went shopping. Spent about $85 total on clothes, most of that at Target. Got two new dresses (one of which I'm head over heels in LOVE with) and a nice top, as well as a new pair of jeans and a cardigan.
my goal for this school year is to dress up more. Last year all I ever wore was t-shirts and jeans; since going through royalty and getting more comfortable with looking as dressed-up as I can tolerate for long periods of time, I've decided it's time to update my wardrobe to reflect that.
so even when i don't feel pretty, i can make people think I do haha~
and the other day I was taking pics for the dorm thing (think i posted a little blurb about this...?). this one ended up being the only one that turned out...:

my favorite feature in it is my lips. (because I need to start looking for more positives in myself than I have been...) no lipstick, no lipgloss, nothing. all natural hyper-pinkness ^.^ in some pics they look even darker, which is why for special occasions I can pull off plum-ish lipgloss. (which i own two tubes of... somewhere.)
(check out those eyebrows, too... THEY MATCH MY HAIR. this pleases me greatly~~~)
and my hair is what it looks like AFTER I've straightened it. stare i think i just fail at doing it myself for some reason.
(if i started pointing out all the negatives of just this picture I'd be here 'til freaking 3AM, so let's not go there, k?)
... meh.
eventually i need to invest in an eyelash curler, tubing mascara, and some nice liquid eyeliner, but I really have no use for it anymore so i'm thinking I'll hold off for a while xD
btw, as a final note, don't think I'm "all that." from the same photo shoot time, this is another pic from a more realistic angle. ick.