers for you guys. Embarrassed, you both blush HARD RED!!!
You guys put your clothes back on after, just sneaking in another kiss. You come back out, and Naruto gives you his lucky ninja headband for you to wear.Aww....Naruto-kun...♥♥♥.. I should really fix this door..:S..squeaky..lol..XD..*oils door*..there..perfect door..no more squeaky!=]
Purple! At the moment you walked in you felt eyes staring at you, but you were too busy to see who it was. You sat on the girl’s side. You soon get annoyed at feeling that someone was watching you so you turn to see who it was. You find that Sasuke was staring at you grinning. You glared at him for a moment then turned to stare at the wall. You stared at the wall for a minute until Ino snapped you out of your daze to pick a color. You rolled you eyes and picked a color, “purple!” you yell. “what?!” you hear Ino and Sakura say together. You looked up and saw Sasuke grinning and walk in the closet. You groan but get up and walk into the closet. You didn’t want to go, but you had to. You took three steps back and ran into Sasuke. You turned around to apologize but Sasuke quickly gave you a hug and whispered,” I love you.” He let go of you and hesitated but gave you a passionate kiss and didn’t let go. In shock you stared at Sasuke as he kisses you then you loosen up. As soon as you loosened up Sasuke pushed you up against the wall and grinds his body up against yours which made you shiver. He licks your lips for entrance, but you pushed him away. You,”stop it! I still haven’t forgotten what you did!”you couldn’t see him but you knew he was thinking about what you said. “look I’m sorry for leaving you, but I had to,” he explained. ”yeah right. I’m outta here,” you said walking towards the door. Suddenly, Sasuke’s arms wrapped around you. “____, I’m sorry ok. I really didn’t mean to. Please forgive me?” he whispered in your ear. You turned around and looked up at him as he looked at you. You hesitate but got on your toes and kissed him gently on the lips. He kissed you back still holding on to you. 7 minutes past and Ino and Sakura opened the door and told you to get out. You started to walk out but Sasuke was still holding on. “will you go out with me?” he whispered. You blushed but nodded and he sat you in his lap the rest of the game smirking at how mad Ino and Sakura were.
bet u didnt see this coming
You, ”yellow” Haku stands up and walks to the closet. You walk in behind blushing wildly thinking, “he is so cute! I can’t believe he looks so much like a girl.” Once your in the closet you lock the door and turn around. When you turned around Haku grabbed your arms and pulled you close into a kiss. At first you looked shocked about it all happening so fast then you relaxed. He picks you up off the ground and holds you. He licks you lips for entrance, you tease him and don’t let him in. he chuckled and slammed you against the wall and you gasped and he was granted entrance to your mouth, you let him admitting defeat. When he was done exploring your mouth he went to the rest of your body. He kissed you jaw line, down your neck then up to your ear. You moaned and he smirked. He leaned away from you for a moment to take off his shirt and yours. He then went back to kissing your neck while you ran your fingers down his chest and through his hair. He stroked your thigh and ran his fingers down your spine that made you shiver at his touch. When they banged on the door Haku put you on the floor so you could put your clothes back on then lifted you up bridal style and carried you out the door. He sat against the wall with you in his lap away from the crowd. You both sat there making out until the game was over.
You, “Orange.” Naruto stands up and says,” Alright! I get to go in the closet with a pretty girl. Believe it!” You sighed walking into the closet with Naruto right behind you. You don’t really like Naruto but you two are good friends. Naruto walks in an locks the door behind him. You hear footsteps but the room is to see in. you turn around and bump into Naruto. He grabbed you right before you hit the ground and stands you straight. Your eyes soon come into focus in the dark and you came see Naruto’s face coming towards yours for a kiss. You feel his breathe on your face. You kiss him softly on the lips and feel his cheeks go red. To your surprise he was a great kisser. You two kissed passionately never coming up for air until you hear the lock on the door open and you break away. You both sit side by side until the game was over.
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