Name: Shizukana Hayabusa
Nickname: Shizukana
Age: 18
Orientation: he likes either
Classes: - Break Dancing - Japanese - Cooking - Martial Arts - Physical Education - Psychology
Likes: - Calming Japanese music - Meditating - Bladed weapons - Rain - Training in his martial arts and with his weapons - Swimming - Waterfalls - Calming atmosphere
Dislikes: - Loud noises - Super Sweet substances - Disrespectful people - Bright lights
Personality: He has high respect for all beings that are also respectful to him. He doesn’t speak, but he is very friendly to nearly all he meets. Though he doesn’t take kindly to those who are rude and hold no respect for others, he would much like to teach those beings a lesson. He also has a bit of a silly side. Biography: Even in this world of guns and technology, the ninja is still greatly revered as assassins. His father was once a great Shinobi, though killed in battle while Shizukana was but a fetus, his mother died giving birth to him. He was taken in by his father’s master, Master Ryu Hayabusa, where he took on his master’s sir name and they way of the ninja. He became an outstanding ninja at the age of six; however, an enemy of the Hayabusa clan raided what he came to know as his home. Shizukana tried to defend it with everything he had, but was overtaken, and to prevent him from saying anything, and to cause him to suffer the leader cut out his vocal cords. Master Ryu could not even do anything. He rushed Shizukana to the hospital as soon as he could and luckily, he was saved.
The loss of his vocal cords did not mean much to Shizukana, as he did not talk much when he had them. He has gotten by, though people give him strange looks when he goes into a store with his mask on and weapons covering his body. Now, Shizukana wants to take a break from the world of the ninja, and has decided to go to a school, and perhaps find a good friend or two.
Other Information: He carries his weapons with him where ever he goes, though he will never use them unless forced, they aren't just for show he is highly trained and knows how to use them, he also carries a white board around to write things down in order to communicate with people, his hand writing looks like that of the writing in the picture.
Who made me: Ls favorite detective
Name: Gin Enzeru
Nickname: Gin.
Age: 17
Orientation: Homosexual
Classes: - German - Photography - Poetry - Cooking - Textiles - Physical Education - Drawing
Likes: Older guys, glasses on other guys, making friends, drawing, sewing, taking pictures, animals, practical jokes and random violence.
Dislikes: Mean people, and children.
Personality: He’s a very outgoing person, if he sees someone he’s interested in becoming friends with, he’ll walk up and talk to them. However, he’s very different when he likes someone in a romantic way, he’ll talk to them, but he’ll blush or talk real quiet. But once he’s comfortable enough around them he’ll go ahead and tell them. He also likes to point random things out that most people wouldn’t notice.
Biography: His parents hated him, for no good reason really. They didn’t want a child, but they got one anyway, for being stupid. But instead of getting mad at the other, they took it out on him. Acting like it was his fault that he was born. The only times they were nice to him was when they were drunk. They went insane when he told them that he liked other guys, his father beat him, tied him up and lashed him. Despite how they treated him though, he was very nice to them and cared for them very much. Any other child would probably have resented there parents at that point. One day his father got really angry about the fact that Gin likes other guys and beat him with a belt in there back yard. The family that lived next door called social services, who quickly came and got Gin and took him to an orphanage, seeing as he was passed out from blood loss because of the beating. He spent five years at the orphanage, no one wanting him. But when he turned 17 they allowed him to go to Ketai All Boy’s academy.
Other Information: He will do almost anything for a mango (or something mango flavored), even if it’s extremely embarrassing, he's also rather good at piano.
Who made me: Ls favorite detective

Hiya! My name is: Hiroshi Kai
I'm not a kid anymore, I'm: 17
I would describe myself as: friendly, outgoing, over protective, and slightly clingy to those he likes.
I like: - Mangoes - Singing - Poetry ((though he’s not very good at writing it)) - Painting - Drawing - People - Making friends - Bass ((Not the guitar kind of bass))
I dislike: - Ignorant people - Spicy food - Birds - Non-fiction novels
Here's a bit about me: He grew up very pampered, he was born into a rich family, but he never really liked it, his parents had lots of birds that would often bite him when he tried to touch one, so eventually he stopped liking them all together. He was only allowed to talk to people his parents told him to talk to and was not allowed to leave the house with out them. He did both things anyway, he would sneak out of the house then go into town and talk to everyone he ran into. He gave money to those less fortunate and played with the kids that were his age.
Dorm number: 4
*click* Oh look it's me!!:
Lets see ... anything else: He can be slightly narcissistic at times.

Username: Ls favorite detective
Character name: Akira Ken’ichi (Hanasaki is his real last name though)
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 6’7
Eye color: Gold
Hair color: White
Orientation: Pansexual
Weapons/Powers: Two ninjato, bladed tonfa, ninja wire and a bow staff and his body for weapons. He has regenerative powers, like his brother but unlike his brother, he can not turn invisible, instead he can shape shift into any kind of living creature. Personality: Silly, outgoing and charismatic, he’s a very likable person to most.
Bio: He lived a somewhat normal life, with his brother, Sanosuke and his parents, a happy life until Sanosuke went ‘berserk’ and slaughtered their parents. Sanosuke wanted Akira to suffer more, so he tore out Akira’s vocal chords with his bare hands. He said “I know you’ll want to kill me if you live, so, if you do. I’ll be waiting for you to try.” before he left, walking out the door while Akira was lying on the ground bleeding from his throat. Luckily he lived, but the regenerative powers could only go so far as to heal the hole in his throat, it fixed the trachea but did not heal the vocal chords themselves.
When he was healed completely he began to train, with various weapons and in martial arts, so he is just as dangerous with out a weapon as he is with one. When he finished his training he left the dojo, leaving his sensei some money for training him while traveling he heard of a blessed blade known as Soul Calibur, it was said it could do anything the wielder wanted it to, including healing and giving an insane amount of power. So he sought it out, going to every village along the way and asking around with body language to try to get people to know what he was asking. For those who were able to figure out his gestures, told him to go to some other village, and on the circle went.
Anything else:He most likes to take Feline or Canine forms.

Name: Haruko Haruna
Age: 18 1/2 Gender: female
Weapon: Blades
Personality: Calm, friendly, and outgoing, but has her moments where she’s silly, random and somewhat off topic.
Biography: Her father was a blade master, she could use everything from throwing knives, to scythes, and Sangkuk was trained in every weapon that her father could use since she was old enough to wield a blade. Her personal favorites ended up being oriental blades, so she tended to train with those most often. When she turned 17 her family was killed, her father helped her get away before he was eliminated as well.
Username:Ls favorite detective
Character name: Sanosuke Hanasaki
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 6’7
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Black
Orientation: Straight
Weapons/Powers: Carries Kusarigama, two Kama, and a Katana. Can regenerate and go invisible.
Personality: People know him as cruel, and unfair, he tends to go for what he wants, and he uses people to get what he wants, he’ll even kill in a heart beat to get what he wants.
Bio: He grew up nice, however, all of that changed when he caught a small, hint of Soul Edge’s power and his body craved its power. He killed his parents at the young age of fourteen. Sanosuke then went to a dojo and learned how do use Kusarigama, Kama and Katanas, he mastered them before, brutally slaughtering his master as well as anyone else in the dojo. He is not stopping at nothing to obtain this power in which Soul Edge would give him.
Anything else:If he had a theme song, it’s be Red Soil by Dir en Grey
Username: Ls favorite detective
Character name: Daisuke Andou
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Height: 6’4
Eye color: Pale brown
Hair color: Red with white highlights
Orientation: Pansexual
Weapons/Powers: He is an unarmed fighter, but he can still easily kill someone with just his hands and feet. As for powers, he can create a force field around him for a short amount of time but that tires him out immensely, he can also sprout wings and fly. Personality: Daisuke is kind, outgoing, talkative and tries to be helpful in anyway he can.
Bio: He grew up in a happy family of four, living the average life for the most part. He had an older brother, and his mother and father who all loved him despite his powers, which other people either made fun of him for, or did everything they could to get to date him as he was also a very attractive young man. He came home from school one day and found his family, slaughtered, with a masked man standing over them wielding a Kusarigama and had a Katana neatly back-waisted and a pair of Kama tucked into the cloth belt.
Daisuke ran when he saw this man, and swore to avenge his parents, so he started to train, in Judo, Karate, Shoulin, and other forms of kung-fu in order to try and exact his revenge upon that man. When he had heard whispers of a blade, known as Soul Calibur, which could give him strength to defeat nearly any opponent, he decided to go on a journey to find this powerful weapon, and eventually use it to kill that man that had destroyed his family.
Anything else: A lot of people seem to think he’s really attractive.
((More on the way biggrin ))
Aranel Sirfalas · Sun Aug 01, 2010 @ 05:43pm · 0 Comments |