Known as Tsuki for short, she is a half-kitsune half-human. However, since she is not pure kitsune, her kind has exiled her. Because both her parents have disappeared due to the current events,she is left with no one to educate her on kitsune ways. She is still a pup in demon years, being only 19. She may be known to have many abilities, but her "special ones" are still very weak since she is so young. Even so, her ability to shapeshift has awed the elders. Usually a kitsune can not shapeshift until they are at least 50, more often 100 years of age. The human DNA switched things around genetically. She did not receive, however, the elemental powers given to pure kitsunes. She is fascinated by humans and their way of life. She is full of adventure and a hunger to learn/experience new things. She may be a bit clumsy but she never lets it get her down. She may be shy but her heart is full of love and vibrance. In her silence she watches very closely to the details enshrouding her. As the life surrounding her begins to darken she feels she must step forward and bring it back to it's original glory. The times in which she loved.