XxEmo_Angelic_DemonxX 72//120
mythological irony 67//120
PolarMints 85//120
- - c h o c - OH - rawrr 89//120
Milkshax 74//120
jjillane 93//120
xx-YumiChii 67//120
Judge #1:
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 8//10
Flow: 6//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary: I'm usually really religious about using companion items, but with your explanation, I think that they fit the avi. I thought this avi really represented you, which was what we were aiming for in this challenge. However, the balance of colors was a bit off. There is not enough blue near the bottom, and a few of the shadings here and there are a bit off.
mythological irony
Matching: 4//1o
Originality: 6//10
Flow: 6//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary: I didn't really get "half tomboy" and "half girly." And your shadings for both the pink and the green are everywhere.
Matching: 8//1o
Originality: 8//10
Flow: 7//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary: I really like the touches of bright colors among the black and dark blue, but the white/greys are a bit off. They just aren't the same shade (off white and silver-gray). The leggings are also a bit off, but I understand that there isn't much you can do about that..
- - c h o c - OH - rawrr
Matching: 8//1o
Originality: 9//10
Flow: 7//1o
Overall Appearance: 8//1o
Commentary: I really enjoy this entry. Its really cute, and your description really allowed me to learn more about you! For instance, I never knew you were Australian! A few of the pinks are a bit off though, and its a bit awkward how detailed the lower portion is.
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 7//10
Flow: 5//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary: For me the face is really awkward, but that's just my own preference. The birthstone cape is also looks a bit awkward. You also need more white near the shoes, and one or two shades are off.
Matching: 9//1o
Originality: 8//10
Flow: 8//1o
Overall Appearance: 8//1o
Commentary: It's a bit simple compared to the rest of the entries, but I think that's what makes it stand out the most. One of my favorites this round, but could use like a black belt in the midsection. Its really pleasing to the eye.
Matching: 6//1o
Originality: 8//10
Flow: 5//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary: I'm a bit confused. Is Gmen really a band or something? I think the companions are unnecessary too.
Judge #2:
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 8//10
Flow: 7//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary: I like this avi, quite unique.Need more black to make the dragon look more apart of the avi.
mythological irony
Matching: 6//1o
Originality: 6//10
Flow: 6//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary: The shade of color kinda all over the place. The white(mask) and black (hat) wasn't use much or at all in the avi. Nothing really unique about it.
Matching: 8//1o
Originality: 6//10
Flow: 7//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary:Too much black and nothing unique or special about it.
- - c h o c - OH - rawrr
Matching: 8//1o
Originality: 9//10
Flow: 9//1o
Overall Appearance: 8//1o
total: 34/40
Commentary: Nice avi, very unique. The face look more gray then black. The mini wing look out of place int he head area.
Matching: 5//1o
Originality: 8//10
Flow: 6//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary:Very unqiue but very bad color coordination as well. Color all over the place. (dark blue, light blue, purple blue?)
Matching: 8//1o
Originality: 7//10
Flow: 8//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary: Very nice matching. Cream pretty hard to match but nothing unique about the avi.
Matching: 5//1o
Originality: 8//10
Flow: 6//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary:Nice theme, bad color coordination.
Judge #3:
Matching: 6//1o
Originality: 5//10
Flow: 4//1o
Overall Appearance: 4//1o
Commentary: Just throwing on everything you like is one far easy way to represent yourself. It's a good thing you still kept in mind matching, though. There's too much blue and purple from the torso-up and not enough at the bottom and the whole thing is just busy. This could have easily done without the companion items. Also, skin balance is off.
mythological irony
Matching: 5//1o
Originality: 6//10
Flow: 6//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary: You need to pay closer attention to the shades of colors and how you distribute them or else the avatar starts looking sloppy. The feet area on this avatar doesn't match up to the rest of the body and the pink needs to be broken up. It's a decent avatar.
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 7//10
Flow: 6//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary: The very first thing I notice is the blob of white on the ankles. It's quite distracting and a handheld might have been of better use. Considering how much love you give that jacket, you need to learn how to work with its shine better or else it throws off your avatars in a way. It's still a little different from the other shines you have in there. Color matching is pretty clean but skin balance is totally gone. This is another pretty decent avatar. Thank you for not going for a direct 'I like this and do this' type of thing.
- - c h o c - OH - rawrr
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 5//10
Flow: 5//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary: The first thing I have to say is make your noted items obvious. I know they're there but I really have to look for them. Also, you too have to pay closer attention to the shades of the colors used. The head layering is messy and there's no need for the halo as it hangs out in the open oddly. The shape of the whole thing is rather unsightly, too.
Matching: 6//1o
Originality: 6//10
Flow: 5//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary: Some of the textures brought into this are random and unneeded but you did a pretty good job with matching and I love the comic feel. Distribution with the whites and blacks need improvement and some of the layering is a bit choppy but overall it has a nice feel to it.
Matching: 9//1o
Originality: 5//10
Flow: 8//1o
Overall Appearance: 8//1o
Commentary: This whole thing with what I like and what I do is getting a bit old when it comes to these types of rounds. Other than that, this one is my overall favorite of the round. I dislike the slippers and the headphone/headband layering but other than that, it's pretty much loved.
Matching: 6//1o
Originality: 5//10
Flow: 4//1o
Overall Appearance: 4//1o
Commentary: For the last time, you people need to figure out another way to represent yourselves other than 'I like, I do'. Don't get me started on unnecessary companions either. Textures are weird and distribution needs a lot of work.