So I've made this list of things I would enjoy if you feel up to getting me something but don't know what
and yes, I feel partly greedy for putting this up...v-v...
Lonewolfy's Birthday is on October 20th! She's going to be 22 :O! And Wolve's LOVE cake!

The Number 1 thing Lonewolf would like for her birthday is any Soquili! Baskets, mares, stallions........ any Soquili would make her happy!! :3
A breeding between any of her pairs would be AMAZING!
Item Wishies
arrow wahmbulance Pancake the Bunny
arrow Fallen Wish (any gen!) - OMGZ THANK YOU SO MUCH ALANNA surprised o
arrow Gogh Reed (any gen!)
arrow North Kitten Star
arrow Kottan Bell Reunion
arrow wahmbulance Toned Keido
arrow wahmbulance SDPlus #80 Sheryl Orange
Breedable Pet Wishies
Any B/C pets are loved!!
arrow A PM box filled wtih birthday wishes and birthday pictures!
arrow Gold for my Soquili Quests ;3
arrow Avi Art ;3