I am a 23 year old student from California. I am Persian and Japanese. I was born in Los Angeles but promptly moved to Japan until I was 10 years old. I am tri-lingual: Japanese, Farsi (Iranian dialect), and English (clearly). I'm quite short for my age (only a little over 5 feet!). I'm comfortable with my sexuality, my body, and personality. I've grown to love what makes me happy, little or significant, and leave alone anything that doesn't make me happy. I rarely get angry, upset, or hurt by people. I'm forgiving, trustworthy, understanding. I've learned a lot from the many trials life has given me.
I'd like to just say that I'm a very positive person. I've soul-searched and found more than I was looking for. I'm open-minded to so many things and I love learning.
What Others have Said About Me
Here are some things close friends of mine have said about me.
"He's so cute >w< The good thing about him is that he can be a sweetie and nice and all fun and cute to talk to but then you can also go to him when you need him and talk about serious things. Plus Your easy to have fun with. " - by Dani Dead
"You're a super amazing friend. If someone's sad, you always talk to them and try to cheer them up, even when you've had a bad day yourself. Like that one time you did a sxc strip tease for me because I was in a poopy mood. I love you so so so much Ando. <

"I ******** love Ando with a ridiculous passion. He drove hella far to see me perform in a play. And then we hung out in SF and it was tons of fun (minus that whole car crash thing xD). Anyways Ando is a super sweet, fun guy and I'm so glad I know him. He's incredibly smart and conscientious of other people, and he cares about his so much more than himself. He's hilarious and amazing to have around. I love you Ando!<

"For as long as I've known Ando, he's been one of the most genuinely nice people I've met. He's caring, he's there for you, and he always knows how to make you happy when you're down. Just his little quirks make my day. He's just an absolute joy to talk to. He's ******** hilarious, too. He's just an awesome person. Words can't describe." by I3ringTheAvalanche
"There are no words to describe you, you're so incredible. I love you so much. You always shock me how amazing you are, you're such a beautiful person, inside and out. I'm so glad I met you, I love talking to you, this is so hard to write, because I know I can't put it all into words because it'll be too long. But, you're one of the only things/people that make me happy at the moment, just because you are you. You're never, ever nasty, when you are you don't mean it and I know you don't, you're always smiling, it makes me bitter when you're sad, because that's not you. You know exactly what to say and when to say it, you can always make me grin like a maniac. And lastly, I hope that one day, we will meet, I will make it a reality, I promise. You're truly special.
Also; "Don't you wish your girlfriend was HAWT LYK ME!" by Sexual Harrassment Rhino
"Ando~ You light up my life.
You're one of the reasons I even bother to wake up every day. Even if I haven't really known you for very long, I feel so comfortable telling you even the most personal of things because you're so kind-hearted and accepting of everything. And it feels like we've been through a fair amount of the same stuff in our lives so I can relate to you on a higher level than I can most other people. I care about you so, so much and wish for only the best for you and I hope that's exactly what you get in life. The best of everything because you certainly do deserve it. You make me happy, you make me laugh, and even when I'm super dooper sad there's just something about having you around that makes me feel like tomorrow's going to be a better day. You're one of the best friends I've ever had and I'm so thankful that I had the chance to meet someone as incredible to me as you are. Thank you, Ando. For being such a wonderful person, and being there for me at the best of times, and at the worst. I'll always be here for you too. I love you soso much." by Death Panorama
"To me, Ando will always be that little Japanese school girl being ravaged by a big black man." by C C Corey
"Listen here yo, Ando is probably the coolest kid you will ever meet. He's the sweetest little mother effer on earth, and has the coolest set of friends. He's one of those people you can talk to when you need help and is always there for you. If i weren't so shallow i'd totally tap that. icon_biggrin.gif I love you Ando. " by My Demonic Angel
"Ando is my whore. So ******** you all. <

"Ando should be named Andy. Cos he's mighty Handy Dandy." by Mooki Pooki
"ando is a really caring guy, who amazes me every day. he's been through so much, and literally more than I could ever imagined, worse than in movies. yet he still manages to put others before himself and lives day by day. he's incredibly sweet and caring, and anyone is lucky to have him as a friend. i love ando~" by Sandwich Artist
"I'll never forget that magical day when you plowed your car into that douchebag's car, nothing bonds a friendship like collateral damage." by Meniscus
"ANDO IS MY ******** ******. Love Ian" By KIL0BYTE
"Ando you are the sweetest person i know online. you're never rude, never judgmental, and always nice. you're perfect and i hope you never change. you make me smile every time we talk and i tear up seeing your pictures because i truly feel special knowing someone like you. you're an irreplaceable friend and i hope to god that i never have to say, "i once had a friend named ando.." and i'll always be able to say, "so there's this friend i have named ando." you're just plain old amazing and i don't think i can ever tell you enough. i love you ando-kun n 3n" By Lesley.
"Ando is very stunning. He is a very strong person. He's been through a lot, but he keeps himself firm and strong for the sake of reassuring his friends and family that he's still holding on and hopeful. He's a very admirable person, and he's very friendly. I've never really met anyone quite as hopeful and life-changing as him" by Mindy
Donation List
Here's a list of people who donated to me. This is a long list so I took it out of my profile and put it into a link to here.
Donation List
Pakasith - Dreamer's Dust
Dark Halo Fairy - Horns of the Demon, Winged Anklets, Dark Halo, 450,000 Gold
Zentetsuken - Gimpi
Badgerkins - Fallen Wish and Water Meat Set
Andoh Panda - 5,000 Gold and CoCo Kitty Plushie
Morokea - Inks, 2k6 Candy Cane, Gwee the Dragon, Mochi the Puppy, Bun Bun Plushie, 10,000 Gold
Dash-Colon Ly Colon-Dash - Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Yummi Mochi - 2 Fortune Eggs and Infernal Spirit
Loki x Loki - 6,000 Gold
Angelhearte - Padmavati's Lotus, Death Whisper
Give Us The Horizon - 5,000 Gold
The Real Pyramid Head - 55,000 Gold
The Donner Party - 25,500 Gold
RainbowBustier - 90,000 Gold
Sneak-a-Peek - 10,000 Gold, Aquarium Fish, CoCo Catfish
Alextro Constellation - Trick or Treat Tote, Panda Plushie, Flamingo Plushie, Pink Bunny Slippers, Dark Ice
Cakeu-Chan - Fausto's Bottle, HamuHamu, Jellyfish, Spikey, Sharktooth, Mu Plushie
Frost Queen Proserpine - Aquarium Fish
Disabled Toy - Aquarium Terrains, Aquarium Fish
B e n z o l - Gift of the Gods, Scion Black Paint
Diamond Princess Ashley - Sven the Penguin, Dandidoodad Spore
Young London - Pora Ice, Fallen Wish 2nd Gen, Canary Yellow Pimpin' cane, Magician's wand, Fairy's wand, Gaia 2nd Anniversary Balloon
`Peas and Carrots - 40,000 Gold
n o t t e r g i n t e r - 4,000 Gold
r e d e s i g n e d ]- 10,000 Gold
Kagetsukai84 - White BunBun Plushie
in my Cupcake - Toothie Plushie
Scott_Mason - 50,000 Gold
elysion pedion - Emo Bag
Psyberian Husky - G9 Laptop
Feeds like Cancer - Oculus Mythica, 18,000 Gold
Bee was for Bumble - Superior Form
Sexual Harrassment Rhino - Oculus Mythica, 300,000 Gold
The Omni-King of Trolls - April 2009 Sealed Letter
N a z i k a m p f -2,467 Gold
Meniscus - Gimpi
ViET_iPOD-LUViiE - Chickie Scarf
Freki-geri - 42,800 Gold
Kitteh Blonk - 50,000 Gold
iN3nny - Devoted Pawn, Immaculate Bishop
The Omni-King of Trolls - 40,000 Gold
Jigglyjello - 19,903 Gold
Cake4Arisu - 75,000 Gold
Nerpin - Snow Feather, Oh My Gumball
Swine Flu Gonna Get You - Dark Ice
Gracesriot - Nomy the Snail
Anonymous Benefactor - Snow Witch, Jackster Wand, Fresh Grass Hat, Angelic Sash, Dark Ice
Macktastic Shagwell - 20,000 Gold
Sandwich Artist - 97,000 Gold
Smoothe Criminal - 30,000 Gold
TabbyMina - 170,000 Gold
Andykins - 45,000 Gold
Boombox Theology - 6,000 Gold
Thank you guys so much! I absolutely love donations, and I will never sell donated items!
I will not donate to you if you ask me. I want my donations to be a surprise to the unexpected.
Also, when I do donate, I donate over 100,000+. That is why I do not donate often.