anyways. new dye today~ :] mix of two different ones, so i called it Chilean Curry. ^^
((freaky when i first washed it when i got home: the water was running orange from the dye THEE ENTIRE TIME. o.o;;....))

((and yes, that is my bedroom ceiling, thank you very much.))

bahahaha so. lotsa peeps having prom already; saw an absolutely gorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgeous dress on facebook~ *drools* otherwise not too many jaw-dropping ones this year, surprisingly. maybe i'm just not paying enough attention lawl. it's all about how a person wears the dress, too... sit/stand up straight, look confident and like you're having fun.
need to make some sort of satchel or something for my camera and phone and gum (lol typed 'gun' accidentally........ xDDD) and such for prom yet. straps are done (not entirely to my satisfaction, but such is life...), but i goofed up big time on the back panel so i'm working up the strength to re-do it haha.
dunno what i wanna do with my life. at work tonight i don't remember doing half of what i did because i was that deep in thought about it....
something along the lines of i don't have any way to answer the question "If you could do one thing all day that would just be totally awesome and you'd have fun doing it everyday for the next 20 years, what would it be?"
the newest thing that's always kinda been on the back burner but recently come up more is the music/business side of things.
and despite doing absolutely nothing this entire easter break, i'm exhausted. gonk