Got a few more pages for you, from the exciting journal of Guiseppi M. Bacci.
"The first job I'll make easy for you." He explained is his note. "It will be easy." Like he knew. Over the past few days he had shown me my job, taking me with him as he dispatched a few souls. "We are the bearers of mercy." He had explained. It was our job to sever the ties a soul had on a body. If we didn't do so before the body died, then the soul would wither with it. "So where to they go?" I had made the mistake of asking one night. Grim gave me a look that froze the blood in my veins. "It is not our job to ask or answer that question." He muttered, looking away. "It is only our task to make sure that they get there." He left me alone for a few days after that, and then had sent me the instructions that I was reading now. The instructions had a few simple notes in it, the people that would be around, the local animals that might see me, and other things like that. "At night, to all mortals you are invisible, merely a cold breeze over their shoulder. It's the animals you have to watch out for. They can see directly through your guise of night." I read the address off of the paper, commiting it to memory. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I had made it, yet another perk of the job. I walked for a bit before I found my charge, lying in the street. It was an old man, homeless by the look of his clothes. I reached into my pocket, my cold fingers closing around a silver pen. I pulled it out, twisting the barrel off. Right when the barrel should have fallen off it didn't, and instead the pen changed. The metal extended, becoming a rough, dark wood meneath my hand. The clip bent up, extending and getting impossibly thin. My sythe now in hand, I passed it iver the man, muttering a few words of my own along with the enchantment that would seal the deal.
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A thought in the dark
To all who read this, you shall know my true turmoil. Over time I shall reveal myself. I hope that you understand.
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"I'm ok with the concept of a deity, but 'm not to sure about one that takes attendance."
Dr. Sheldon Cooper, P.h.d, on God
One God, One Love
Dr. Sheldon Cooper, P.h.d, on God
One God, One Love