drea the aweshum
Community Member
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 @ 10:05pm
-stares at calendar she doesnt have- ....woah it's almost time for school to start.. talk about a SOMEWHAT fast summer vacation. ehehe.. well, guess what? I've been working on a NEW animation! Surprise! unless of course you've been reading my journal, then you know about it. OTL anyway... the animation stars the following people:
ahi of tunaland OMG - it's maxie rcthouma (tunah's friend) skate4darkstar II Snow ll kate415 kellybellyRAWR and tuna's friend josh.
guess what the song is?
tik tok.
point being, i'm halfway done with it, and with proper motivation, i should be able to finish it and upload it to youtube before school starts.. but where would i get that motivation? -looks at her friends- not you guys.. you usually ignore my journal.. gonk