Name at Birth if any: Adalwolf Lycaon
Nicknames: Friendly Goliath, Battlefield Razor.
Titles: Hereditary Knight
Role-Play Style: Turn based.
The kind of Role-Play I enjoy: Free form.
My Basic Role-Play Rules: Very simple, No God Modification.
Other Association(s): Blasted Worlds~ Gaia Online
Infamous/Famous: Famous.
Sexual Orientation of Character: Male
Age: 76 Years of age
Occupation: Keeping Peace, and protecting the Kingdom Amidia
Height: 7' 2''
Weight and Distribution: Without armor; 285 lbs/ With armor; 395 lbs
Gender: Male
Body Type: Heavy build, extremely powerful.
Voice: Deep and autoritative.
Headwear if any:
Hair color and Style if any:
General Expression: Serious.
Eye Color: Hazel
Other Eye Traits if any: Low light vision
Other Facial Attribute(s): Sharp teeth, last resort use.
Health: Physically Fit and free of most ailments.
Neckwear if any: Pagan Standard
Torso Clothing and/or armor if any: Light Plate armor and hard leather.
Other Torso Attribute(s): Terrible scar leading from his left shoulder down to his right hip.
Arm trait(s): Claws fit for rendering flesh in unarmed combat while in were form. Exceedingly powerful arms built by wielding Lupe, his Zweihander.
Other arm trait(s): Injury from his right arms impalement by a pike causes occasional shaking and reduced strength.
Leg trait(s): Very strong legs forged by carrying super heavy supplies and countless battles makes him very agile and fast while unarmored.
Other Physical Attribute(s): Super high pain threshold, Very quick on his feet, skilled in combat both with melee and hand-to-hand.
Race: Werewolf
Notable Race Attribute(s) if needed: Has completely learned to control his form, and can transform at will. So long as his familiar is nearby.
Personality: No-nonsense, level-headed, natural born leader, he can be very warm and relaxed if the situation is calm.
Hates: Disobedience, disloyalty, and defeatists.
Loves: His Zwiehander Lupe, and his familiar Adalia the spirit wolf.
Dislikes: The Forlorn Hope Clan, the Dredge Raider Clan, collateral damage.
Likes: His scars, his love interest Sapphira Amélie.
Fears: Totalitarian Ruler-ship, Sapphira's safety, The Dredge raiders use of child soldiers.
Desires: The eradication of all threats to the Kingdom of Amida.
Morals: Women and children are never to be harmed no matter what. Ever.
Goals: To eradicate all threats to his kingdom.
Alignment: Good
Health: Stable, calm, level-headed in tense situations.
Relationship Status: Love interest with Sapphira, his work gets in the way.
Friendship(s): Only with civilians, he creates no friendships with ranking officials.
Religion or Beliefs: Pagan
Religious Status: Strong Reliance on faith.
Health: Prays before every notable battle.
Elemental Affinity(s): Earth
Weapons, Amory, Inventory
Weapons: His Zweihander Lupe is his primary weapon, but if the situation requires lighter weight, His Scimitar
Scimitar shown in character picture above.
"Lupe" the Zweihander, shown below.
<img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac14/nezul/Zweihander__by_Zeppi_il_Hafi.jpg" border="0" alt="zweihander Pictures, Images and Photos"/>
Weapon Size Length and Shape: 380 cm long, 18.5 kilograms, it is a large two handed sword, similar in shape to the broadsword.
Weapon Details: Adalwolfs family heirloom, passed down for generations, it has cuts engraved into the hilt, showing how many high ranking enemy's lives have been halted. Affectionately nicknamed The Pagans Justice by the people of Amidia.
Weapon Abilities: It is an overpowering weapon that's attacks cannot be easily deflected by smaller weapons or axes in particular. Can de-horse and behead a man in one razor precision slash. Emits a strange aura that causes unrelenting fear in those who wish harm upon the wielder.
Armor: Steel plate armor
Armor Size Length and Shape: 4'5'', Custom built to fit his Were form. See character picture.
Armor Details: Dyed midnight blue.
Armor Abilities: Protection from arrows, spears, and axes. Weak when opposed to swords.
Other Traits: Super light, crafted by Adalwolf's ancestors. It will change shape to fit the user.
Item Size Length and Shape:
Item Details: (The Look)
Item Abilities:
Other Traits:
Skills and Abilities
"Speed and Precision Master"
Skill/Ability Purpose: Adalwolf's attacks are very quick and precise, enhancing the damage he causes with Lupe, the chance of mortally wounding a foe on the first blow is critically high.
Skill/Ability Skill Appearance: Physical Appearance. It shows on his body.
Skill/Ability Limits: Exhaustion comes quickly, lowering the amount of damage he can cause an enemy as a battle progresses.
"Religious Fervor"
Skill/Ability Purpose: Ignorant to most injuries
Spells and Powers
(Name goes here)
Spell/Power Purpose:
Spell/Power Skill Appearance:
Spell/Power Details:
Spell/Power Limits:
Spell/Power Other:
Pets, Summons, or other NPC's (NOTE, MAKE IT SHORT AND SWEET)
P/S/NPC Name:
Race and details:
Armor, Weapons, Inventory:
Ability's Skills Powers and Spells: