Name ● Ton Nou
Sex ● Male
Age ● 20
Personality ● Ton Nou is a genius when it comes to machines. He is constantly inventing new mechanisms to help him with daily needs. He also has an odd obsession with clocks. His mind is always somewhere else. It is almost impossible to sit him down for long periods of time, unless it is of his own will. He has trouble following rules, and usually ends up doing things his own way. Ton is very shy and very quiet. He speaks with an odd accent, but it is unknown where he got it from since it does not match the English accents around him.
He lives on the outskirts of London in a tiny house that has tilted to the right from time. He does not work, or share his creations. Most people refer to him as the town freak, while others admire and idolize him. Everyone in his small town wears muted black and white tones. Ton gets attention for his very colorful and unusual style of clothing.
Both of Ton Nou's parents died when he was 12. They left him a large fortune, which pays for all the supplies he uses inventing and creating.
Hair ● long black bangs that frame his face, and short white spiky hair than fans out on the sides.
Eyes ● Thin, yellow/gold with thick black eyeliner, red makeup on his eyelid and blue under his eye
Skintone ● Since Ton spends most of his time inside, he has very pale porcelain skin.
Height ● 6ft
Physique ●Thin with slight muscle build.
Style ● Ton wears a black top hat with a red band. The back of the hat dips and is very long. He has a blue jacket on that has two tails on the back. The jacket is lined with gold and red colors. Around his neck he has a large white collar and a big ruffle attached to a yellow strap. His shoulders are very pointed and have black bands across them. He is wearing several rings, one being a clock, on his right index finger. He has bracelets on both arms. He has on a creamy yellow-ish dress shirt and white ruffled pants. An over sized pocket watch hangs on the side of his waist. The clock has 4 hands to tell minute, hour, day, and month. He is wearing black and yellow/red striped stockings. His shoes are blue with buttons and buckles. they have pointed curly tips with bells on the end. He sometimes likes to carry his large staff which is encrusted with jewels and patterns. A heart lies in the middle of a diamond on the top of the staff. Where he holds it, the handle swirls on both ends and had two diamond to grab on to.
Details ● Ton is usually concentrated on his work, and does not have much time for fun. He had a bad habit of touching his lips when he thinks of ideas. You can sometimes see him happy when he is staring out the window admiring people from outside his world in which he sometimes feels trapped. Ton may also appear happy when working on one of his inventions. Most of the stuff in his house has been made by him. He has sticky notes and notebooks everywhere filled with his opinions on space, time, and religion, among other things including time travel and eternal life.
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