Moving Mr. C's class was ....interesting. Got to watch Greg dance and sing to the songs they were playing for the padgent....pretended we were in the wizard of Oz.
I was Dorathy I'm assuming.....but I had striped socks and converses...maybe I'm the emo Dorathy.. Lorlei was the "gay" lion (wouldn't but it any other way ;D). Rawr rawr~
and Greg was the scar crow. Only because the tinman doesn't have hair D:
I've gotten a lot of work done however. It's only been about...two weeks =,=. But there are 8 storage rooms. I've moved a Christmas tree on my own- several monitors and CPUs BY MY SELF and hooked them up only to discover if they were working or not. Made several trips down the halls returning or getting stuff. Got most of the enlargers. Taped name tags down to all of the desks (only to have kids rip them off ). Placed random items in the storage areas..... a lot of work. and I only have time to do it 1st period (as his student) 3rd period and my lunch (while I'm a teacher assitant for another class) and/or after school (volenteer time)
And yeah, I enjoy it. Even if I'm allergic to all of the dust and I can barely speak because of it xD. I like helping him. Especially since he did a really big favor for me. It saved my grade! But I like helping people in general. T'is what I do. And I've gotten a few friends to help me out with it, which we always make fun (even if it's like the wizard of Oz)
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