So, last night, i woke up at like 3 A.M. an i felt like something was watching me. I look at the foot of my bed and there it is. A shadowy figure. Humanoid in figure. I practically s**t myself. I hid under the covers. Thats right. Blankets protect you from things that can go through walls. But what do we humans do when we get scared. Hide under blankets. Anyways, there I am hiding under the blankets, when suddenly i hear whispering. ******** whispering. Seriously, the hell? I get super scared, close my eyes, when I open them, it's frigging 6 A.M. I crawl out from under the blanket, and s**t all over my room is messed up. ********. Me. Now after i clean it up, I get ready for school *blah blah blah skip to the interesting part* Well anyway, while i'm at school the entire day I feel like something is watching me. I finally got home to my moms house. I am alone. It's dark. I hear the same whispering. And get this. I was at my dads house when this started. Did this s**t follow me? ********!!!!!!!!! I honestly don't know what to do. I'm going to take a video of myself sleeping tonight. *wow this sounds like ******** paranormal activity, although, i really hope it isn't. Anyway, i'll update tomorrow after i watch a video of myself sleeping for 6-8 hours.