Puppet Strings

Zero was a young angel who had a mission down on earth, though threw his mission he was captured threw the Devils advocate. Trapping him with strings twined with blood and a dark force. Struggle as he might to be free an angels will couldn’t set him free. Flapping his mighty wings as he tried to fly from this hell. The angels above could only watch as their trapped friend lost his hopes. A set of white beads laced around his body was all the Angels could do to protect him from the Evil doings.
Though the white beads could only do so much as they took on every attack the Devil evicted on him. Soon they could take no more, as the tip of his wings started to turn red. Anger filled his soul as he struggled more to set himself free. "No!" A streak of red hair appeared in his hair to resemble now he was no longer a angel of heaven nor an angel of hell. At least not yet.
Zero refused to surrender, no… he didn’t want to be a part of the underworld. He struggled for another thousand years trapped in the thick forest. He sighed as he landed on his knees as he looked up at the sky. “Please… please save me…” he whispered. He wanted the protection… a guardian angel… to save him from his fait. Laying himself down on the ground as he wrapped his wings around him, tired from yet another days struggle to set himself free.