1. Four of my friends, including me & InuHalfDemon30 have contributed to this story.
2. Back then I had a crazy liking for Gaara from Naruto, now its Sasuke that catches my eye. heart
3. Its kinda perverted in a way, so no little kids reading! redface Readers Discretion Advised! (me & my best friend made that up lolz)
4. This version is in the original way we've written it down on the many papers. It is not edited except for the for the spelling & grammar. We thought it would be more funny to you if you read it in its original text.
5. This story was written when we were in 7th & 8th grade, now were in 10th & 11th grade. So that's why its stupid because we were not experienced in story writing.
6. Also the story is kinda written in Play format. So sorry if you don't like it.
7. For those of you who read this & are artists feel free to draw out scenes if you want. We would like love to see it ^.^!
8. We also didn't know the concept of the currency thing yet so 2000 yen seemed like a lot to us then. Like 2k exactly lolz.

1. Pure: The protective one
2. Eclair: The silly one
3. Schyler: The powerful one
4. Lumiere: The perverted one
5: Eclipse: The calm one
6. Manager of the Uniform Shop(snake demon)
7. Queen Venus
8. Queen Lore
9. Queen Fala
10. Queen Mara
11. Queen Kanta
12. King Vernus(Prince Motoro's Father)
13. King Tomori(Prince Gaara's Father)
14. King Sesshomaru(Prince Namomaru's Father)
15. King Deimoru(Prince Sasora's Father)
16. King Kakashi(Prince Tosomo's Father)
17. Prince Motoro(son of Vernus & Venus)
18. Prince Gaara(son of Tomori & Lore)
19. Prince Namomaru(son of Sesshomaru & Fala)
20. Prince Sasora(son of Deimoru & Mara)
21. Prince Tosomo(son of Kakashi & Kanta)

A Roar for love
There are two worlds. One doesn't know the other exists, the other knows very well that the other exists & that world always goes into the human world. That world is the demon world. For right now lets focus on the human world ok?
Now in a school in the human world a group of girls are at their new school. They've been friends since they were in preschool and now their in a new school for their senior year. Their names are Pure, Eclair, Schyler, Lumiere, and Eclipse. At this school there's a uniform rule, Boys wear pants & girls wear skirts.
Lets go to them....
They are in front of the uniform shop.
Schyler- I guess we should go in.
Eclipse- Lets go guys. So we can get food for our frigging apartment.
Eclair- That reminds me, whose cooking this week or who has taken the job?
Lumiere- I believe Pure has chosen to cook for awhile.
Eclipse- I've tasted her cooking before, its the best!
Pure- Lets get this over with.
*they go in*
Manager- May I help you?
Eclair- *says to them* He's cute.
Lumiere, Schyler, and Eclipse giggle.
Pure- *sighs & turns to the manager* Sorry. I would like 5 sets of boys uniforms.
Manager- B-but miss the school rules...
Pure- I don't give a damn about the rules! I just hate skirts! But for these 4 girls *points to the others* They want 5 sets of girl uniform each.
Manager- Y-yes miss r-right away.*he walks away*
Schyler- That was fun to watch.
Lumiere- I don't think you got into boys yet have you, Pure?
Pure- Oh here we go with the boy subject! No I don't like boys or have gotten in to boys!
Eclipse- Ah yes the nice subject of boys. I saw the pictures of all the boys in our class. There are a few hotties in there!
Eclair- Really? I think I will declare it is an official boy hunting session!