as many have probably heard already, I has my tablet!!
I love it lots, and I'm the happiest child on earth!!!
This pic is the first ever picture drawn and colored on paint tool sai with my tablet. >;3 It's crap but I will get better I promise! :3
Currently I am coloring my sexy Izaya picture! He's turning out amazing as always.
oh, check this out:
I love him lots, my favorite as always. :3
anywho, more updates... hmmm.. I don't wanna say what I want to say, so I will not say it until for once I am sure that it is gonna happen.
No, it's not the fact that my mom may be leaving for a month. Leaving me with my brother, and two old people. Leaving me as the responsible one. Scary I know. XD
It'll be like babysitting fully grown children!
If that does happen, then don't mind the loss of whatever is left of my sanity. XD
Life's awesome... And I can't wait for the end of the school year because once the school is over mother told me something fun. fun fun fun. But yeah...
I'm bored now.
Title reason: Song by: 30h!3 very fun song. It's on my playlist. :3