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O b s e s s e d--
Just thought I'd document this...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: PHILLL!!!

Stranger: FREDDD


You: PHILL!!

Stranger: Never!





Stranger: Hehe, I don't need you anymore

You: YES YOU DO!!!

Stranger: the crash made me realize, humans do taste good.


You: NO!!!

You: PHILL!!!


Stranger: OK, where's home again?


Stranger: I forgot

You: At the college!

Stranger: Who was Molly again?

You: Was the crash that bad>

Stranger: I hit my head in the crash remember.

You: No, damnit!

You: Molly's your sister!

You: And I'm your best friend, Frd

You: Fred**

You: Crash got me bad too.

Stranger: Ohhh that Molly...

You: The college

You: in Ohio

You: come home bro

Stranger: The college... in Ohio

Stranger: dude, I'm in South Africa.

Stranger: Are you meaning to tell me I... was in Ohio during the crash?

You: yeah man. Just remember. It's in there. Remember!

You: WHAT.

You: Shiiiitttt.

You: Yes, we were in Ohio HOW'D YOU GET IN AFRICA


Stranger: Lol Kony... -_- good call

Stranger: Don't worry, he's up north.

You: Just... ugh... I'll get a plane ticket sent to you. Where in SA are you?

Stranger: I dunno

Stranger: somewhere dark

You: s**t, can you find out?

Stranger: Looks like there's a dead guy in the room.

Stranger: I'll ask him.

Stranger: one sec.

You: (Lol)

Stranger: Umm, he's not sure either.

You: Did he talk??

Stranger: Nope.

Stranger: Well it... hold on

Stranger: There's a bit of light

You: Thank God

Stranger: Wait... I'm connected to a wifi network

Stranger: let me just check some sort of gps online.

You: Yeah wait where'd you get internet access?

Stranger: Beats me... I woke up, there's a laptop here connected to the net, and a dead guy.

You: Does the dead guy have any money on him?

Stranger: Ahh... 2 pesos...

Stranger: what the hell? why does he have pesos...


Stranger: He's a Mexican.

You: You sure you're in Africa>

Stranger: Well... this...

Stranger: the online GPS says I'm in Siberia.

You: WHAT?

Stranger: Well, makes sense on why it's so cold.

You: Can you order plane tickets off of travelers or something?

Stranger: Well, I'm stuck in this dark room remember.

You: is there an airport in Siberia?

Stranger: And there's no door.


Stranger: There's a couple military airports.

You: So wait, it's a room?

Stranger: Yes...

Stranger: With no door.

Stranger: 4 walls, a small hole in the ceiling that light comes through.

You: Knock on the walls, maybe someone will hear you.

You: Can you see through the hole?

Stranger: One sec,

Stranger: Yep, there's...

Stranger: a bigger building

Stranger: so, it appears I'm underneath another structure.

Stranger: type of basement/cellar.

You: That's not good. Is it a small room?

Stranger: Well, it's perfect square.

Stranger: 5 x 5 meters.

You: How do you know that?

Stranger: Tape measure in dead mexican's pocket.

You: Oh. What all does the Mexican have? And is there anyhting in the room besides him and the labtop?

Stranger: Hmm, well the room is quite dark

Stranger: so I'll use the laptop as a light... (walks around, checking corners)

Stranger: I found a revolver...

You: Uhh...

Stranger: With, 4 rounds in the chamber.

Stranger: I could, shoot the mexican, and the laptop?

You: What are the walls made of?

Stranger: Appears to be concrete.

Stranger: Though...

Stranger: the hole in the ceiling

Stranger: is...

Stranger: a result of a bullet going through it

You: Shoot through the hole at the building!

You: Maybe someone will hear you!

Stranger: *bang*

You: o.o

Stranger: I hear footsteps coming towards this place

Stranger: Oh *^%$

Stranger: Russians...

You: Please be help please be hel[p

Stranger: Should've known

You: Oh god

You: PHIL!!!

You: PHILL!!!

Stranger: It's ok, I'll hide under the Mexican

Stranger: He's a fat one.

You: Good idea

You: How conveniant

Stranger: I'll tell you when they're gone

Stranger: Umm, ok they ran off

Stranger: they appear to be getting something to dig through the ground

Stranger: I got 3 rounds left

You: Please be help!!!

Stranger: should I shoot a Russian?

You: What if they're helping you?

Stranger: Ahh... Good point Fred.

You: Keep the gun handy, if they try anything, shoot.

Stranger: what does ruki vvher mean?

Stranger: They keep saying it to me,

You: Uh, google it!

Stranger: I think...

Stranger: Oh right, they want me to follow them

Stranger: I'll just walk with the laptop, one sec.

Stranger: We're walking towards a truck, they must be helping because they don't mind me using this laptop

You: Man, I don't think they're helping. How many are there?

Stranger: 7.

You: s**t. Are they armed?

Stranger: Yes, ofcourse.

Stranger: They're soldiers.

You: Oh god. Well, maybe they're uh...

You: Oh god, you're dead man.

You: I love you bro!

Stranger: Why's that?

Stranger: I'm sitting in a truclk

Stranger: truck* we're driving somewhere.

You: What'

Stranger: Tell Molly I'm sorry I killed her fish.

You: what's it look like?

You: Where your driving

Stranger: Wait, I'm starting to remember stuff from the past.

You: Good, good! Keep remembering!

Stranger: Ahhh... Right.

Stranger: and South Africa

Stranger: Wait.. how'd I get to Russia

Stranger: Hold on!

Stranger: I've got it.

You: You do??

Stranger: Ok, the truck just crashed.

You: Another crash?

Stranger: I figured it out.

Stranger: Well, I shot the driver.

You: You alright man?

Stranger: I'm fine.

You: You shot the.. oh s**t dude!

You: Bad a**!

Stranger: Yes, and the other 2 guys in the car are also dead

Stranger: I took their guns.

Stranger: and clothes...

You: Ew.

Stranger: It's cold here man.

You: Did you not have clothes?

Stranger: Well, I was in shorts and a t-shirt... what I was wearing when I was in SA.

Stranger: I realized, I was meant to kill a Russian, a mafia man, who was visiting South Africa, it was part of a job.

You: What?!

Stranger: and I met my Mexican friend there..

Stranger: but the Russians were onto us

Stranger: and then I got knocked out at some point.

Stranger: woke up here...

You: And?

Stranger: well after the crash in Ohio

Stranger: when I disappeared

Stranger: it was all a cover-up so I could take up my new occupation.

You: New occupation?

Stranger: gun for hire

Stranger: Hitman, assassin, they go by many names.

You: O.O

Stranger: So, yeah, this job went wrong.

You: BAD a**! My best friend is an assassin!

Stranger: But once I realised who I was...

Stranger: These hits to the head always make me forget stuff...

Stranger: Anyway, I'm coming to your place now.

You: Are you gonna come home? Or are you gonna have to stay on the run>

Stranger: I'll need somewhere to hide for a while.

Stranger: I've tracked you down already, I'm on my way.

You: On your way? Oh thank god, I missed you bro!

Stranger: Umm, it'll take a while...

Stranger: I'm walking in the Siberian Wilderness

You: Well, yeah. Siberia, Ohio, two very different locations.

Stranger: This laptop is gonna run out of battery soon too.

Stranger: Hold on, I see a house

Stranger: a nice old couple will let me stay with them

Stranger: my Russian is a bit rusty but they were happy to let me in

Stranger: I'll charge this laptop

You: Oh that's wonderful! Give them my thanks!

Stranger: and find a vehicle.

You: Are you gonna steal theirs, bad a**?

Stranger: No, that'd be quite unorthodox.

Stranger: I'll have to wait for the Mafia to track me down again.

Stranger: as... this laptop is obviously theirs.

Stranger: Sorry mate...

Stranger: I should've realised.

You: Wait!

Stranger: They can track you too...

You: Don't go!

You: NO!

Stranger: Hmm

Stranger: Well, ah, right on time... 3 SUVs pulled up outside,

Stranger: brb matey...

You: Oh s**t man. Be careful!

Stranger: Ok, now that that's done

You: Do you have a license to kill?

Stranger: Nah, I don't use a license.

Stranger: Killing is still illegal.

You: So can you go to JAIL? PRISON?

Stranger: in most countries.

Stranger: They can't catch me

You: Haha, "most"

Stranger: I'll just use this suv with a power adapter for the interent

Stranger: I'm driving towards Alaska now

Stranger: I'll be able to get out of the border somehow over there...

You: But wait, when'd you become a hitman?

Stranger: Well, you know how when we went to the college meeting in that one town in Ohio?

Stranger: That was the introduction for me

You: Yeah?

Stranger: Remember you and Molly went to the other thing

Stranger: And then my first mission was to vanish.l

Stranger: Crashing the car seemed like an idea at the time...

Stranger: sorry I kinda risked your lives...

You: Sorry? s**t, Molly could've died!

You: Or suffered serious injury!

Stranger: So could've you.

Stranger: I mean, Bob did die...

You: Well I don't care about me!

Stranger: But no-one liked Bob anyway...

You: Yeah, he was so annoying.

Stranger: Molly's jerk-off of a boyfriend.

Stranger: She's better off without him.

Stranger: But I can understand how she would've been upset.

Stranger: Boyfriend dies, brother disappears.

Stranger: She still had you at least.

You: Yeah, she's really down. I'll have to tell her where you are, and that you're okay...

You: She'll be so relieved!

Stranger: Uh yes, I also noticed you 2 got married?

You: OH yeah, fb huh?

Stranger: Pehaps

You: Probably should've mentioned... uh..

Stranger: I've got other ways to find out info...

You: Are you, um, kay with that, bro?

Stranger: No matter, I'm the one that left you guys without info.

Stranger: No problems.

You: Cool man, cool.

You: Wish I could've asked you in person...

Stranger: It really doesn't matter.

Stranger: I'll just hold on... an airbase...

Stranger: Hmmm

Stranger: *15 minutes later*

You: Wait, do you have ANY pilot training?

Stranger: I'm now just about to steal a russian jet.

You: No, wait, no, that's, no, you're prone to crashes!

Stranger: I'll have to go hyper sonic, and also hook this internet connection to the radar system on the jet

You: Um, dude think for a second...

Stranger: Done.

Stranger: I'll see you in about...

Stranger: an hour

You: Oh god, don't die.

Stranger: I'm not God.

You: Is that legal?!?! An hour?!!

Stranger: and I don't seem to die... Like... Why was I still alive when my Mexican fat man was dead.

Stranger: Probably not legal...

You: Why wouldn't they kill you too? If they killed him?

Stranger: I don't know...

Stranger: Unless

Stranger: There's something they want

Stranger: Oh... right you and Molly should leave

Stranger: They're coming for you.

You: Or was it THEM that killed him? What if he... Killed... killed himslef?

You: WHAT?!

You: s**t DUDE!


Stranger: Go somewhere, but don't say where on this...

Stranger: otherwise they'll know where somewhere is.

You: Okay, okay, we're packing up.

Stranger: Go somewhere only I'd know of...

Stranger: so I can meet you there.

You: s**t, do we have that kind of time?

Stranger: 2 minutes?

You: s**t. Okay okay.

Stranger: Use the back door.

You: Yeah. You'll know this place. You'll definately know this place. No one but you'd look here.

You: Got it.

Stranger: There's a pistol in the top left cupboard in the garage, and yeah. I'll see you soon.

Stranger: Let's say, I've been to your house before... hence there's a gun...

You: KAy bro. See you soon.

You: I don't question anything anymore dude.

Stranger: Oh... I forgot about the United States Airforce...

You: WHAT?

Stranger: They're attempting to shoot me down

You: Are they firing at you?

You: Oh god.

Stranger: well, they're giving warnings

Stranger: I'll just call Col. Anderson.

Stranger: It's sorted.


Stranger: I'm safe.

You: What? Who?

Stranger: Never mind, I have friends in high places.

Stranger: Also, there's another mexican down your street

Stranger: he'll be standing on the side of the road, when you drive past him, say "cheeseburgers"

Stranger: He'll stop any Russians who try following you.

You: Cheeseburgers... got it.

You: but I'm lactose intolerent!

Stranger: Exactly!

You: Oh, Okay. Good, yeah....

Stranger: (woah man... this has been a long time)

You: "

Stranger: (I need to piss)

You: (You wait, your flying a jet!)

Stranger: (I'm a bit tired mate, It's hard to come up with more story)

You: (Yeah, I'm lost.)

Stranger: ah well

Stranger: I got a bit carried away...

You: Carried away?

Stranger: That was a good ice breaker though ^

Stranger: Carried away with the storyline

You: Who cares, s**t got real.

Stranger: hmmm

You: Real, real.

You: I liked the assassin part, good twist.

Stranger: Hmm

Stranger: You do this often?

Stranger: cos' I don't.

You: Omegle? Yeah

Stranger: well, omegle, and story-role

You: Start random stories? Not many people go along.

Stranger: lol

You: Everyone's like "asl" And I'm like 1324/m/Mordor

You: And then they disconnect

Stranger: *disconnects*

Stranger: lol

You: Haha, yeah. I hate this sight...

You: Or most the people.

Stranger: mmm

Stranger: But legit man

Stranger: I gotta go piss

Stranger: brb

You: Lol, kay.

Stranger: wow... I had been like hunched up sitting on the floor for a couple hours now

Stranger: tried standing

Stranger: cramped up

Stranger: walked outside

Stranger: got pins and needles.

You: Agh, hate that.

You: My neck always hurts.

Stranger: My leg like fell off

You: Oh god, really? razz

Stranger: Yep, it's gone

You: Ouch. Should we call an ambulance or..?

Stranger: Nah

Stranger: I'm good, Australian's are used to stuff like that.

You: The fire department..?

You: Australian? Good thing we're typing, otherwise you'd hear my terrible immatation of an Australian accent.

Stranger: I can hear it

Stranger: it's killing me

You: I'm so sorry. I can't stop it.

You: I can do a good Russian one?

You: I'm American, that's why I'm so dumb razz

Stranger: Ohhh right, ofc :L

You: Oh, oh, you're just gonna call us dumb? You b*****d.

Stranger: Ofcourse.

Stranger: What do you expect?

You: I want you to know, most of the things I say, I don't mean.

Stranger: lol

You: Ha, I expect you to bow to the world police!

Stranger: Reminds me of how a friend and I speak to each other...

Stranger: Not Team America!

Stranger: Now you got the themesong going in my head.

You: Yeah! America! ******** yeah!

You: One guy on here told me he was from India and I said "PFFT USA!!"

You: All I do on here is troll...

Stranger: lol

You: Yeah, I'm going to hell.

Stranger: Hell...

You: What's it like over there? Well, real question, what the dominating religion down under?

Stranger: heard it's warm there.

You: Haha! Wish it'd freeze over.

You: Is it okay if

You: I say down undeR?

Stranger: Yes... I don't see why not.

You: Anyway, my question. What's the dominating religion there? Religion is really interesting to me. I'm a freak.

Stranger: Dominating...

Stranger: ummm

You: Like, most peopl here are Christian. Christianity is dominant.

You: people**

You: I can't use a keyboard properly.

Stranger: Same here.

You: Ah. They're everywhere. And what are you, if you don't mind me asking?

You: (I'm Pantheist)

Stranger: Why'd you want to know?

Stranger: you could've googled it.

You: I like your opinion. Not googles opinion.

You: Hello?

You: Oh no, were you in another crash?

You: PHIL!!!

Stranger: Oh lol

Stranger: My dad came and asked me something

Stranger: I was afk

You: Oh, sorry. My dad just keeps bothering me. Wish he'd stop being such a diabetic...

Stranger: lol

You: When his blood sugar gets low, he acts like a child. Crazy wanker.

Stranger: Hmm

You: You say that a lot.

Stranger: Well, It's my input when nothing else comes to mind.

Stranger: I'm tired remember.

You: What time is it?

Stranger: before 8pm -_-

Stranger: lol

You: I'm at 3am. We need to sleep.

Stranger: Yeah, 3 am, too early, and 8pm is too late.

You: I miss 8pm. My grandmother was over at 8pm. We had barbeque...

Stranger: Hmm

Stranger: My grandmother died.

Stranger: Not at 8pm

You: Aww, that's dissappointing. I bet she was great.

You: And you're so dumb.

Stranger: Sureeeeeee

Stranger: Yep, I'm pretty dumb.

You: What, was she not "great"?

Stranger: Yeah she was.

You: Then why all the extra e's?

Stranger: Why not?

You: I'm not sure.

Stranger: Is there anything specific you'd like to talk about?

Stranger: If not, I might head off soon

You: "Hmm"

Stranger: razz

You: Aww, head off?

Stranger: Or is there a reason I should stay?

You: I would like to talk to you again. You're a lot of fun. Do you have FB/Twatter/tumblr?

Stranger: all of the above.

Stranger: Which is your preference?

Stranger: tumblr and twitter i rarely use

You: Twatter.

You: smile

Stranger: ohh twatter, my bad.

You: if you rarely use it, then FB.

Stranger: Would you like a link?

You: And yeah, I'll get them to legally change it.

You: Sure!

You: (Easier)

You: (Please don't be a *****)

You: razz

Stranger: What?

Stranger: Change what?

You: The name of twitter to twatter.

Stranger: Ohh right...

Stranger: [facebook link]

You: You just got added, sucka.Btw, I'm Katie smile

Stranger: I'm a sucka aye?

You: Yeah, "mate".

Stranger: Why's that?

Stranger: You're going to eat me?

You: I wish I could say I was confused.

Stranger: Feel free to write to me whenever on FB.

Stranger: I check it occasionally.

You: Same. I check, like everyother week. I fail at socializing.

Stranger: Yep yep

You: I'm gonna try to sleep. Talk to you some time in the future smile

Stranger: Yeah, sure thing.

Stranger: Have a good sleep

Stranger: Bye bye

You: I'll try my hardest.

You: bye biggrin

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