My Name I Was Given Is- Fiore Della Luna (moonflower), or just Luna.
Nickname/ Show name: The Phoenix
I'm- 20
But My Story Here Is - Luna has been wandering around for years. She couldn't hide her red wings, so people were afraid of her. Because of this, she could never stay in the same place for long. By chance, she stumbled across the freakshow. She liked the place and people, so she decided to stay on as a performer. She uses her ability to fly, transform, and her manipulation of fire in her act.
I Am - A Phoenix
Talents - Flight (has wings in her human form), can transform completely into a Phoenix, can manipulate fire/breath fire.
But My True Colors- She's a bubbly, friendly person. Cares for her friends. Usually very energetic, and kind. Has a bad temper and fights back when someone trys to hurt her or her friends. She's a bit of a pyro, but then again her power is fire, so it makes sense xp .
People Look At Me And See -

Likes: Fire, flying, flowers, books, candy, etc.
Dislikes: people that pull on her wings, and that's all right now.
Other things we should know that you didn't say yet. - This is what she looks like when she transforms into her complete phoenix form: