Hello. I recently participated in NaNoWriMo and actually ended up with a novel, which is called Ben the Devil. So that means something; I have OCs. There are not many characters in this, actually, and each journal entry will be dedicated to a separate character. This one will be for a minor character, whose name is Bunny.
Brief Description

Build: Enormous. Big enough for two men to ride at the same time.
Fur: Once upon a time, it was white with black spots. Now it doesn't matter, because it's covered in black flames.
Eyes: Bleeding holes
Other: A bunch of long, thin fangs. They probably have blood and flesh on/in them.
Personality: He's pretty much a regular rabbit when it comes to brains. He was made by the Devil to be a mount, but didn't turn evil at all. The only thing that really changed was its appearance and diet. It eats people now. It will hop about randomly, not listening to Ben (the Devil)'s directions. As far as minions go, it's a failure. Though it is rather cute, in a terrifying way.
Theme Song: "Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom" by Parry Gripp. The song is only one minute long, and may not seem to suit the idea you have of Bunny, but trust me; it does.
Description from the Book
WARNING: Explicit Language!
WARNING: Explicit Language!
"He had brought some sort of monster out of the smoke. He was calling it Bunny, so it had probably been a bunny once. Now it wasn’t. It was the size of a small horse and covered in black flames. It had no eyes. There were just empty, bloody holes where eyes should have been. It had fangs. A lot of them, and they were still a little red from its share of Henry. It stank of blood and death and fear. I guess he had given up on his pony.
. . .
It was still a rabbit in its mind. It hopped toward us a couple of times and then went in a completely random direction. “BUNNY, YOU SHITTING IDIOT! GO THAT WAY, TOWARD THEM! THEY’RE THE ******** ENEMY, YOU s**t MACHINE!” I think Ben may have been a little annoyed at Bunny. He ran over to it, and kicked it in the side of its stomach. It turned toward him and began to nibble on his head. He backed away from it, covered in rabbit drool. “YOU ******** IDIOT!”
Art by Inoue Noriko
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Art by King Lionel
Art by Githy
Art by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Lulu_Heavn
Art by Asilin
Art by The Last Red Rabbit
Art by Dundeleedum
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by Takarra_Nikko
Art by alu noir
Art by Nulfi
Art by Menteth
Art by Kuyusi
Art by Inoue Noriko
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Art by King Lionel
Art by Githy
Art by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Lulu_Heavn
Art by Asilin
Art by The Last Red Rabbit
Art by Dundeleedum
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by Takarra_Nikko
Art by alu noir
Art by Nulfi
Art by Menteth
Art by Kuyusi
Thank you very much for reading this and I hope very much that you will not only take this on, but also enjoy it.