Taira Zirafel
Gender: Male Age: 29 Height: 5' 7" Weight: 143 lbs Ability: Amplification Personality: Very protective, Quick to fight, leader, Smiles only to his family and people he really cares for. Appearance: As with all blood members of the Zirafel family, Taira sports the pure white head of hair. The tattoos he bears on his face, shoulders and knuckles were inked upon him as a child, further proving him to be a member. His ears remain heavily pierced. Can be seen around Misne in casual wear, consisting of a partially buttoned dress shirt, straight legged or regular cut jeans, hand made bracelets, wedding ring, and some flip flops, slip ons, or socks. On missions, he ventures out heavily armored in his fitted suit. Weapon(s): Miax (Mee-ahcks) Hunting knives. Occasionally will bring his hunting bow. Biography: Taira was born as the fourth boy in his family, with three older brothers and two older sisters, three younger brothers and four younger sisters. Growing up in the Tribe was harsh, his father, Vinn Zirafel, who was the tribal leader, would train his children personally how to control the beasts. On an outing when Taira (Then called Landon) was on such a training, he encountered his father in a fit of rage. Being only 8 years old, he understood enough to realize that his twin sister Laine, was endangered. His father was enraged that Laine could not control the Beasts. She had none of the proper bloodline to do so. Taira was attached to his sister, as are many twins, and could not bear to see her killed as he had seen few of his other siblings. Taira convinced her to escape, and as punishment from his father, was sentenced to kill a nearby village using the Beasts. Taira saw what his father intended that day, and pleaded for him to train more so he could ensure the job was done properly. Vinn agreed, and sent Taira to fufill the task, many years later. Taira, at the defiant age of 15, killed half of the village in front of his father, and his father, being pleased, left him to finish the job. Taira watched as his Beasts chased down the innocent villagers and killed them with pain in his heart and body. He couldn't stand all of the needless killing. He fell to his knees and sobbed, calling the beasts back and apologizing incessantly. There was where he met his loving wife, Emily, who was then called Lolithia, and her brother Erick, then known as Kaza. Taira pleaded with the remaining villagers to let him stay with them, swearing that he would defend them if his father came back. Years later, his father did return, angry that the boy still had not finished the job. Taira, now 18, had gained inhuman strength in those years in helping the villagers with rebuilding their home and challenged his father, not only for the sake of the villagers, but for the sake of his toddler son. Taira was no match for his talented father and failed to protect the village. The villagers were bitten and turned into more Beasts. Emily and Erick were bitten as well, but Emily's motherly instincts commanded her to protect them, and the Beast bite was altered. With the village destroyed and the four survivors left nursing their wounds, Taira led them away from the wreckage. They soon came across Misne, where Raiko's father took them in. Taira was immediately put on the front lines of the defense force for his skill in combat where he met Fenix, his soon to be best friend. Taira proved to be one of the best defenders for his natural ability to control the Beasts, and was reassigned to protect Raiko, the next head of Misne. Since then, Taira has been second in command and only goes out on personal missions or with Raiko. He also takes a lot of leave to spend time with his family. Taira was on a political mission with Raiko to talk to his father when Emily phoned him. The children were missing. Hearing the despair in his wife's voice, Taira pleaded with Raiko who immediately complied to go back to Misne. Erick had gone along with them, and used his abilities to return them instantly. Taira honed in on his father, who was in the stable house, with his Beast senses. He sprinted toward the stables to find his father, already saddled on the biggest horse and galloping toward the doors. Taira grabbed a saddle cloth and threw it over his chestnut, Butter, and followed. When he caught up to his father, he confronted him once again, and lost. The pain of this loss was deep. Deeper than anything Taira had experienced before. For in losing, not only was his pride hurt and his confidence shattered, but the blood of his young daughter Ethienne was splattered across his face with his son watching the whole process. Taira spent three years in the wilderness to cope with his loss, and has finally returned to Misne, seasoned and hardened from the soft joking man he once was. Notes: Taira's family name is Landon, and he's totally the black sheep of the family. He will only use his Beast control to protect. 