Edward Elric is a nexy b***h!!!!!!!!! And yes, I admit my random love for Yuki Eiri, hesh hot..... and Billy.... hesh hot too.... But we renamed him to Chris.... Yes Chris...... Am I forgeting anyone.... BANKTOSU!!!!!!!!!!!!, ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG, HESH MA HERO, HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Banktosu is nexy.... yeah Gravitaion lover, yar gonna let me come to your house and play that game, and if you don't..... Then I'll randomly eat a feesh..... Okay, I'm bored so, yeah. ED! Ed is hot too, can't believe i forgot him....... bloor...... nexy..... my pm thing isn't working
gonk heart
heart And Dark.... hesh hot.....