Sora: okay Kairi, I need you to remember this, so you can say it. Like, at the very beginning.
Kairi: I don't think I can remember all that...
Sora: huh...Well... We'lll Post it on the wall! Right over here so you can read it and stuff.
* * * *
*really staged sounding* Kairi: Hey So-Ra! What's wrong?
Sora: *mumbles* The school's being stupid.
Kairi: What's that?
Sora: The school's being stupid!
Kairi: And why's your hair all flat?
Sora: Because the school's being stupid!!
* * * *
Sora: Okay, so you're probably wondering a lot of things. One, why's my hair flat. Two, why my room bright red? and Four: Why's Ri--
Kairi: You're on three, sugar.
Sora: Oh, right. Three, why isn't Riku here? I will be answering all of these unanswered questions through this whole podcast.
Kairi: Aaaaand...
Sora: AND Kairi's here to help!
Kairi: On account that Riku's--
Sora: SHHH!
* * * *
Kairi: hey sora, why do you have lotion by your bed.
Sora: No..No reason.
Kairi: and just why do you always have Riku over for sleepovers, but never me?
Sora: because... my mom... she she doesn't like me having girls over for sleepovers. I'm at THAT age.
Kairi: But my mom doesn't mind. She let's me sleep over at guys houses ALL the time!
Sora: You..don't have a mom.
Kairi: Oh, thanks for opening old wounds, Sora. I meant the nuns at the nursery--I mean orphnage.
Sora: Did you say nursery?
Kairi: SORA! Don't make me come over there and slap you silly!
Sora: ...O.O
* * * *
Sora: Anyway, on with the questions. 1. Why is my hair flat. Well to answer that question, I will havbe to go into a long detailed story that occured earler today.
Kairi: Or I can just press this shink-y dink little button and cue the flashback!
* * * *
*In School*
Teacher: Okay, kids it's time to start clasrs. Oh, Sora. That hair!
Selphie: It's so spiky!* playing with it*
Teacher: It's a DISTRACTION! GO to the bathroom at one and wash out that ridiculous hairstyle.
Sora: W-What...?
Teacher: YOU HEARD ME! Wash it out or DETENTION!
Kairi: Oh Sora! What're you going to do?
Sora: I don't... have a choice...
Riku: That's not fair!
Teacher: Oh Riku, you know that sora's hair has been distracing our learning since day one.
Sora:*Slumps out of classroom*
* * * *
Sora: And that's what happened!
Kairi: AND that's why Sora's hair is flat!
* * * *
Sora: Question two, well my room was orinially painted with little palm trees and stuff, but after I dissappeared, my parents thought I was dead. So they painted it and started renting it out for a lot of money. And I'm finally able to start decorating as I want again.
Kairi: OOOOH! So that's why there's a poster of edward cullen right over here. *holds up*
Sora: PsH! NO. no, no nononononon that's not mine.
Kairi: well who's is it?
Sora:It''s it's its' Yours! *elbows* remember!! You left it here! You LOVE twilight!
Kairi: Actually, I'm more of a Jane Austin kind of girl. Ya'know, pride and prejudice. Oh but I do enjoy the occational Victer Hugo. My favorite is Les Miserables!
Sora: Kairi... Remember? YOU like Twilight! It's your poster! You LOVE twilight!
Kairi: Not really. I remember you dragged me to the midnight opening and made me sit in front row so you can go all goo-goo eyes with the sparkly vampire himself.
Sora: We're editing this out....
Kairi: *Shrug*
* * * *
Sora: ANYWAY questioin FOUR!
Kairi: Three.
Sora: THREE!
Kairi: Where is Riku?
Kairi: And thanks to our good friend and undercover janitor, Cid, we get a live feed from the dention classroom!
* * * *
Teacher: I hope that you know what your teacher has sent you here for.
Riku: Actually, no.
Teacher: Riku, you need to stop these homosexual....outbursts in school.
Riku: What do you mean?
Teacher: Oh, Riku, how you go around flirtin' with all the boys. It's innapropreate and sinful!
Riku: Sinful? really? Care to elaborate.
Teacher: Well, you have been showing openly homosexual feelings toward your classmate, Sora.
Riku: He's my BEST friend!
Teacher: Riku, you can'd deny it. It's landed you in a whole mess of trouble. I have half the mind to call the vice princepal in here to have a chat with you.
Riku: For what?
Teacher: For what you did today in class!
Riku: Flirited with Sora?
Teacher: YES!
Riku: But, Hayner was flirting with Olette the whole class period.
Teacher: That is a whole different story, mister.
Riku: So you're homophobic?
Teacher: Now Riku, it's rude to speak to others about that kind of stuff.
Riku: So you're honophobic.
Teacher: Riku! You know it is againt the bible to be doing that kind of stuff with someone of the same gender.
Riku: OH! So you're homophobic!
* * * *
Kairi: Oooooh! It all makes sense now.
Sora: *Is reading breaking dawn* What? I wasn't paying attention...
Kairi: Oh nothin', you silly goose. You just keep on reading your teenage vampire romance.
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Oh, you know. Writing things that need to be writen.^^
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