Total Value: 14,016,338 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Powder Blue Sweet Lace Knee Socks
Moira's Silver Naval Piercing
Angelic Pendant
Trick or Treat Tote 6th Gen.
Picolitrosso's Urn 9th Gen.
Mercury's Moon
White And Ice Reversible Bracelets
White Big Giant Glasses
Inari's Beads 12th Gen
Porcelina Blue Prim Booties
Porcelina Soft Blue Beret
Blue Candy Stripes Bikini Bottom
Blue Candy Stripes Bikini Top

Total Value: 1,212,175 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Mona the Platypus
White Hachimaki
Blue Big Giant Glasses
Nartian Rock 7th Gen.
Blue Security Blanket
Powdy Pengy
Changeling Baby Boy 5th Gen
Slumberland Nighties

Total Value: 6,085,267 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Trick or Treat Tote 6th Gen.
Angelic Manner
SDPlus #26 Sam Doll
Duct Tape Roll
Red Husar De Pavia Uniform Boots
Plumber's Belt
Black Leather Belt
Red Suspenders
Crossed Sports Bra
Blue Denim Short Shorts

Total Value: 16,189,524 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Lumiere Noire
Biancamella 4th Gen
Compass of Seidh 4th Gen
Lala the Koala Plushie
Secret Sparkles
Silver Sequin Bikini Top
Yellow Babydoll Gloves
Solar Mage
Seracila Pendant 10th Gen.
Cerynitian's Blessing
Compass of Seidh 8th Gen