Autumn Leaves for my Deer
Hello everybody, I haven't really had a journal type entry in here for a while. It's holidays as of today, and I did a heap of absolutely nothing! Just as holidays should be. I do have work to do during the holidays, but who wants to do that on the first day? Not I. I did get to sleep in to 10.02am today, which is a pretty good sleep in, although on Saturday I slept into 11.00am. But thats only because the day before I got up at 5.45am to take a wild deer to a deer farm. We had found the gorgeous thing abandoned the afternoon before and we looked after it that night. But we couldn't keep it because 1. We had no idea how to care for it 2. My mother would never allow me to have a deer and 3. it would be very cruel to keep a wild animal. So after rushing to the shops to find the baby bottle with the smallest teet we could find, I fed it, made it a card board box bed and called numerous animal charities (which, by the way, didn't want the poor dear because it wasn't a native animal, despite it's catch phrase being "All creatures, great and small" wink before finally deciding to look up deer farms around our area, and going through heaps before finding one thats actually humane. Can you believe that I found one deer farm where the woman shoots the deers for fun?!?! I am so not sending my beautiful deer-baby there. Nuh-uh. No way. But eventually, after hours of virtually fruitless bottle-feeding and comforting, I found a nice deer-farm which I had to get up at that insanely early time to reach, but it was worth it. I love my deer, I have photos! <3