Episode 00: Credit Roll
Before the airing of the very first episode of After Tonight, entitled Last One In Is Dead, the ATN (Avatar Talk Network)
will air a special that introduces viewers to the ragtag cast of characters that make Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments their home.
TAB The Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments lie silent, awaiting their tenants. A soft breeze rustles through the trees.
The clean pool water ripples in the light of the sunrise. It is perfect.
Who will survive After Tonight?
tea bakeries as Texas Candi Holiday

Name: Texas Candi Holiday
Bio: s**t, bro. My ma named me Texas, like the stupid state. And we lived in bloody New York City.
You know how embarassing that was?! And to top it off, my da copped out. Well...
He was pushed out a wind'a, but y'know how it goes. So ma raised me, and I made a livin' out of meself. I worked the streets for like maybe sixteen months,
and then some bro comes up all like, hey hey heyyyy pretty ladyyy. I think I gotta job fer youuuu sweet lips. So now I work in a pretty sick club.
It's in the room you're not suppos'a know abou' in the back of Sammie's Laundry. I get paid the big bucks to sleep with some pretty rich a** dudes,
and to top it off, rent is paid! Wherever I go they pay me through. Like sweet ride, guy!
Age: 21
Favourite Drink: Raspberry Vodka with a li'l bit of cinnamon
Status: Single, never married but proposed to a lot.
Apartment: 123
Creativity: 6/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 12/20
My major issue with this is the disjointedness of the avatar.
The head and the body feel not only like two separate avatars on a visual basis (outside of color matching), but character-wise.
The head feels like a geeky girl who isn't the character of the story, but the body fits the character portrayed well.
It doesn't feel wholly original to me either, but it's still interesting and above average.
While it feels like it's trying to messily match a bit too much and stumbling, I do enjoy the amount of detail on her even if it isn't outstanding.
Creativity: 6/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 12/20
My major issue with this is the disjointedness of the avatar.
The head and the body feel not only like two separate avatars on a visual basis (outside of color matching), but character-wise.
The head feels like a geeky girl who isn't the character of the story, but the body fits the character portrayed well.
It doesn't feel wholly original to me either, but it's still interesting and above average.
While it feels like it's trying to messily match a bit too much and stumbling, I do enjoy the amount of detail on her even if it isn't outstanding.
0-DCB as Brian Eichmann

Name: Brian Eichmann
Apartment Number: 439
Character Description: Brian is 43 years old. He works as an English professor at the community college.
He isn't very fond of his body image. In fact he wanted to live on a higher floor so that he could take the stairs and
squeeze in some exercise in order to lose weight. Unfortunately, that strategy lasted for a day, and the only thing
he's been squeezing in are his clothes. He is single, never married. He tries to come across as a bit fun for his students,
but he isn't willing to do or wear anything too out there. His students would say his style is adequate:
It doesn't make them cringe, but meh.
Creativity: 9/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 17/20
I did not expect a character like this.
And that intrigues me. I hope this strange English professor will continue to pique my interest throughout the competition.
Although I do feel like he doesn't fit the setting well. While that is a bit damaging
(as I'm still trying to figure out why a man who looks almost homeless is in luxury apartments) it isn't really that damaging.
The only issues I'm having with him visually are how much of his face is lost behind the glasses and the goatee and the layering/shirt under the jacket.
The color choice is strange and the odd shape that protrudes out from under the coat doesn't sit right for me.
The touch of the green socks on the other hand give him a quirky teacher vibe without being distracting.
Other than that, I'm quite interested in how he will develop.
Creativity: 9/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 17/20
I did not expect a character like this.
And that intrigues me. I hope this strange English professor will continue to pique my interest throughout the competition.
Although I do feel like he doesn't fit the setting well. While that is a bit damaging
(as I'm still trying to figure out why a man who looks almost homeless is in luxury apartments) it isn't really that damaging.
The only issues I'm having with him visually are how much of his face is lost behind the glasses and the goatee and the layering/shirt under the jacket.
The color choice is strange and the odd shape that protrudes out from under the coat doesn't sit right for me.
The touch of the green socks on the other hand give him a quirky teacher vibe without being distracting.
Other than that, I'm quite interested in how he will develop.
la faux pas as Klaus Ranier Zeitung

Name: Klaus Ranier Zeitung
Occupation: Eccentric Fashion Designer/ Editor in Chief of "Dapper Dandy's" The countries leading fashion magazine.
Klaus has also been linked to underground smuggling of fabrics and other materials.
While he is revered as a textile genius, Klaus is also known as the Abominable Tailor in his underground circle.
This title was not earned by a pair of sharp knitting needles, well, not in the sense you are probably thinking.
Needles were a part of the process, but the German mafia didn't ask Klaus to us them for a coat,
but rather to make a coat out of someone else if they didn't give the information they wanted.
Apartment Number: 998
Creativity: 10/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 16/20
I like him from the knees to the shoulders and the hair choice is great, but there are a couple things nagging me.
First, the boot choice is odd to me. I'd rather have just seen the black version of these boots than the strange red of these.
Their pinkish quality is fighting the blood red of his coat. In an avatar this simple that minor fumble can alter the look entirely.
And secondly, the scar. I would have liked to have seen a scar above his eye instead of the one chosen
because this one makes his nose look like it's been surgically attached to his face.
The face otherwise is successful (if you wanted him to be a surly and snobbish looking man) and
the cigarette adds a lot to him and his demeanor when usually cigarettes are only added to give reason to bring that arm up.
Creativity: 10/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 16/20
I like him from the knees to the shoulders and the hair choice is great, but there are a couple things nagging me.
First, the boot choice is odd to me. I'd rather have just seen the black version of these boots than the strange red of these.
Their pinkish quality is fighting the blood red of his coat. In an avatar this simple that minor fumble can alter the look entirely.
And secondly, the scar. I would have liked to have seen a scar above his eye instead of the one chosen
because this one makes his nose look like it's been surgically attached to his face.
The face otherwise is successful (if you wanted him to be a surly and snobbish looking man) and
the cigarette adds a lot to him and his demeanor when usually cigarettes are only added to give reason to bring that arm up.
flickadur as Josephine Johnson

Name : Josephine Johnson
Age : Nobody alive, except for Josephine, knows this number. Some used to claim they knew,
but others learned not to speak of such a thing after those who talked each somehow
ended up "jumping" off the side of a bridge a week later.
All we know is that she's looked the exact same for the past 10 years.
*cough* botox does wonders when you have millions to spend *cough*
Relationship Status: She's been married 7 times, and each has ended up dying within a year of the marriage.
Consequently, each husband was twice as rich as the one before him. Of course, such a woman could never
be tied down sexually to a single man at one time. Rumors have swirled around about her sleeping with a very,
very large amount of men in the past decade. Currently, Josephine is married to a 96 year old man who lives with
his 32 children in Brazil, spending the last of his days in the Amazon Rainforest. He bought Josephine her luxury apartment suite...
(#270, because he thinks she's 27.....) even though she has millions, some would even say billions, to her name due to her ex-husbands unfortunate deaths.
Creativity: 5/10
Visuals: 7/10
Total: 12/20
This is exactly the kind of character I expected to see.
She'd fit in a real soap opera incredibly well. Now, that's not a terrible thing, but the lack of a surprise did hurt this on the creativity side of things.
As for visuals, the choice in dress and gloves leave something to be desired as it isn't particularly that complex or interesting.
The choice in gloves is smart in the sense that I'm glad to see they don't match the dress, but still work well by complementing it.
But the simplicity reads less as a design decision and more as a design flaw. Though, the skin and face choices are fantastic for her character.
Her skin is silky and porcelain while the face reads botoxed doll.
Both of which are major pluses. The hair works incredibly well with the skin as well. The base (the skin, face, and hair) are actually wonderful,
but the lack of layering and design on the clothing brings the score down.
Creativity: 5/10
Visuals: 7/10
Total: 12/20
This is exactly the kind of character I expected to see.
She'd fit in a real soap opera incredibly well. Now, that's not a terrible thing, but the lack of a surprise did hurt this on the creativity side of things.
As for visuals, the choice in dress and gloves leave something to be desired as it isn't particularly that complex or interesting.
The choice in gloves is smart in the sense that I'm glad to see they don't match the dress, but still work well by complementing it.
But the simplicity reads less as a design decision and more as a design flaw. Though, the skin and face choices are fantastic for her character.
Her skin is silky and porcelain while the face reads botoxed doll.
Both of which are major pluses. The hair works incredibly well with the skin as well. The base (the skin, face, and hair) are actually wonderful,
but the lack of layering and design on the clothing brings the score down.
Aerovinity as Sicilia Burke

Name: Sicilia (Pronounced like Cecilia) Burke
Age: 24
Backstory: Sicilia (known by "Siccy" to her friends and family) is a fresh out of Community College student,
who's work in Astrophysics intrigued the nearby (and VERY expensive) college, who gave her a full ride scholarship AND a fully paid for apartment in the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments.
Siccy is known for her smarts, quick wit and the somewhat quirky side to her, as well as her... assets.
She's also occasionally an airhead, so some things go over her head.
Just make sure you repeat yourself in case it's REALLY important. She really doesn't know what to expect when it comes to the future,
so it's all a surprise to her.
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 13/20
She's a stereotypical character with an interesting quirk and I think she fits perfectly into a parody of soap operas(rather than into an actual soap opera).
Visually, I'm having a couple issues.
The way she feels like she has no neck is bothering me and the hair isn't doing her any justice.
But the real issue for me is the thing under her arm (or is it attached to her dress?).
It's such an awkward shape and it just doesn't fit well for me. It's hindering the shape of her body as well.
I also feel like the face is a bit empty emotionally.
But the character side of this is almost saving it for me.
If only the idea that she's just a college student could be put into her look a bit and not just leave her feeling big boobed and ditzy
without the extra layer that was added in the story.
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 13/20
She's a stereotypical character with an interesting quirk and I think she fits perfectly into a parody of soap operas(rather than into an actual soap opera).
Visually, I'm having a couple issues.
The way she feels like she has no neck is bothering me and the hair isn't doing her any justice.
But the real issue for me is the thing under her arm (or is it attached to her dress?).
It's such an awkward shape and it just doesn't fit well for me. It's hindering the shape of her body as well.
I also feel like the face is a bit empty emotionally.
But the character side of this is almost saving it for me.
If only the idea that she's just a college student could be put into her look a bit and not just leave her feeling big boobed and ditzy
without the extra layer that was added in the story.
eIeventh day as Lucrecia Cruz

It was hard to live in my country especially when you didn’t graduate high school, Im a hard working simple girl for my parents, mostly as a helper in the Philippines…
and then I got an opportunity to work abroad, as a domestic helper… again, but with a bigger salary…
first the recruitment was fine and dandy until I found that that I was illegally recruited, I hid from the embassy for being an illegal immigrant until Chantal saved me…
Im working at Chantal as a domestic helper, a secretary, an all around maid for 4 years now. Chantal was a great boss,
she’s a good provider of everything I need, she gave me clothes and she fixed my recruitment, my … and because of her…
Im all and all safe and sound… I owe my life to her; she helped me and my love ones on the Philippines.
Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments room number 361… Im Lucrecia Cruz, Call me Lucy, nice meeting you…
and then I got an opportunity to work abroad, as a domestic helper… again, but with a bigger salary…
first the recruitment was fine and dandy until I found that that I was illegally recruited, I hid from the embassy for being an illegal immigrant until Chantal saved me…
Im working at Chantal as a domestic helper, a secretary, an all around maid for 4 years now. Chantal was a great boss,
she’s a good provider of everything I need, she gave me clothes and she fixed my recruitment, my … and because of her…
Im all and all safe and sound… I owe my life to her; she helped me and my love ones on the Philippines.
Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments room number 361… Im Lucrecia Cruz, Call me Lucy, nice meeting you…
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 7/10
Total: 14/20
The story and the avatar are a bit disjointed in that she looks as if she's part of a before
Chantal helped her out picture rather than who she currently is when she moves into the luxury apartments.
And I'm not really clear on what or who Chantal really is. Although I like the idea that this Chantal is helping her out and helping her move up in the world.
But besides that I feel like her clothing is a bit underwhelming as it's just a skirt and a shirt
(and the shirt doesn't really fit for me if she's supposed to be in a uniform which is what I'm assuming).
The skirt is actually an interesting decision and I am loving the face, she really feels like a young woman from the Philippines with a fresh face
and a positive out look. The smile, which is something I don't really like generally, actually adds a lot to the seriousness of the eyes.
Making her playful but a bit weary and tired.
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 7/10
Total: 14/20
The story and the avatar are a bit disjointed in that she looks as if she's part of a before
Chantal helped her out picture rather than who she currently is when she moves into the luxury apartments.
And I'm not really clear on what or who Chantal really is. Although I like the idea that this Chantal is helping her out and helping her move up in the world.
But besides that I feel like her clothing is a bit underwhelming as it's just a skirt and a shirt
(and the shirt doesn't really fit for me if she's supposed to be in a uniform which is what I'm assuming).
The skirt is actually an interesting decision and I am loving the face, she really feels like a young woman from the Philippines with a fresh face
and a positive out look. The smile, which is something I don't really like generally, actually adds a lot to the seriousness of the eyes.
Making her playful but a bit weary and tired.
SilverFalco as Ashley "Ash" Jardine

Name: Ashley "Ash" Jardine
Apt No.: 808
Backstory: He is the eldest son of Keith Jardine, head of corporate giant Jardine, Inc.
Though he has an older (and more devious and power-hungry) sister Clair, as the oldest son his father always expected him
to take over the company, and groomed him rather strictly as such from a young age.
Ash, while having a surprising talent for business himself, has no interest in the sordid world of business, and prefers artistic endeavors.
While attending a prestigious business school of his father's choosing, he was also appointed by his father to the company's board of directors,
along with his more ambitious sister. However the pressure of doing well in school and the stress of the board led him to the breaking point,
and he took off from home, not looking back; his only memento of the life he left behind is the watch his late grandfather gave him.
Now he lives alone in his new apartment, pursuing his true passion of art while attending a small local liberal arts college.
He's a bit of a geek, and rather awkward around beautiful members of the opposite sex.
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 15/20
This is a tough one.
I loved the setup, but I feel like since he ran away and dropped all ties (and is now going to a community school)
I'm not sure what he's doing in luxury apartments. Art student and luxury apartment are hard to fit together for me.
Visually there are some interesting choices
(like the paint splatters and the item used as a smock), but the silliness of the face is bothering me.
Overall, I can't say he's bad, but he's just good. Not great or even particularly interesting.
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 15/20
This is a tough one.
I loved the setup, but I feel like since he ran away and dropped all ties (and is now going to a community school)
I'm not sure what he's doing in luxury apartments. Art student and luxury apartment are hard to fit together for me.
Visually there are some interesting choices
(like the paint splatters and the item used as a smock), but the silliness of the face is bothering me.
Overall, I can't say he's bad, but he's just good. Not great or even particularly interesting.
Judging Rubric
Creativity (how interesting the avatar and your take on the round is): x/10
Visuals (the character's character, style, and all around visual appeal): x/10
Total: xx/20
Creativity (how interesting the avatar and your take on the round is): x/10
Visuals (the character's character, style, and all around visual appeal): x/10
Total: xx/20