to have been able to play with such excellent musicians as I have had the opportunity to.
Yet another one to add to the list: Nick.
Absolutely amazing playing with him... and he says he can't even remember when he started playing guitar. rolleyes pretty good singer, too...... after working on our thing for homecoming coronation, we just jammed I guess... hah. since i absolutely suck at pulling chords and crap outta thin air, we ended up just talking and him playing random songs on guitar.
And Karen, Shioko and I all think he likes Krin. x] BUT i found out that he can't be her prom date- he's leaving in JANUARY already. gonk
*happy sigh* today's been a good day overall. must be the pills I took last night, and the weird breakfast i had this morning.(added paprika to it for the first time in addition to the usual dill- actually pretty good. o.o)
when i got to my car, i was even pleasantly surprised with a box of MOON PIES. heart ahhhhhh-mazingness. x3
lotsa homework, though... quick countdown would be:
1. field marching today!! heart shoes were soaked through, thank goodness i keep a spare pair in the car. lol.
2. create a wellness plan. =l whatever. Shioko was getting pissed at me because i wanted to discuss homecoming float ideas with her... supposedly my homeroom sat on their asses all freaking hour on wednesday, so I came up with an ENTIRE thing for ours. now hopefully we'll have homeroom again tomorrow and i can straighten everything out... have found that when people refuse to take the initiative, they'll usually at least listen when you tell them to do something.
3. actually pretty easy...?? finish a worksheet.
4. lol. gotta finish watching the vid, but because of a chance encounter w/ McGee as she was going into the bathroom I had to take the test... thank goodness I did it. Wouldn't've known anything more by tomorrow, anyways. Did okay on BOTH tests, i hope... maybe. hopefully. probably not. =/
5. amusing that i kind of know what's going on. now i just need some time to work on it.............
6. HUGE FREAKING TEST TOMORROW!! *very nervous* i may have gotten a 34 on the reading (or english??) part of my ACT, but that doesn't mean i know an adjective from an adverb or a preposition from a conjugation. And i don't even want to think about all of the subcategories of everything.... *groan*
7. psych. B on the chapter test, not too bad. x] she didn't see that i forgot to write in some stuff, but i'm not gonna tell her. =P wrote my assignment stuff on two sticky notes for lack of a notebook at that moment... hah.
8. i love webpage. I learn soooo much, and i love it all. heart i have a feeling i'm really far ahead of everyone else, but yet i didn't skip out to make the job shadowing phone call. I think I'm really nervous to make the call, actually...
i'll go visit their website. maybe that'll ease my nerves...??
(sidenote: ZOMG COOKIE DOUGH!!!!!!)
"why can't we ever find a haunted ice cream parlor?" (*goes to japanese walmart and buys anti-bear supplies*)
*big breath* wellness plan, spanish worksheet, 2.1, study for ac writing test, transfer psych stickies to a notebook.
Moon pies are 300 calories a piece. soooo freaking good, but soooo much freaking wasted calories to have two in a day. =/
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