sweet! you got dib! "1!!!" you called in a happy tone. "that would be me!" dib said as he rose from the circle. gaz pushed you two into the closet and locked it behind you. "hi dib!" you said. "hi there ____! im so happy i got the pretty and sweet girl." "you were blushing like mad! "thank yo-" you began to say as his lips gently pressed against yours. dib pulled away "i saw you in skool and you were so beautiful! you also seem to be into the same things as i am! and-" he stopped as you put your index finger against his lips silencing him. "shhh.." you said. "i love you, dib!" he grabbed your wrists and gently pushed you against the wall. he began kissing you passionately. you kissed back eagarly. he caressed your bottom lip gently begging for entrance. your tongues wrestled each other. he won for dominace and sweetly explored the new area. as you two pulled away, he began kissing down your neck and got your sweet spot. "eek!" you giggled! he chuckled and said "your ticklish! thats cute" "dib, where did you learn to kiss like that?" you said. he didnt answer and only kept kissing you. he ran his fingers gently through your hair and you both slid down onto the floor. just as it was getting steamy, GIR opened the door. "AAAAHHH!" he screamed and ran! you both just laughed! "___, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. you kissed him on the cheek. "incase you dont know, thats a yes *wink*"
"25566890" you called "wow! long number!" gir jumped up and RAN into the closet. everyone began cracking up! as you got into the closet, you sat down and gir sat on your lap. you jumped at how cold his metal was. "hi, GIR!" you said "*giggle giggle* HIIII!" you laughed at his goofyness. "you can have my moose!" he giggled and shoved it in your face while sqeeking it! "thanks GIR! but you love your moose! why dont you keep it?" "OKAY!!!" he said. you only giggled. GIR jumped up and hugged your head. you pulled him off and gave him a small kiss on his tiny mouth! "YAAAY! I GET A KISS I GET A KISS!" he jumped and sat down on your lap while snuggling into your chest. "how cute!" he fell asleep. the door then slammed open and zim said "GIR! GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW! you have no time for the dumb HUUUUMAN games!" zim yelled. "yes master, i obey!" gir said as he turned red. as he was walking out of the closet, he turned around turning back into his norman shade of blue and started waving at you hysterically!
"five?" you called out. zim stood up "*sigh* i guess thats me." he said as he was stomping over to the closet. you have always had a crush on him but you wouldn't want to let him know, fearing what he would do to you. as you got into the closet, you went to sit down and accidentally tripped over some boxes falling right on top of zim. "AGH! YOU IMBICEL!" zim shouted "GET OFF OF ME YOU FILTH BABY!" "i-i-im sorry zim!" you said crawling to the opposite corner of the closet. you sat in the dark as you began to cry. "a-are you crying?!!" zim said "what? n-no! im not crying!" you said in embarassment. "YES YOU ARE! what a weak little worm! HA HAAAA HAA AHAHA!" he said evilly. "SHUT UP ZIM! im tired of you always being mean to me! i like you! okay?! *GASP*" you put your hands over your mouth in shock. "of all the gross things!" he said. you sat in the corner not wanting to talk to zim any more. you were just about to fall asleep when you felt zims breath travel down your neck which sent chills up your spine. "*gasp* ZIM!" you suddenly felt his cold arms travel around your waist pulling you close to him. "WHAT THE HELL ZIM!" you yelled. but you were soon silenced but zims lips crashing forcefully onto yours. you were still angry with zim so you pulled away. "you dont like my kissing?!" he said. "thats not it zim! im-" he once again kissed you and forced his tongue into your mouth. you were trying to pull away but you amazed to find your self kissing back. he was a surprizingly great kisser. he pulled away and had you gasping for breath. "i see you have given into my temptation! you really are a weak little worm! HA!" just before he could finish, you bit his neck, drawing a small amount of blood. "hows that for weak?" you two began making out. when you two stopped, zim had you in his cold embrace, but yet it felt so warm to you. for the next 2 minutes you two sat there holding each other. "i love you ___." zim said. "i love you too zim!" dib opened the door and gave zim a death glare. dib has always liked you and he was VERY jealous of zim XD
You Pick a Silver Card."SILVER!!!!! WHO GOT IT!!!" Gir, Zims Dog Got up and Ran into the closet. you looked at Zim Confused." you brought your Dog?" Zim Shrugged and walked into the closet and closed the door." YAY I GET TO KISS THE PRETTY GIRL!!!" He try to jump on you and ran to the other side on the huge closet. "EEEEEK!!!!" You threw some shoes at him."Back!!!" He pounced on you and kissed your lips holding onto your head tight."MEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You pulled him off and screamed. "DUDE THE HECK IS WITH YOUR DOG ZIM?!?!?!?!?" Gir stood looking at you." awwwwwwwww you don't like my kisses?" He started to cry. " Aw gir, Its okay don't cry! oh boy, Do you want a Kiss?" Gir looks at you and smiles."YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS." You kiss him lightly on the cheek and open the dorr to the closet." Not Playing EVER AGAIN."
You picked up the Blue card and looked around."Blue?" Dib got up and walked into the closet. Properly because of the geers from the class mates."So Sorry, you Got that loser Dib" Zita said. you glared at her and walked into the closet. Zan locked the door behind you. Dib sat in the corner silently. He laid his head on his arms."Why do they always tease you Dib?" He buried his face in his arms." you don't know? I'm CRAZY remember." You sat next to and lended in. " I don't think that...." You kissed him on the forhead. He turned his head startled. "What?!" you inch back and apolgize." I'M Sorry! I-I -" Dib got up and moved toward you and then pounced on you. "Do it again." You stared at his brown eyes. and took off his glasses. and kissed his lips. He grabed you off the floor and sat against the wall with you on his lap. He broke off and pressed his forehead on yours." i always Loved you ____". you run your lips on his cheek lightly and catch your breath." I love you too, Dib." he grabed you and pulled you into him." don't Leave me....." You hug him back and smile. " I promise I try not to, and if i do I'll always come back to you." Tears ran your cheeks. You both had been danceing around each other for a long time with secret longing. But you never thought you would actully fall in Love. You Kiss him and cried. The door opened silently and then closed. You both broke off and crawled to the door listening."I guess we'll havet to give them 7 more minutes. You both Laugh happily.
"green?" you called out. You heard Zim cursed and get up angerly. Zan pushed you both in the closet angerly and locked the door. Zim leaned against the wall and glared at you."so, FILTHY HUMAN.what is this game of SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN?" you blushed."um, its where you kiss someone in a closet i think, are you stupid or something?" Zim's eyes widened and moved closer." Does Every Human know that?" he inched still closer to you. you step back anxiously."I-I guess so." Hearing this, Metallic arms turned you and pinned you to the wall."Zim! what are you-" you were quieted by his lips pressing onto yours. Emotion overwelmed your being and you closed your eyes. Zim's Arms slide back into his back and his real ones draped themselves around you delicately. you broke off and gasped."Zim!" he held you closer and smirked at you slyly. "Whats Wrong? You said that Humans Kiss in this game did you not?" He pressed you into him, holding you tightly."Y-Yes" you answer. His fingers gazed your back lightly. his lips touch your forehead. he Door opens suddenly. Zan steps in thru the light. She pulls him away angerly. You sit on the ground dazed.
Reaching into the hat, you looked confused as you pulled out... a pink squeaking piggie?
"I guess I have a...."
A quaint look of sacasism hits your face as Gir leaps and bounds over to you and his piggy. You didn't have to worry about doing anything with Gir, not because he was a robot but because you couldnt pry him off of your head. I giggled as I seen Gir nuzzle against your head, purring and he clung to you and the piggy.
You could always go through and choose another in the hat if you really wish ^__^
As you reach into my hat, I watch as Dib and Zim argue back and forth. Shaking my head I look back as you examine a ripped piece of paper.
"Who's got the paper?"
Dib stopped mid fight, pulling on Zim's antannae in the process. Dib grinned from ear to ear, running full bore into the closet. I giggled as Zim stuck out his tongue, crossing his arms to pout.
"Well then, he's willing get to cracking!"
It didnt take long for you to run to the closet. Closing the door you searched around, giving up after not finding Dib you went to sit back, sitting right on him.
"You need a pair of these yourself huh?" He smiled, holding up a pair of infrared goggles. You could feel the heat coming off of his body, being that he was bright red from head to toe.
"Jeez Dib I'm sorry I sat on you!" As you get up to scramble away you tripped, landing flat on your face. Dib gasped, hurrying to your side and turning you onto your back.
"Are you ok?!" You nodded, blushing more than he was because of the uber embarrassment. You tried to look away from Dib, but was caught by surprise when he caught your lips in a tender kiss. As your eyes widened and he pulled away you were stunned.
"Sorry, I've watched you in skool, you seem to be the only one who doesn't laugh at me. It always seems like you believe.... UMF!"
He didn't have to talk anymore, you had captured his attention with a rough but sweet kiss. As you two played out for dominance, you roughly won when he excepted your request for entrance. As I opened the door, I seen Dib stumble out, all ruffled and tumbled. I smirked, leading out my hand to see you dazed coming out as well.
"Well then, it seems you two enjoyied yourselves!"
"Go ahead, pick something."
I couldn' help but look at Zim, who was playing with a computer of sorts. He was trying to ignore Dib, who was throwing magazine pages at him in hopes of annoying him. I turned back to see you had pulled a little gnome hat out.
Zim gave him one eye wide, one eye half shut look at you, standing up he pointed high to the air.
He proudly marched to the closet, you following close behind. As the door shut you caught a glipse of the warrior, who within seconds was poking you.
"What is up with all these filth worm babies?! All you are..."
He was quickly quieted with your lips being pressed against his. At first he melted, his antannae falling against his skull and him purring. But the more he thought about it... he was kissing a germ filled stink BABY! He tore away stumbling backwards and slamming into the wall. He couldn't get away though, as you quickly closed the space between you two. He somewhat shivered, but was met once again with those human lips. He melted again, and just collapsed into your embrace. I opened up the door, Zim's antannae perked up, and he quickly seperated from you to make a break for it. I just smiled.
"Awww, I'd be a xenophile to"
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