Age: 356
Race: Half water demon half fallen battle angel
Height: 5'5

Bio: He wasn't always a slave, thought he was pretty much treated like one. His mother hated him because 'he was the reason she fell' she told him day in and day out. she had beaten pretty much daily, not letting him leave the house. the abuse went one for close to 100 years till hunters and slave traders finally found out about him.
They killed his 'mother', not that she ever was one, burtally infront of him before dragging him away to sell in the autions. Because he never had an education and seemed to be almost immune to pain now, they didn't have a hard time in training him without taking him, knowing he'd fetch a higher price for being a virgin, though they had clipped his wings, wanting to make sure he wouldn't be able to get away.
Over the years he's been brought and given to different masters, though some never kept him for very long before selling him to someone else or taking him back to the market, where he is currently, waiting for the next person to buy him.
Sexuality: Unsure.
Master: n/a
Brand: n/a