I'm in Literature class. It's quite cold.
At least I'm not under a vent. But I'm close to one.
Wow, so much has passed.
Barnum is over. OVER. It was over a while ago. It's sad, I guess. I didn't cry. Maybe some did. I embarrassed myself... "He's a pain in the a**." Over and over again. I'm an idiot. Oh well. Maybe's he'll direct my scene for the Carbaret. If I'm in it. Yvette liked my audition! Yeah... I didn't dance well at that audition. I hate it when she calls me out. "Christiana... Gabi... dance class." UGH. Am I THAT bad? Yes. Well, no, I've taken so many classes already. What's wrong with me?
I had a break-through-Velma-day. Last Tuesday's rehearsal for Chicago was SO MUCH FUN. I felt better than Talia even!
I dyed my hair brown. Amanda didn't like it, but I expected that. Everyone else did. I like my hair brown. Normal, you know. My dad says the goal now is to just let it grow out to its natural color. OK, I say. Why not. I'm not going to color my hair for a while. That girl in my math class, Monica, has really pretty, long, light red hair. I will grow my hair out that long.
So I learned this way to crack someone's hand... or thumb. You act like you're shaking their hand, but you crack their thumb by pushing on the base. It's great. Evan taught it to me. Well, he did it to me, but I enjoy cracking bones. wink
So I think I did well in Barnum. There was this picture that they posted and I looked dumb, though. I was trying to think of a comment to write, but I couldn't think of anything witty to say. Lindsay Robb looked so much prettier. It's good she cracked in her song, though. Made my audition better.
Well... I don't know what else to say. Barnum was fun, blah, blah, blah. I sang well. People laughed. My teachers who came told me I was good. My religion teacher called me an opera star. My Spanish teacher, although she didn't come, found out yesterday I sang (I told her). Then she started talking about her Spanish friend who moved to Sweden to sing opera... blah, blah, blah. Gosh... LOL! Yesterday was so funny. My voice teacher almost took my mom and I home because my mom's car had died. She's nice. She told me something from her past. Like, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to singing. She said her school grades were average, like mine. Well, I hope she thinks I'm talented.
I hate the style of my hair. It drys weird. It sticks out sometimes and sometimes, it is too flat. Wow, I am so cold right now. I guess I should be doing work, but I don't want to.
I'm waiting for an email. The suspense is KILLING me. What part did I get? I knew I got something.
Sorry I haven't been on Gaia. I've grown bored of it. Maybe I've gotten busier? No, I've gotten less busy. Hmm... I've been playing Pokemon. Pok-e-accent-mon! (Quoting Barry from Platinum) XD
I have Pokemon White. I can't believe the game still has the top-screen-pixel-border issue. Whatever. It didn't bug me until I got the third copy of the game. I guess it was always there. Why didn't I notice it? Whatever. I hear it's in every game.
I love Pokemon. I relapse when it comes to games. Eventually, I'll get way into RuneScape again. And then Animal Crossing. Possibly Neopets. Maybe not, though. Maybe not. And then Gaia again, though I didn't ever think I would. Life is funny like that.
Wow. I had a dream... two. Let me tell you. They were both romantic. I wish my life was. sad Okay, first one, I was leaning on this guy's shoulder. But like, not from the side. I was kneeling in front of him and I was laying my head on his shoulder. My hand too, I think. I think he was painting on a wall or something. And I was just sprawled on his shoulder. Haha.~ Then, he tried to wake me up, but I was "sleeping." Like, I was pretending to sleep. Lol... so he carried me to this room, and it was thundering and stuff... he embraced me, and he made excuses that we had to embrace because of something... I don't remember, but we both knew we were in love or something... then I woke up. I wanted that feeling again. *wistful sigh*
Second dream. Last night's. I was Hermoine Granger for some reason. I hardly remember. We were in some forest. I was laying on my side or my stomach. Harry and Ron wanted me. I think. Harry was more friendly, but I could tell he still wanted me. Ron was around. I remember really liking him a lot. Anyway, Harry didn't look like the movie guy. Neither did Ron. They were different people, but they were still Harry and Ron. Haha. biggrin Anyway, I think we were saying good night or something. Harry wanted a kiss on the lips goodnight, so I did. But it was quick. And then Ron moved his head down. I remember his hair looking very orange. And he kissed me, or I kissed him, I can't remember. And ours was longer... I don't know why, but it was such a good feeling. I wish my life was this way. I think the first guy, the paiting-kneeling guy, was Jack... and the second was Calen. Calen was Ron, though. *sigh* And maybe Harry was Aaron. I don't know. I remember his hair was black. WHO knows. My love life is dumb. Non-existant. In my dreams.
So this is really long... at least the air is off. I'm not as cold now.
I just have a confession to make. Every girl is in love with Richy and Frank, and I always say I'm indifferent to them. My confession: I'm not. I'm the typical girl who isn't!
Love your life... good things always come in small proportions.
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