Race: American
Hair: Short Curly Brown hair, with natural lighter brown highlights.
Height: 5'5
Eyes: They change color when her moods change (Crying: Blue. Bored: Brown Normal: Blue rim, green middle, brown around pupil.)
Weight: Skinny, in good shape.
Clothes: Purple Peace Sign shirt, with short dark blue shorts, and knee high black converse. Purple tam beret. Also has 4 Piercings. Lip, ear, nose, and bellybutton.
Personality: Quiet when around more popular type of people, but if she gets to know you she's really outgoing, and nice. Hate to be made fun of, and if she is be expecting a punch to the face. She likes to draw, and to work out. Shes rarely mad , but when she is, shes the scariest person to be around.

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