To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,

XOXO, Sotalean

XOXO, Sotalean
Blitz Jax
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Happy Valentines Day from myself and Cactus Buddy~

XOXO, Blitz Jax
Happy Valentines Day from myself and Cactus Buddy~

XOXO, Blitz Jax
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Happy Valentines Day Saver! <
XOXO, lostphrack
Happy Valentines Day Saver! <

XOXO, lostphrack
Xx-Sage Erin-xX
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
XOXO, Xx-Sage Erin-xX

XOXO, Xx-Sage Erin-xX
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Roses are red, violets are blue
We stuck together, our love was the glue
A sniff, a snort, OH NO, Achoo
It's been doing that for weeks.
XOXO, BlackSplash
Roses are red, violets are blue
We stuck together, our love was the glue
A sniff, a snort, OH NO, Achoo
It's been doing that for weeks.
XOXO, BlackSplash
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Your avi is so cute! <
Happy Chocolate Day!
XOXO, xacadiax
Your avi is so cute! <

XOXO, xacadiax
Liada Trovaras
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Happy Sweets Overdose!
XOXO, Liada Trovaras
Happy Sweets Overdose!
XOXO, Liada Trovaras
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
To my dearest Saber,
Happy chocolate day too~
P.S.: You avi is lovely biggrin
XOXO, lilloulou
To my dearest Saber,
Happy chocolate day too~
P.S.: You avi is lovely biggrin
XOXO, lilloulou
To my dearest saber talawyrm,
XOXO, killafrog
XOXO, killafrog
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Hope that your V'day is received warmly this year with many messages of love and friendship. I hope your day will be filled with happiness during the event
XOXO, SakuraTheBlueTiger
Hope that your V'day is received warmly this year with many messages of love and friendship. I hope your day will be filled with happiness during the event
XOXO, SakuraTheBlueTiger
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Happy early valentines!!!
XOXO, necrofade
Happy early valentines!!!
XOXO, necrofade
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
I hope you have a great V-Day!
XOXO, emosgirl
I hope you have a great V-Day!
XOXO, emosgirl
Clover Me Green
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
XOXO, Clover Me Green
My Favorite Valentine Poem
Veggie Valentine
You may not “carrot” all for me
The way I care for you.
You may “turnip” your nose
When I plead with you
If your “heart” should “beet” with mine
Forever “lettuce” hope
There is no reason in the world
Why we two “Cantaloupe.”
-Unknown Author
Veggie Valentine
You may not “carrot” all for me
The way I care for you.
You may “turnip” your nose
When I plead with you
If your “heart” should “beet” with mine
Forever “lettuce” hope
There is no reason in the world
Why we two “Cantaloupe.”
-Unknown Author
XOXO, Clover Me Green
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: You are in a small meadow, looking around for flowers on your Valentine's Day spree. You begin picking when you hear a small voice behind you. Umm. . . Will you not pick the flowers here? You turn to see a girl with bright red hair and light green eyes, her face is turning red and she shakes as she stands before you. They are just getting into season and. . . well. . . I would hate to see them go early. She moves nervously and keeps her face to the ground. Or. . Maybe you can just bring your date here. There will be more flowers when you come back if you do. . She looks up at you, her bright yellow eyes look deep into yours as she shakes with nervousness.
-Kyra the Rose
*It came with a Single Yellow Daffodil Bouquet
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
roses are red
violets are red
trees are red
grass is red
******** my garden is on fire
XOXO, C/O Cupid
roses are red
violets are red
trees are red
grass is red
******** my garden is on fire
XOXO, C/O Cupid
-Letter omitted.- ^//^;;
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
You know you love my letter <
so here is another one
You and I and a glass of wine in the moonlight night
XOXO, C/O Cupid
You know you love my letter <

so here is another one
You and I and a glass of wine in the moonlight night
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
i dig through your trash to find things to make your statue of you with.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
i dig through your trash to find things to make your statue of you with.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
I love you like a hipster loves... Oh, well, you've probably never heard of it.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
I love you like a hipster loves... Oh, well, you've probably never heard of it.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
I'm not good at poems /// But I figured I'd write one /// Hopefully you'll smile
XOXO, C/O Cupid
I'm not good at poems /// But I figured I'd write one /// Hopefully you'll smile
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,<
Dreaming about you and me,
waking up and knowing itll never be.
You are always in my dreams,
I dont know why, or what it means.
My dreams are filled with thoughts of you,
And of course your brother too
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Dreaming about you and me,
waking up and knowing itll never be.
You are always in my dreams,
I dont know why, or what it means.
My dreams are filled with thoughts of you,
And of course your brother too
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
My love for you burns stronger than my urinary tract infection.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
My love for you burns stronger than my urinary tract infection.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
They'll need dental records to identify you.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
They'll need dental records to identify you.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,

Flower to your grave
XOXO, C/O Cupid

Flower to your grave
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,

XOXO, C/O Cupid

XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
I confess, the thought of either punishing you or to to lavish you has been in my mind for a while. It is clouding my thoughts, which would you prefer?
XOXO, C/O Cupid
I confess, the thought of either punishing you or to to lavish you has been in my mind for a while. It is clouding my thoughts, which would you prefer?
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,

-The Heartbreak Hooligan
XOXO, C/O Cupid

-The Heartbreak Hooligan
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
I saw you with someone else the other day.
Don't you think that's unfair to me? You broke my heart.
I guess I'll have to gouge your eyes out.
We can't have you looking at someone other than me.
And then break your legs so you'll never run away.
Your arms, too, so you can't live without me.
I'll rip out your heart so you can't give it to someone else.
Don't worry. I'll keep it nice and safe.
When I put you into the darkest corner of the world
I promise I won't leave you to rot there on your own.
But I'll take everything away from you...
Until I'm the only thing left.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
I saw you with someone else the other day.
Don't you think that's unfair to me? You broke my heart.
I guess I'll have to gouge your eyes out.
We can't have you looking at someone other than me.
And then break your legs so you'll never run away.
Your arms, too, so you can't live without me.
I'll rip out your heart so you can't give it to someone else.
Don't worry. I'll keep it nice and safe.
When I put you into the darkest corner of the world
I promise I won't leave you to rot there on your own.
But I'll take everything away from you...
Until I'm the only thing left.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Tired from all the anoning, making hearts flutter & making lovers moan, you finally head home. Walking under the lamp light, you see that you are being followed. After a while you finally turn & call out the person. It turns out to be an old friend with goggles resting in his chestnut colored hair. He also looks tired, but his blushing smile has graced his lips. &L-Levi. . . its b-been a while h-hasnt it?& he asks, stopping an arm distance away. You nod, wondering why he has been following you. You ask & he responds with his blush growing dark, &I-I& w-wanted to-to give& a-a& g-g-g-gift.& He holds out the wrapped Valentine, hiding his face. Blinking, you take the gift. In an instant, he pulls you into a kiss, & then disappears in crystal dust which covers your body & the gift. Shell-shocked, you look down & read the tag. Its tag reads, ''Thank you.''
~Arron the Lythcol Mechanic
*It came with a Drop Necklace.
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
If I told you I loved you, would you believe me?
Or would you laugh, brush it off as just a joke
Crush my exposed heart with cruel words as
You turn to smile at someone else
Someone who is not me, who will never be me
But is better, brighter than I will ever be?
All the same, I force down my fear
Confront you
And spill my feelings into the air
" I love you "
XOXO, C/O Cupid
If I told you I loved you, would you believe me?
Or would you laugh, brush it off as just a joke
Crush my exposed heart with cruel words as
You turn to smile at someone else
Someone who is not me, who will never be me
But is better, brighter than I will ever be?
All the same, I force down my fear
Confront you
And spill my feelings into the air
" I love you "
XOXO, C/O Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
jUst wanted to stop by and say yoU are a cUte little hUman!
i coUld jUst eat yoU Up!~ (figUratively speaking of coUrse
i do not fUlly Understand yoUr hUman holidays, bUt this
one is cUte! i send all my red feelings to yoU~!
Goodbye now lovely! ^u^
- UU (uranianUmbra)
jUst wanted to stop by and say yoU are a cUte little hUman!
i coUld jUst eat yoU Up!~ (figUratively speaking of coUrse
i do not fUlly Understand yoUr hUman holidays, bUt this
one is cUte! i send all my red feelings to yoU~!
Goodbye now lovely! ^u^
- UU (uranianUmbra)
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Nîn bain
I Ithil ned nîn fuin
I tinu ned nîn hen
Nîn maethor
I caun ned nîn dîn
I athrad ned nîn men
Nîn meleth
Nîn bain
I Ithil ned nîn fuin
I tinu ned nîn hen
Nîn maethor
I caun ned nîn dîn
I athrad ned nîn men
Nîn meleth
Nin Meleth - My Love- Sindarin Love Poem
My Love
My beautiful
The moon in my night
The star in my eye
My warrior
The outcry in my silence
The crossing of my road
My love
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
You were a princess, but you aren't now
Unless you'll be mine
Dress all in red and shackles
And rub my lamp
Because I've got magic in me
You were a princess, but you aren't now
Unless you'll be mine
Dress all in red and shackles
And rub my lamp
Because I've got magic in me
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
I love you... so much...
You taste so good on my tongue...
Baby, don't leave -

Oh... Happy Valentine's Day!
~ Mir
XOXO, C/O Cupid
I love you... so much...
You taste so good on my tongue...
Baby, don't leave -

Oh... Happy Valentine's Day!
~ Mir
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
“I am giddy, expectation whirls me round.
The imaginary relish is so sweet
That it enchants my sense.”
(Shakespeare, Troilus & Cressida , Act 3 , Scene 2)
XOXO, C/O Cupid
“I am giddy, expectation whirls me round.
The imaginary relish is so sweet
That it enchants my sense.”
(Shakespeare, Troilus & Cressida , Act 3 , Scene 2)
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
S-s-saber, d-d-do you like sweet things?
I-I-I'm not v-v-very good with words, b-b-but I'd like to b-b-bake something for you.
The Baker
XOXO, C/O Cupid
S-s-saber, d-d-do you like sweet things?
I-I-I'm not v-v-very good with words, b-b-but I'd like to b-b-bake something for you.
The Baker
XOXO, C/O Cupid
From: An anonymous benefactor

~Lonely Hearts~
-It came with a Heart Shaped Box of Sweets-
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,

Hyuk hyuk hyuk!
XOXO, C/O Cupid

Hyuk hyuk hyuk!
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
To lay you on a silk covered bed,
and slowly teasingly strip your clothes from your body,
As I watch your blush deepen.
To lay soft kisses all over your skin,
as my fingers brush sensitive places.
I wouldn't take from you,
Instead give you ultimate pleasure.
And as you slowly slip to a wonderful sleep,
Give your lips a simple, soft, kiss.
Will you be mine?
~Sleepy Daisy~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
To lay you on a silk covered bed,
and slowly teasingly strip your clothes from your body,
As I watch your blush deepen.
To lay soft kisses all over your skin,
as my fingers brush sensitive places.
I wouldn't take from you,
Instead give you ultimate pleasure.
And as you slowly slip to a wonderful sleep,
Give your lips a simple, soft, kiss.
Will you be mine?
~Sleepy Daisy~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dear sweet Saber Talawyrm,
I watch as you post other anon's messages, and it makes me wish to try harder for you! To make you giggle, smile and blush, why that my dear, that would be enough. To be your friend, not just bed mate, why, I could try for a date! Though after such a start as I gave thee, would you settle for for a simpler sweeter me?
~Sleepy Daisy~
P.S Apparently my security check decided it was worth 'deep thought'
XOXO, C/O Cupid
I watch as you post other anon's messages, and it makes me wish to try harder for you! To make you giggle, smile and blush, why that my dear, that would be enough. To be your friend, not just bed mate, why, I could try for a date! Though after such a start as I gave thee, would you settle for for a simpler sweeter me?
~Sleepy Daisy~
P.S Apparently my security check decided it was worth 'deep thought'
XOXO, C/O Cupid
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: To see your sweet response makes me heart flutter,and if I'm not careful I might turn to butter! So sweet and innocent, more than chocolate i'll bring. I'll bring you laughs among other things. so to you this box I send, with a smile inside. And have a great niht, in case we don't talk awhile.
~Sleepy Daisy~
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Oh to see you smile, and know I made your morning, oh it makes me want to sing. Beautiful Saber, I'm pleased you liked my gift. Pretty Queen, I can't wait to bring you more smiles!
~Sleepy Daisy~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Oh to see you smile, and know I made your morning, oh it makes me want to sing. Beautiful Saber, I'm pleased you liked my gift. Pretty Queen, I can't wait to bring you more smiles!
~Sleepy Daisy~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Happy Valentine's, Beautiful lady. I hope it finds you content and smiling. The day's not over, so this wont be the last, of messages to make you smile. Sweet Saber Talawyrm, smile for us. We anon's work so hard, to see you smile. It always cheers us, at least for alittle while.
~Sleepy Daisy~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Happy Valentine's, Beautiful lady. I hope it finds you content and smiling. The day's not over, so this wont be the last, of messages to make you smile. Sweet Saber Talawyrm, smile for us. We anon's work so hard, to see you smile. It always cheers us, at least for alittle while.
~Sleepy Daisy~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
But it's obvious to see, that it's not a bear but a puppy! Though covered in blood, even I can tell. I hope your night was grand, though you've a few hours left. Goodnight my dear, until the morning sun rises.
~Sleepy Daisy~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
But it's obvious to see, that it's not a bear but a puppy! Though covered in blood, even I can tell. I hope your night was grand, though you've a few hours left. Goodnight my dear, until the morning sun rises.
~Sleepy Daisy~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
-cuddles your teddy and dirt sprite- whee
XOXO, C/O Cupid
-cuddles your teddy and dirt sprite- whee
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Never said it was a bear. wink Said -teddy-.
It could be a Teddy anything. Teddy cat. Teddy dog. Teddy rabid wolf. 3nodding wink
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Never said it was a bear. wink Said -teddy-.
It could be a Teddy anything. Teddy cat. Teddy dog. Teddy rabid wolf. 3nodding wink
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love,
Oh, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.
But I send you a cream-white rosebud,
With a flush on its petal tips,
For the the love that is purest and sweetest,
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.
-Bittersweet Anon
XOXO, C/O Cupid
The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love,
Oh, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.
But I send you a cream-white rosebud,
With a flush on its petal tips,
For the the love that is purest and sweetest,
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.
-Bittersweet Anon
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
I’ve seen countless kings and queens
Been to countries far and wide
But your radiance has halted me
Washing in with the might of the tide
I made a vow, once, long ago
To serve the fairest and purist true
And lest my eyes betray me,
This now means I serve you
At any country, court, or throne
I’ll stand in silence at your side
Prepared to lay my life for you
And vanquish all evils that hide
-Knight of Charlemagne
XOXO, C/O Cupid
I’ve seen countless kings and queens
Been to countries far and wide
But your radiance has halted me
Washing in with the might of the tide
I made a vow, once, long ago
To serve the fairest and purist true
And lest my eyes betray me,
This now means I serve you
At any country, court, or throne
I’ll stand in silence at your side
Prepared to lay my life for you
And vanquish all evils that hide
-Knight of Charlemagne
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Though I love the shore, I hate the sea,
For it separates me from you,
The brave, constant, generous supporter.
Though I love the shore, I hate the wave,
Its violence has caused a breach between us,
While I live I shall lament.
Though the mind is full, the heart is empty.
-Bittersweet Anon
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Though I love the shore, I hate the sea,
For it separates me from you,
The brave, constant, generous supporter.
Though I love the shore, I hate the wave,
Its violence has caused a breach between us,
While I live I shall lament.
Though the mind is full, the heart is empty.
-Bittersweet Anon
XOXO, C/O Cupid
From: An anonymous benefactor
a fog rolls in as you slowly woke
and around you arms slowly wrap
a voice tried to speak but only broke
and you are left to wonder what made it snap
slowly though you are pulled into a dance
lights in the fog making a beat
and as you spin you see your chance
to look at the one directing your feet
it&s the one of which you dreamed
really there holding you
just as real as she seemed
laughing and smiling to.
as the song came to an end
the dream stepped back pushing a gift in your hand
then was gone with the wind
not to be seen on this land.
~Whimsical Fantasy
-It came with a Silver Bracelet.-
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain
In the ice or in the sun it's all the same
Yet I feel my heart is aching
Though it doesn't beat it's breaking
And the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
I know that I am dead
Yet it seems that I still have some love to spread.
-The Corpse Bride Anon-
XOXO, C/O Cupid
If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain
In the ice or in the sun it's all the same
Yet I feel my heart is aching
Though it doesn't beat it's breaking
And the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
I know that I am dead
Yet it seems that I still have some love to spread.
-The Corpse Bride Anon-
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Roses are crap,
Violets are wanky,
Oooh I've just come,
Pass me a hanky.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Roses are crap,
Violets are wanky,
Oooh I've just come,
Pass me a hanky.
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
XOXO, C/O Cupid
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
I can't take my eyes off of you...

-Epic Creeper
XOXO, C/O Cupid
I can't take my eyes off of you...

-Epic Creeper
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
How do you do?
I'm just passing through.
Sending Valentine's Day cheer to you!
~Random Passerby~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
How do you do?
I'm just passing through.
Sending Valentine's Day cheer to you!
~Random Passerby~
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Shy and aggressive,
Fearing of rejection,
Avoidant of others.
Loving without compromise,
Keeper of secrets,
Face shows little.
Words say much,
Doubt goes on,
Alone another day...
-Bittersweet Anon
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Shy and aggressive,
Fearing of rejection,
Avoidant of others.
Loving without compromise,
Keeper of secrets,
Face shows little.
Words say much,
Doubt goes on,
Alone another day...
-Bittersweet Anon
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Hiiragi Tsukasa-san
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,

I got you a box of chocolates.
I hope you like it.
XOXO, Hiiragi Tsukasa-san

I got you a box of chocolates.
I hope you like it.
XOXO, Hiiragi Tsukasa-san
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
Mr. J's lips are red,
My eyes are bright blue--
Gimme a smile, sweetie,
Or I'll carve one for you!
Harley Quinn
XOXO, C/O Cupid
Mr. J's lips are red,
My eyes are bright blue--
Gimme a smile, sweetie,
Or I'll carve one for you!
Harley Quinn
XOXO, C/O Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
To my dearest Saber Talawyrm,
I have not been home in some time and looking upon you makes me long for the place of my people. Your eyes shine like the glint of sun off the beautiful river Arno, your scent like the gentle perfumes known only to the streets of Firenze. I ask your hand that I may take you with me upon my return, as I could not bear to have my heart torn in two any longer. Without both my home and my love, I would surely die.
-E. Auditore
XOXO, C/O Cupid
I have not been home in some time and looking upon you makes me long for the place of my people. Your eyes shine like the glint of sun off the beautiful river Arno, your scent like the gentle perfumes known only to the streets of Firenze. I ask your hand that I may take you with me upon my return, as I could not bear to have my heart torn in two any longer. Without both my home and my love, I would surely die.
-E. Auditore
XOXO, C/O Cupid